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Por Ti Interview with Elijah Wood

-Typed up by Nath


His blue eyes will always be Frodo’s, the brave Hobbit. POR TI talked with Elijah about his character and other little things. More handsome than ever and with a look that has nothing to do with Frodo, his character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Elijah Wood is one of the actors more claimed in Hollywood. At his 22 years, the guy found the place he had always dreamed of in the movie career, and like we know that you love him, we present you this interview where he talks about his role on the movie, his planes and the status of his heart.

PPOR TI: Thanks to the Lord of the Rings you’re a celebrity. How do you feel? -EW: Pretty lucky! This is something I wished ever since I decided being an actor and I’m so happy to make it real. I’d never participated in a such important movie and now that I had the chance, my life changed completely. I’ve had lots of scripts, the offer me every kind roles…

POR TI: Do you believe in good luck or in the good star? -EW: There’s no doubt that luck has something to do with success, but I’ve been working as an actor long time and the doors hasn’t opened to me from night to morning, but with hard work and dedication.

POR TI: What was what you enjoyed the most during the filming of the 3 movies? -EW: Everything! It was a great experience and I had a wonderful time during the 18 months of filming. The best part were the good friends I made in that time. The truth is that we got to be like a fellowship, a family, and that’s the treasure I got from it.

POR TI: Tell us, what did you do in your free time? -EW: Oh, I had fun as a hobbit! (he says laughing). Basically, we all interpenetrated into our own character, that behind the stage we acted like them. I remember once I was skiing in New Zeland someone asked me: “Are you having fun?”. And I said “Yeah! Just like Frodo would”.

POR TI: There’s a rumor that says that everyone of the fellowship got tattooed to remember this huge experience. Is that true? -EW: Yes. Months before finishing the film, we decided to get a tattoo and each of us tattooed something, even Ian McKellen, who at the beginning didn’t want to. In my case, I got a nine in elvish, because it was Frodo’s fave number.

POR TI: Talking about your character, was it hard to interpret it? -EW: A lot, not only because I had to spend more than 6 horse daily with the make up, but also with the changes of identity that my character has. The Frodo from the beginning and the one from the end of the movie are pretty different and that transformation was a great challenge.

POR TI: Where does it change? -EW: I don’t want to advance anything, but in The return of the King, the third movie, the Hobbit gets into a stage of auto destruction because of the evil force of the ring.

POR TI: By the way, they say you kept the ring, is that true? -EW: Yes! It’s on my office, though I don’t know exactly where is it. I hid it and now I cant find it (laughs).

POR TI: Your fave character of the saga is… -EW: Gollum, because he’s really complex and real. I think we can all fall in the craws of avarice and become monstrous. Besides, he was created by computer and the result was great!.

POR TI: You filmed the trilogy in more than one year and the promotion of the 3 movies is intense. Will you take some vacations soon? -EW: I think I’m going to take a flight to a farm in England with some friends, including Billy Boyd and Dom Monaghan.

POR TI: And tell us, which one is your next movie? -EW: It’s Try Seventeen. We finished filming it in Canada some months ago. It’s about the relation between a guy and the neighbors of the apartment he has just moved to.

POR TI: It was where you met you girlfriend, Franka, wasn’t it? -EW: That’s right, but she’s not my girlfriend anymore (he says blushing). After the filming it was so difficult to see each other, so we decided to end. And yes, I hope to find my soul mate soon. I long on falling in love!

POR TI: How do you are in the love matters? Shy, impudent..? -EW: Shy, but when I feel confident, I turn into a romantic hardhearted!.

-The End-

Thanks Nath :)


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