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News Archive: March 2004



March 1, 2004

:: Mia_evenstar sent along this link to more Mardi Gras pics - Thanks!!!
:: Marie found this in the October 23rd ('03') issue of 'Entertainment Weekly' - "Elijah Wood once bum-rushed me! I'm standing there and all of a sudden Elijah Wood and the other hobbit come up to me and are like, 'Omigod, Jenna Jameson! Can we star in a movie with you?"
:: Fanie from the Project Monaghan website sends along this great news: Each year, we have an auction of an item from our merchandise shop signed by some members of the LOTR cast. This time, Elijah Wood, Andy Serkis, Dominic Monaghan and Sean Astin have signed a pair of boxers for us. Each of them have written a personnal message on it. Elijah's message says: " Save them all, make Treabeard Proud!" Elijah have been saying he really loves the idea of Project Monaghan and supports it. You can head over here to see pictures of the boxers and the auction page on ebay: You can also visit www.project-monaghan.net on this or email me at fanie@project-monaghan.net. ALL the profits made on the auction goes to the Project Monaghan 2004 fundraising. We do not make any personnal profit out of it.The organisation chosen for this year's fundraising is www.treepeople.org a wonderful organisation and we suggest you all visit their website. Thank you for supporting Project Monaghan! :-)

March 1, 2004

:: WOOHOO! LOTR picked up all 11 of the awards it was nominated for!! :D Congrats to everyone involved and let's hope that Mad is having a great time at the TORn Oscar Party! Pics will be up later on i suppose, but here are some -- feel free to post any new ones that you find of course ;)


March 2, 2004

:: Ok, ok, here are the oscar pictures :P Thanks so much to everyone who contributed particularly Will, Justine, Patsie, Clair, Becca
:: An Oscar red carpet clip -- Thanks Capotica
:: Some pics from Patsie: [1] [2] [3]
:: Some more Bacchus pics thanks to Patsie
:: Some independent spirit awards clips over at FrodoandSam.net
:: Justine sent in some cool caps from Spy Kids: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
:: Some misc pics from Justine: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Thanks so much to everyone who sent in news and pics -- your support is just remarkable and makes this site possible.


March 3, 2004

:: Elijah was at the Hidalgo Premiere [Viggo's new movie] ... pics are here ... Thanks Will!
:: Elijah will be on Jay Leno on Wednesday, March 10 -- Thanks TORn
:: Ian Smith has some great Oscars pics up and a small report here
:: A small article which Christie found:
Wood describes himself as a romantic, and then has second thoughts about what that means. “I find waking up next to someone the most romantic and sexy thing ever. It’s as simple as that.” But he’s not seeing anyone at the moment. “I’ve just had my heart broken. Now I’m single again.” When asked how he has tried to heal his broken heart, Wood giggles maniacally. “Do you wanna know the first thing I did? I put on Black Sabbath, because rock heals all wounds,” he says. We laugh. Time’s up and Wood is off - “Have a wonderful day!”- but then agrees to have his picture taken with a journalist for a German magazine. Wood, whose energy will again fill the screen this spring opposite Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, prattles on, relentlessly engaged and affable - even about the guy’s camera. “Aren’t they the coolest? Canons…how many mega pixels?”


March 4, 2004

:: Tis Oscar Feeeever :) Zoe sent along a clip from the New Line Oscar party (just click the link under the pic of Peter) :)
:: Rin mentions that Elijah is supposed to be appearing on Conan on the 11th.. Dunno if this a repeat or not but thanx for the news anyway! :)
:: Amy sent these funky pics from a Japan show of some sort they had recently - so cute :) [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4]
:: Sarah sends along this article which mentions a movie that Elijah has shown interest in doing :)
:: GO LOTR!! :D

March 5, 2004

:: Helen and Mia_evenstar send in the news that 'Black & White' will be on tv in the UK on Sunday @ 2.25am on channel 4 :)
:: Other tv news for German, Austrian and Swiss fans.. Kabel 1 will air "The Good Son" (German: "Das Zweite Gesicht") on March 12. At 10:20pm. - Thanx Nathalie!
:: Ilse sends this pic of Elijah from Eternal Sunshine - Thankyou!
:: The very lucky Heather attended the TORn Oscar party and got some wicked snaps of Elijah while she was there! [Piccie 1] [Piccie 2] [Piccie 3] [Piccie 4] [Piccie 5]
:: Rae got a couple of pix of Lij from Bacchus :) [1] and [2]
:: Becca sent along this lil tidbit.. i have absolutely no idea whatsoever where it's from but it's funny anyway :p -- Stepping off one of the first buses were hobbits Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan, who galloped into the party on stick ponies. "I picked them up for 15 bucks at Toys R Us on my way to pick up Dominic," Wood said. "We just discovered they make noise — listen!" added Monaghan, making his go "neigh."

March 6, 2004

:: Hedwig scanned a couple of things from the Jan 14th issue of 'Yam' magazine - [Scan 1] [Scan 2], he also translated the article which you can see here - Thanks so much! :)
:: Hedwig also mentions that for Dutch fans, there is an event coming up in June called the 'Elf Fantasy Fair' and theres been mention that Elijah, Billy and Dom might be attending so if you know any other info, please send it along!
:: Jessica and Zee send in the news that Elijah will be hosting TRL on Friday March 12..
:: LOL, Hana sent along this hilarious picture of Elijah from SNL i assume.. I'm sure all Harry Potter fans will love this one ;)
:: Serai sent in this pic from a recent edition of 'Variety' mag.. I officially know where that tidbit is from now.. :p

March 6, 2004

:: Congrats to Elijah who won an Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences (AIAS) Award for Outstanding Achievement in Character Performance -- Male in the 'Lord Of The Rings(TM): The Return Of The King(TM),' published by Electronic Arts ... article -- Thanks Raff
:: Lisa sent me some fantastic scans of Elijah from the Japanese magazine Flix ... [1] [2] [3] -- Thankyou so much Lisa!
:: Cybie sent me some great caps of an appearance Elijah made on a Japanese TV program "SMAP X SMAP" ... you can view them here -- Thanks as always Cybie :)
:: Elijah will be co-hosting TRL on MTV next Friday, March 19 -- Thanks to *everyone* who sent that in.
:: A great picture posted on TORn from the Oscar party.
:: Elijah Wood will be on MTV's TRL to promote 'Eternal Sunshine' on Friday, March 12th. (5 pm EST) -- Thanks TORn
:: FrodoandSam.net have a fantastic clip of Elijah on the Japanese TV program "Can you speak english?"
:: Bunnie posted this great pic
:: Severence posted some of her great TORn Oscar pics here and here
:: Aimee let me know about this great site, MemoirsoftheShire.com which has some fantastic video clips, including one of Dom, Billy and Lij on a Japanese TV show called POOH! IMPORTANT: Please remember to always right-click on a multimedia link then go to save as!
:: Elijah talks about the Oscar win -- Thanks Rafferty


March 7, 2004

:: Elijah was at an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Conference. Thanks to the BEI and Aimee for the following pics: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
:: Justine sent along a few nice pics: [1] [2] [3] -- Thanks as always Justine.
:: Crystal [who owns memoirsoftheshire.com] sent along a link to her LOTR art site which is definately worth a browse -- Thanks for sharing that.
:: Finally, Julia sent in a scan from a magazine.


March 9, 2004

:: Tara and April send this [Thanks Girls :)]: On Saturday Night Live on March 6, the Weekend Update did a Lord of the Rings related Sketch. Horatio Sanz was Peter Jackson, and Rachel Dratch was our Elijah Wood. - and they both kindly sent along the actual sketch so here it is:
"Peter" comes in with a hugh shopping bag full of Awards, followed by the always smiling "Elijah Wood"
Peter: Well, I've come to collect my awards. Just put them in this bag.
Jimmy Fallon: Um, this isn't an award show, this is the Weekend Update.
Peter: Oh, I'm sorry, I've gotten so many awards I'm kind of on Auto Pilot. I've been all over the place. I havn't changed my tux in 15 days...but you could probably already smell that.
Tina Fay: Yea, I can smell that.
Peter: Well, *whispering to Jimmy* Can you just make something up here? My wee lad Elijah hasn't won a thing *"Elijah"* lowers head sadly*
Jimmy: Uh, I have this piece of Big Red here...
Peter: That will work. Now the Award to the greatest hobbit on Weekend Update, this piece of gum is presented to *opens foil and pretends to read* Elijah Wood!! Here you go boy!
Elijah: *jumping up and down* Yippie! Yippie! I finally won something!! YAY!!!
Peter: Well, good bye.
Tina: Peter Jackson and Elijah Wood ladies and gentlemen! *exit*
:: Capotica sent along this article which isn't really about Elijah but it does mention him :)
:: Another article from TORn..
:: Sorry this update is pretty short but thats all the news i have for now and thought i may as well just post it ;)

March 10, 2004

:: ESOTSM Premiere pics are up at getty images
:: I've put all of the Eternal Sunshine Press Conference pictures here -- Thankyou so much to Justine for contributing more pictures .
:: Justine also sent these misc pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4] ... and found some more LA Press Conference pics [from last year ;)]
:: Shayne e-mailed me with a very nice offer:
I have a pass for two to go see Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind screening on Tuesday, March 16 at 7:00 pm. This pass is for AMC Theatres 18 Desert Ridge in Phoenix, AZ. I won't able to go because I live in Tucson. If there are any fans that would like to go see it and they live in Phoenix please email me at sspude4@juno.com. I will mail you this pass by the time of the screening. This pass did come from Entertainment Weekly.
:: Lilith has put up some great pics which she took at the Independent Film Awards -- including some of Elijah
:: BTW, Crystal's site with her fanfiction and art has moved here
:: Elijah TV News
Elijah Wood will be on The Tonight Show on Wed. March 10
Conan O'Brien Thu. March 11
Good Morning America Fri. March 12th
MTV's Total Request Live on Fri. March 12


March 11, 2004

:: ESOTSM Premiere pics are up here -- Thanks especially to Patsie and Anja for those
:: Vixen kindly let me post some gorgeous Huck Finn screencaps she took.
:: Ryan sent me some pictures of Elijah on the set of Radio Flyer which were taken by his Tutor [Rhoda]: [1] [2] < - - well that's the back of his head [3] [4] ... Rhoda also taught Sean Astin on the set of The Goonies ;)
:: Found a new ESOTSM pic up at lightsout.movieweb.com
:: Araknid from the board found this info from ESOTSM [thanks]:
At their initial meeting, Elijah Wood surprised Gondry by expressing his familiarity with, and admiration for, the director’s and screenwriter’s oeuvres. “I’m a huge fan of both,” explains Wood. “This was a dream opportunity. I also felt quite lucky to be able to work with actors I admire.”
Initially, Gondry had been thinking of a different type of actor for the role of Patrick, “but Elijah ended up to be so perfect; he just [brought the character to life.]”
For his part, the actor had been looking for a different type of role from… Frodo In the Lord of the Rings films. “A lot of people judge Patrick pretty quickly, as a devious character. But he’s not a bad guy; he can’t really get women in any normal way, to he has to use somebody else’s knowledge.”
“There was a real live energy on the set, the first couple of days, the camera would roll and we wouldn’t necessarily know it. Michel wanted to create real moments, so there was a free-form element to the way that things were shot.”
One facet that Gondry found was chemistry, which he stroked, between Wood and Ruffalo. Gondry reports, “The relationship was like big brother/little brother. They are just great to watch. The main storyline can get very emotional and intense, while these two guys are having a really good time.”
Ruffalo adds, “You see Stan and Patrick fumbling… around, banging their equipment together, and getting chips and cokes and stuff all over medical equipment… Elijah and I had a really good time.”

:: Shayne has now given away the ticket to ESOTSM [i.e. you can stop e-mailing her now ;)]


March 12, 2004

:: Becca sent some pics from an old photo shoot that i never recall seeing - thanx girl! :) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
:: Gina sent the cover to the mexican mag 'Porti' :)
:: Carrie sends the word that the official 'Eternal Sunshine' website is up and running! Check it out cos it's really cool :)
:: Frodonoro sends some great scans from the Japanese Entertainment Movie magazine :) [Scan 1] [Scan 2]
:: TORn posted this article with a really cute pic ;)

March 12, 2004

:: Elijah was on Leno yesterday! Screencaps are up here [special thanks to Bunnie, undone and Rad] ... And the Bag End Inn has some clips up. Elijah mentioned that he'll be moving back to LA too.
:: Undone also posted these screencaps from Elijah's appearance on Conan
:: Another Elijah appearance: Elijah will be on NY Graham Norton this Friday 3/12. Graham Norton will be shown in the UK at 22:40 GMT on channel 4. -- TheOneRing.net
:: Ashley sent along this scan of Elijah from ESOTSM she found in Teen Vogue. Also, another scan from that magazine regarding Elijah's fashion sense
:: There are a few more Eternal Sunshine Prem pics thanks to Patsie.
:: Steph has updated her site with lots of new scans, so check that out.
:: Rafferty Rulz from the board posted this info about Elijah and a possible appearance in King Kong ... also a rumour about another possible movie


March 13, 2004

:: Elijah hosted TRL... Pics are up here -- Thanks Will and image direct!
:: Undone posted some great screencaps of Elijah's appearance on GMA
:: Justine sent me some more Eternal Sunshine prem pics
:: Maria sent me 4 fantastic pics which she took at the TORn Oscar Party: [1] [2] [3] [4] ... Thanks for sharing those
:: Steph let me know that you can now Pre-Order ROTK on DVD ... and Sherry tells me that apparantly Paradise and Oliver Twist released on August 3rd, 2004 at amazon.com


March 13, 2004

:: Wasn't Elijah awesome on Leno? :) If you unfortunately missed him on Jay Leno.. Brenda sent along this FAQ that is on the Jay Leno website:
Q: I missed a show that I just have to see, what do I do?
A: It's called TiVo. Look into it. Unfortunately, we don't sell tapes or transcripts of past broadcasts. But just between us… Shows generally repeat the week after their original airdate. For instance, if you saw a show you want a copy of that was on Wednesday night, it will generally air the next week Wednesday night at 2:05am. (Remember to set your VCR for 2:05am the next day since it's actually repeating after midnight.) To be on the safe side, check your local listings to confirm that time is correct due to local affiliate choice and/or time zone changes. And please don't ask us to come and set your VCR for you, we have to draw the line somewhere.
:: An unusual but amusing Gollum rap :p Thanks for the link Carrie!
:: Article sent by Capotica..
:: Vote for Elijah in this poll -- Thanx to Josie for the link :)
:: Emma sent this short recap of Elijah on TRL (on the 12th).. He hosted it today and I watched it--he was hysterical and cute as usual. he said the most interesting at Mardi Gras was "getting asked to throw beads off the balcony with Richard Simmons...at one point he lifted up my sister" lol. pretty funny.

March 16, 2004

:: Diana sends this magazine news: I got my PREMIERE magazine (4/04, with Rebecca Romijn-Stamos on the cover) in the mail yesterday, and there's a large article about ESOTSM starting on page 82. It has no new pictures of Elijah, but there are some quotes from him, one concerning the quirky and sometimes-confusing director Michel Gondry.
:: Article courtesy of TORn :)
:: Mina very kindly typed up the transcript of Elijah on the 'Graham Norton' show recently.. Check it out here -- Thanks so much!!

March 18, 2004

:: Patsie found some great pictures of Elijah from an old photoshoot: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
:: Mabyn and her friend Missy met Elijah at GMA the other day and kindly allowed me to post her story here [including her fantastic pictures]. Thanks for sharing that you lucky girls!!
:: Frodonora sent in some great scans of Elijah from various Japanese magazines: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
:: Thanks to Undone for some great new magazine scans from Japan
:: Cybie sent me an interesting interview Elijah did while he was in Japan
:: Rafferty sent in lots of new articles: Taking off the ring // Elijah Wood: Moving On // Life after 'Lord' // Elijah Wood becoming king of video -- Thankyou so much for those
:: Elijah will be on Regis and Kelly on March 18th. Also, there will be an E! Behind the Scenes of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind special on March 18th -- Thanks Maddy


March 19, 2004

:: Hey Everyone! :) Pepperfish sent along some caps from 'Graham Norton' [Thanks!] -- [Cap 1] [Cap 2] [Cap 3] [Cap 4]
:: Tv news from Nathalie :) For all German, Austrian and Swiss fans. ZDF will air "Paradise" on March 21 at 3.00pm.
:: Samaria sent along a new but old article - (if you get what i mean :))
:: Amy sent along this snippet: Elijah Wood did five hours of interviews for new Rings DVD - The DVD of the final instalment of Lord of the Rings goes on sale in May. Three months faster than the first and second parts of the trilogy. It will be around 15 minutes longer than the cinema version with two or three hours of documentary added in. Elijah Wood, who played Frodo, has done his fair share of interviews for the recording. "I've done about five hours of interview footage... yeah, five hours. Sitting down for five hours." The young actor himself is looking forward to getting hold of a copy as a piece of history. "It's nice to be able to show my family and my kids and grandkids what it was like to be a part of something like that."

March 21, 2004

:: For those in England, Lisa tells me that 'Ash Wednesday' is currently playing @ the Trocadero cinema in Piccadilly, London :)
:: Josie and Amanda sent some articles.. -Article 1- aaaaand.. -Article 2- -- Thanks girls!
:: From those articles, im sure you've now realised that Elijah will be starring in 2 new movies - 'Sin City' with Bruce Willis and Leo DiCaprio.. and the other is 'Everything is Illuminated' :) Thanx to all those who sent in the news!
:: An article from E!Online had this small tidbit: Frodo's Mojo - After achieving worldwide fame with the Lord of the Rings cycle, Elijah Wood agreed to a Hobbit-sized role in Sunshine because of his desire to work with Kaufman and Gondry. "I'm a huge fan of both," says Wood, whose wish list of collaborators also includes Wes Anderson (Rushmore), Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream) and Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich)." - Thanks to Aileen for that! :)
:: Heather sent a quick overview of 'Sunshine' -- To everyone who hasn't seen the movie yet, I have to say that it was mindblowing. The use of the camera, the story line, and the actors made a perfect movie. Although Elijah only had a small part, he was very funny, and brought a nice sense of comedy to an otherwise serious movie. Because it has a complicated plot, I would only suggest seeing it if you are ready to think. Overall, I give the movie an A just as Elijah (of course)! Go see the movie!

March 24, 2004

:: Pamela ever so kindly sent along this interview - Thanx Girl! :)
:: Check out this site for a presentation that includes a tour of where LOTR was filmed and also some interviews with the cast :) Thanks for the link Robin!
:: Hobbitangel sent along this little quote said by Elijah in relation to the Oscars.. "I think midway though the night, there was this feeling that it was all going to go our way," says Elijah Wood. " It was really wonderful and a little frightening to suddenly become the enemy of the room."
:: Sarah sent along this link to interviews with the cast from 'Sunshine' - including Elijah :)
:: Review of 'Sunshine' - Thanks to Capotica and Hobbitangel for that!
:: Thanks for sending in all the news guys, muchly appreciated - *mwah* :)

March 25, 2004

:: Leone sent the link to this small article..
:: Bianca also sends this article :)
:: Can't remember if we mentioned this before but Elijah won the 'Silver Otto Award' for the German magazine Bravo - you can check out the scan here -- Thanks to Crystal and Marie for that news!
:: Bunnie sent along some cute scans from the March 04 edition of Japan's Movie Star magazine -- [Scan 1] and.. [Scan 2] - Thanks! :)
:: Some news direct from TORn [Thanks to Mel too :)] -- Elijah Wood will be a guest voice on 'King of the Hill' this season: The episode is called "Girl, You'll Be a Giant Soon", and if new episodes are aired every Sunday night, this one should be shown on April 18. It is episode 19 of Season 8: "Hank and Luanne protest a no-propane rule at the Texas State Fair Grill-Off, but campus radicals take over the protest and turn it into an anti-globalization rally."

March 26, 2004

:: Quick update before i go to bed :p
:: Tasha sent along this lovely picture of Elijah :)
:: Melanie sent along this scan from 'Bliss' magazine (i think!) - Thanks!
:: Article sent along by Amity :)
:: For fans in England, a secret source informs us that Elijah is now in England for filming.. It's currently unknown to us where he is exactly, but he's somewhere in London i believe :p

March 29, 2004

:: Hobbitangel sent along this little thing from an Oscar magazine: Show us your Elvish! -- Poor Elijah Wood. All night long, fans begged him to drop his pants to show off the Lord of the Rings tattoo on his right hip. And just before the Oscars, Elijah had a nasty case of the hiccups. The cure: A kiss from Liv Tyler. Maybe it wasn't such a bad night!
:: Lori also sent some magazine news: Elijah is in the new InStyle (US) magazine. There is one picture of him and Dom from the oscars, and another one at the Independent Spirit Awards. There's also a few quotes from him. - Thanks!
:: And.. the lovely Jen sent along the scan from the mag :)
:: Anglillusion sent the word that apparently Elijah will be appearing with Kate Winslet on 'Live with Ryan Seacrest' next week sometime... We're not sure of the day and time so anyone with the info, please send it along!
:: Clarissa sent along this article which quotes Elijah & Dom's views of 'The Passion of the Christ'..
:: Here's some pics from that game Elijah was attending in England for the filming of 'Hooligans' - [1] [2] [3] [4] - Thanx Carrie, Capotica & Becca! :)
:: UPDATE: Yan Yan sent along the news about Elijah on 'Live with Ryan Seacrest'.. Elijah will be on the Ryan Seacrest show on Tuesday, March 30. 2pm (but i live in hawaii, so i'm not sure what time that will be Eastern time.)
:: Amy sent these pics of Elijah with his sister - Thanks! :) [1] [2] [3] [4]


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