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News Archive: February 2003



February 2, 2003

:: Hi Everyone! lotsa goodies for you today :p
:: Ok, firstly Whynni sent me these 2 scans from a Dutch magazine - 'Hitkrant'..
[Scan 1] -- yes, i know it's upside down, i rotated the scan so you could see the picture :) and [Scan 2] - a translation of this interview can be seen here.
Thanks so much Whynni :)
:: Jetmira sent me this - 'Lord of the Rings JR' - i thought it was really cute :)
:: Holly's making an Elijah site and needs some people to help her out :) email her at Fingy9frodo@hotmail.com if your interested. :)
:: BTW, remember a few days ago (on Jan 21st update), i mentioned Sam needed a co-webby for her Elijah site? well she's found one so no need to email her anymore :) and her site has turned out great!
:: Found a tabloid story -Dangerous Hobbit-
:: And from TORn - a new pic of Lij and Dom, hehe cuties :p

February 3, 2003

:: Whynni has sent me so many cool scans!!... [Cosmogirl 1] [Cosmogirl 2] [Yam!] [Sf Report] and [Popcorn]
Thanks so much Whynni :)
:: Babielollipop from the board sent me this picture of Elijah and Liv from the Japanese 'Premiere' mag :)
Thanks girl! :)
:: A really nice Picture from Barbara.. thanks :)
:: Cover Scan of the German mag 'Star Flash' from Malli :D
:: An Interview/Transcript from the NZ Radio Station interview with Elijah that Lucy posted a little while back :p
Thanks to TORn and Capotica for that.
:: Pamplo sent me this link so some Elijah/Frodo skins that you can put on your Winamp Player and also other things like skins for your ICQ and stuff :p - *note* when the little language thing comes up, there's no need to download it, just click cancel.. well, that's what i did :p
:: For any Orli fans, Cherith sent me a petition, this is what she said about it...
it's a petition for orlando bloom for him to come to Toronto to sign autographs and stuff.
:: Sarah sent me this picture of lij from the Fellowship premiere in NZ :)
:: Some magazine info from Mirkwoodslady293..
I just wanted to tell you that in the March issue of Teen People there was many pictures and comments about liv, orli, and elijah. on page 52 there is a picture of liv, a comment on the "write on" section of t.p. about orli is on page 36 with an tiny old pic of him, elijah is on page 56 in the "star tracks" section, orli is also in the "have you heard" section on page 64, and orli is the answer for a "guess who" question on page 100.
Cool, thanks!
:: Some cool info from Francesca..
I don't know if it's the same person, but Whynni made a wonderful video too about Elijah. It's 54 Mb big, all the best screenshot of the fellowship and an incredible song of Shakira as soundtrack. Great girl! You can find it on Kazaa, and the file name is "Whynni's Frodo Video". Always on Kazaa it's avilable an interview of Liv Tyler and Elijah from Hollywood acces. The file name is AccesHollywood_TTT ( very very funny ).
Thanks girl! :)

February 5, 2003

:: Yeh, yeh, i know, i finally update :P School's started and i got Autumn, i'm in no rush anymore. I always start an update... but never finish it... if you're reading this... i finished it ;)
:: We're SOTM at elitefanpages.com! Thanks to everyone who voted for us *hugs*
:: Yay, nice big Roadshow Mag scans from the bagendinn: [Pic 1] [Pic 2][Pic 3] [Pic 4] ... also, i've fixed up the magazine scans page :)
:: Elijah was on that E! Special, and TORn has some info about that, but better yet, Frodoandsam.net has the clip :) Along with other goodies!
:: HAHA, check out these balrog marshmallows! Thanks Nic!
:: A cool contest which a member of the board has decided to run... read about it here ... Thanks Jen for starting that! Good Luck!
:: Apparantly Dom did go to the Old Glory Tree :) Here are two pics from Chelsea: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] Thanks!
:: Helen sent me some scans from the Russian magazine “Cool”: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] ... Thanks Helen :)
:: I also added more affiliates today... if you want to be affiliates, just e-mail me :) Sorry if you sent me something and i didn't reply, i try to reply to everyone, but sometimes i delete things before i can. Also, a lot of e-mails haven't been getting to me because my inbox is filled up before i get the chance to empty it, so please try the next day :)

February 7, 2003

:: *sigh* well Lucy & i are back at school now, consumed with homework :p
:: Many pictures from the bagendinn... [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6]
Thanks to all those people who sent them along to me too :)
:: From Rebecca, a Scan from 'Bliss' magazine... thanks!
:: Some scans from 'Movie Idol' mag :) [Scan 1] [Scan 2] [Scan 3] -- it's pretty much just an overview of Elijah's life but even though you've probably read it all before, it's still interesting, well i enjoyed reading it anyway :)
i'm sorry, i've totally forgotten who sent that to me! you know who you are :) Thanks!
:: A Picture of Elijah [*tisk *tisk] smoking :p hehe, thanks Norah!
:: A Frodo Picture sent to me by Ricky... not sure if it's new or not, there's so many frodo pictures around i dunno which ones are new or not! ;)
:: Remember in my last update, Francesca mentioned you could view a video Whynni made about lij? well.. Whynni sends me this..
I tried a search on Kazaa myself to see whether it's available there but it isn't, but maybe on another server. The video can be found on my website in the Multimedia section. :)
:: Robert Catto, a photographer of a few photos i've posted of the boys sent along another new one, Apparently Dom loved it so much, he made Robert give him a copy! hehe, cutie :)
:: picture of lij from that young hollwood rank thing :) pic looks new to me!
Thanks to the girls that sent that to me :)
Bye everyone! have a great weekend!!

February 8, 2003

:: Yay, it's the weekend :D Not much news lately, so if you find anything, please send it to us!
:: Stephanie sent me a new pic today... apparantly it's one of the out-takes from the YM Magazine photoshoot - Thanks Stephanie
:: Also, this info i found on abstracts.net: The New York Post reports Elijah Wood was spotted surrounded by rabid hobbit fans at the Belmont Lounge on East 15th Street. .... poor Lij, and poor Lucy *wants to be one of the rabid hobbit fans*
:: Yet another Elijah water pic posted by elijah_lover4life on the board.
:: Ami sent me this page with all the pics of when Dez met the hobbits (remember the girl who went to the airport and met Elijah, then stayed at the same hotel as him?) - including an autograph and a personal message to her :) Thanks Ami, and Dez
:: Melody sent me two tiny pics of Elijah from Globephotos [pic 1] [pic 2] ....if anyone has an account there, can they send me bigger versions? Thanks for finding them Melody

February 9, 2003

:: A while ago I mentioned that Sam needed a co-webmaster for her site and then i mentioned not long after (Feb 2 update) that she found one, so can everyone that continues to email her about wanting being a co-webmaster, please stop! she doesnt need one anymore.. and also, please stop asking her whether she's Dom or Orlando or Sean Astin, no she isn't and i have absolutely no clue where that idea came from...
:: A new picture from Rebecca! Thanks!
:: Another new picture i found from a Paris Conference..
:: Capotica sent me this link - AOL Moviegoer Awards - You can vote for TTT and cast members nominated.. so what are you waiting for? :)

February 12, 2003

:: Hmmm, still not really any news..
:: New 'Chain Of Fools' picture which i've never seen before :) Thanks Rebecca!
:: Overlithe sent me this picture of Elijah, Franka and Hannah.
Thanks :)
:: Flow sent me some really cool pics from some French Magazines :)... ['Studio' Scan] (love this picture :p) and ['Mad Movies' Scan]
Thanks Girl :D
:: Some 'Sunshine' filming news from Kimberly... Dark Horizons is reporting as of Feb 10 that Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind is filming at an apartment building on Grand Street which is near Columbia Street, in lower east side of NYC.
Thankyou! :):)

February 15, 2003

:: You know you've made it when people start totally copying your site :) Yes, there is another A+F...Yesterday i became aware of a site called Always and Forever // David Gallagher with a layout *just* like my old one with a "Thanks to Lucy for the layout idea" in her disclaimer, lol i don't remember telling her she could use it. *shrugs* if she wants the crappy title she can take it, but using basically the same concept, links, messages as our site is a lil sad. And another Elijah site i stumbled across which was basically just a translation of my site with a remarkably similar layout to this one. Ah well... i feel loved :) Thanks for all of the Valentine's Day messages too :) *hugs* Poor me has to rely on valentine's wishes from people on the opposite side of the world.
:: A scan sent to me by Rocio: ["Notas para ti"]
:: A new interview - well, not new, but... ummm.... rare :) which Petra sent me. Hehe, just look at Elijah's face at the beginning when the interviewer is talking Finnish, haha :) Also, another interview from that same site. Thanks Petra!
:: Apparantly the YM magazine has been getting a lot of positive feedback about the issue that they did on Elijah (it's in the magazines section), however Taryn bought the mag and this is what someone wrote in:
It insults me that you put Elijah Wood on your front cover. Not only is he totally ugly, but he can't act, either. What is with his bug eyes? Talk about needing some cucumbers! He's sooo freaky looking. Please don't put him in your mag ever again!
There there, it must be hard to be alone in the world.
:: Veerle sent me this article about speculation about the TTT extended DVD
:: Some caps which Chris sent me of Elijah in The Witness: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] ... How cute was he?
:: That contest that Jennifer was running on the board to re-write the ending to The Ice Storm is now over... congrats to fake_adrenaline for winning it! :)
:: Oh yeh, almost forgot. About the board, i realise that it's screwing up, it's not like i make the site then never go there, so quit e-mailing me, ok? Thankyou. I don't know what's wrong with it, but lets just hope that it'll fix itself :) Send me news.... please? Also, check out the new stuff on the sidebar, new SOTW, affiliates and new feature: pic of the moment (it changes all the time)

February 17, 2003

:: Hi Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend :)
:: Ash Wednesday has been released today on VHS and DVD... you can buy it here
:: Some 'Ash wednesday' pics from Vanya... [Pic 1] [Pic 2] thanks girl!
:: A TTT 'behind the scenes' card... Thanks Malli :)
:: And some new pics from Hany... [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3]
Thanks so much Hany!
:: Whynni tells me that she made a new music video called 'Beautiful' which features none other then Frodo Baggins :), you can view it here ... *NOTE* Whynni tells me that it requires DIVX5 player to view it though, but that can be easily downloaded here :)
:: Chris sends me this... Elijah's Cranberries video "Ridiculous thoughts" is available on the Cranberries DVD "Stars - The Best Videos 1992-2002" (which can be purchased here) , And apparently, in the "alternative take" version, there's even more Elijah than in the standard version. :)
:: For UK fans... there is a film with elijah in it on british television on friday 21st february on channel five, its 'Child in the night', Its on at 1.15am and finishes 2.35.
Thanks Claire :)

February 20, 2003

:: Not much news at all lately :( Please send me some! :) Again, i know the messageboard is stuffing up... there that's twice, maybe tomorrow i'm only find 20 people asking me about it.
:: Aimee sent me Elijah's acceptance speech at last year's Empire Awards (yeh i know, but i never posted it :P)
:: The Bagendinn posted some screencaps from the Ridiculous Thoughts video clip... i don't know if they're from the extended clip on the Cranberries dvd or not though.
:: A gorgeous larger scan of the cover of Premiere magazine scanned by Victoria (it was originally like 4 Mb, but i cut it down heaps) I think it looks better than this one though :) ... Thankyou so much!
:: Christine sends some news:
Elijah's movie "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway" will be airing on the channal BRAVO on Feb. 21 (Friday) at 9:00pm EST

:: And Monika sends this info from a newsletter "Multiverse":
There was some serious star wattage at the recent Daredevil media screening in New York. Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood showed up with some pals, and - heavenly Hobbits! - he waited in line with the rest of the common folk! Even better, upon entering the theater, the pint-sized thesp didn't even demand to be seated in the special reserved section!
How cool is he? He's so down to Earth :)
:: And finally, John sends this:
Your UK readers might be interested that the "Homicide:Life on the Streets" episode starring Elijah is scheduled this Friday 21st at 10pm on the Hallmark channel.
:: Thanks Monika, John and Christine!
:: Haha, well this is certainly original... available on ebay apparantly... Thanks Nettle Noodle
:: Best poster ever! Well, for today anyway :)
:: Lots of beautiful TTT prmotional cards from TORn
:: Jochen says that he bought the French DVD of Oliver Twist at amazon.fr, and although it is French, it has an English version ... Although it's not noted on the site, it has English audio. It's just the DVD has region code 2 (non-US!!!), so many fans'd need a region code-free player. In other DVD news, Ash Wednesday is out :) From the accounts i've been hearing, it's good... but then again it may be biased because it comes from Elijah fans ;)
:: Can some Australian tell me whether or not Elijah was on that Bert Newton morning show (GMA) or not? My friend said that she saw him and Liv Tyler there the other day (might have been recorded at an earlier date) ... but when did they come to Australia? And she said that he had his hair really short, so it must have been recent... right? *is confused*

February 21, 2003

:: Lot's of eye candy for you to enjoy :)
:: A BIG picture of the Hobbits Shopping a while back for that computer stuff...
:: Also... other various new pics... [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4]
Thankyou so much for all that Hany! :)
:: Scan from Comic-con a while back... Thanks Kendra :)
:: An old but new picture from Nath... she also sent me the interview that went with that mag, which can be viewed here
Thanks Nath! :)
:: Movie News from Angelique... Deep impact is on monday 24. february at 9.00pm on RTL TVI.
:: I've recently heard that alot of people are asking for the writing underneath the little pics of this picture to be translated in English.. well, Polina has kindly done so..
-The part in the middle says:" Actually, Elijah is not as fearless and determined as Frodo. When he speaks he often covers his mouth with his hand or nervously bites his fingernails. He also honestly answered all the questions we had for him."
-now, the caption for the pic with Dom says: "Two Hobbits, almost brothers; twins."
-the caption of pic w/Franka: " with Franka they had a crazy romance. Their height difference did not get in the way of their love"
-pic in right top corner: "in this appearance Elijah became a worldwide hollywood star, as hobbit Frodo."
-the little caption in the middle: "This is what Elijah looks like today, a little beard, messy hair and a piercing glance."
Thanks Polina! :)
:: Also, according to this site, Elijah will be playing Hockey for charity on Feb 23rd in NY (what a sweetie!) :) at this present time, tickets are still available :)
Thanks to thebagendinn, Danielle, Morgan & Im2BZ247 for the news :)

February 23, 2003

:: Sunday...new site of the week time :) I did have another one in mind, but after talking to lots of people about it, i decided it would be cruel for that site to have to be affiliated with... what was the word? "stalkers" :P lol, Ah well. I have *great* news about the site! Repeat after me "Jochen is a lifesaver" yep, he is. We're getting a new server :D One with tonnes of space and bandwidth and stuff, so the board should be fixed once we get the new server (maybe a week to a fortnight from now). But since the board is moving, don't expect your most recent posts being available on the new host.
:: FrodoandSam.net has posted some more Elijah appearances including the much sought after Jay Leno Clip and a clip from the Caroline Rhea show :)
:: According to movies.go.com, Elijah will no longer be staring in Thumbsucker, but rather Keanu Reeves will take on the lead role. Can't say i'm that disappointed...thanks Bridget
:: I've posted this a million times before, but so many people have been asking for it, so here it is again... The Elijah Movie Schedule - Thanks to everyone who sent that in.
:: Some LOTR cast interviews from BBC Film - Thanks Lj ;)
:: Some misc pics which i've had in my folder but never posted: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6]
:: Also a [new?] pic from that knicks game sent to me by scorpiox
:: Two scans from a Tabloid magazine: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] Thanks to the Bagendinn and Adelle.
:: Christine sent in this news:
I saw at the following link (http://video.go.com/theosbournes/flash.html) that the season n°1 of The Osbournes can be pre-ordered now and will be available on march the 4th, including those with Elijah and his sister.
Thanks Christine
:: Amanda sent me a link to her The Bumblebee Flies Anyway screencaps - You'll need to register but it only takes a sec and it's worth it, so far i'm up to pic 79 .... 116... 152...213...phew, 159.... Thanks Amanda!

February 24, 2003

:: Hmmmmm apparently Elijah never went to the charity Hockey game :( . Alex sends us this :
I live in New York and when I heard Elijah would be at the hockey game I purchased tickets which cost an obscene amount of money. I sat for about three hours and finally when it was time for the charity game Elijah didn't show up. His name was in the program but he wasn't there.. and some news about it here from TORn...
:: A really nice Poster of lij from 'Cosmo' mag :) Also from that mag was a little write-up about 'Sunshine'...
El' Of A Catch! Elijah's been a busy boy of late filming Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind with Jim Carrey, Kirsten Dunst and a rather bizarrely orange-haired Kate Winslet.Tthe film is about a couple so desperate to save their marriage they have all their bad memories erased. Aside from that there's the video and DVD release of The Two Towers to look forward to in the summer and the final fiolm trilogy, Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, in December. Just the nine or so months to go then!
Thanks Rebecca :)
:: A Frodo picture i've never seen before.. Thanks Kylie!
:: And some various pics from Hany... [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3]
:: A Petition Laura sent to me.. I know i'd love to see Elijah on SNL :)
:: Looks like 'Try Seventeen' *might* be out in June.. Chato Worms sent me this.
:: New article -Wood Doesn't Mind the Sunshine-
Thanks Bianca :)


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