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News Archive: December 2002
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December 1, 2002 |
:: Hey People! Isn't that fantastic to hear about Dorothy?! :) I'm so happy
for her! :):):)
:: Time magazine website has a special section dedicated to 'Lord of
the Rings'
Thanks to Babieluvejw, Danielle, Melis and Diana for that!
:: Babieluvejw also sent me this which was from Time but wasnt
on the website...
The Elijah Effect - Before he became the most famous hobbit in history,
Elijah Wood, 21, already had a brilliant career. In 1989, at age 8, he made
his movie debut in Back to the future part 2. Talented, blue-eyed and
impossibly cute, he has worked steadily ever since, having appeared in
nearly two dozenfilms. While making the 1998 teen horror movie The Faculty
in Austin, Texas, Wood met internet movie critic Harry Knowles, who told
him that Peter Jackson was planning to make "Lord of the Rings". "Harry was,
like,'Dude, you have to be Frodo.'"says Wood. Jackson agreed; Wood was
Frodo. "He has an ability, more than anybody that I've ever met, to convey
excatly what he's feeling through his eyes," says the director. Wood will
returned to New Zealand for the last bit of shooting on Rings next summer.
The third film, he says, "is the most tragic.People would have no idea what
they have coming."
Thanks!! :)
:: Mary kindly scanned pictures from Hotdog magazine...
[Scan 1]
[Scan 2]
[Scan 3]
:: You can also view other articles and stuff from that magazine
Thanks Mary!! :)
:: Holly kindly made these caps from the extended DVD --
[Cap 1]
[Cap 2]
[Cap 3]
[Cap 4]
:: Also, for all those aussies out there, you can buy lotr stationary! take a look
Thanks Holly! :)
:: From TORn - the
with Elijah from Arena magazine.
:: And also.. Elijah will be on the 'Today' Show in the US on December 12th-
Mina sends some more info about it!
i believe that Elijah will be apearing on "today" on Thu 12 and it starts
at 7:00 AM on NBC11
:: She also says... He will also be on Regis & Kelly on Fri 13 and that
starts at 9:00 AM on channel 7 (KGO)
Thanks Mina!!
:: A [Picture] from Danielle...
:: A [Picture] from Lena...
:: Apparently AOL are having a 'Look a like' contest, well anyway
here is a picture of a guy who they reakon
resembled Elijah... well you can judge for yourself! :)
Thanks to Charlotte and Kayla and anyone else that sent that along!
:: In Belgium and France at the moment, they are having a lotr promotion with
Kinder Surprise chocolates.. well Flow sent
this picture which shows all the toys
you can get in the kinder surprises!
Thanks :)
:: Carolyn sends news about the extended DVD..
There is also an extra of the parody MTV did of the Council of Elrond on
the first disc. You pretty much do the same thing to find it that you do for
the TT preview. Go to the last chapter...the council of elrond on the left
menu bar then go over to the right like you're going to watch it and then go
down from there. You'll see a ring and just click on that and there it is!
:: Some info from Veronica about Frodo's costume from the LOTR official Fan club
"Frodo's costume is probably the most princely of them all. He's got a bit
of velvet, which doesn't really appear in hobbits very much. His colors-that
very warm golden brown and that maroon red- were used to set him slightly
apart from the other."
:: Danielle sent me
this --
a few Elijah fans are asking people to send along their letters etc to them
and they'll put them together into a scrapbook for Elijah.. :)
:: Some info from Rachel...
I was in wal*mart and I saw the TIME magazine (December 2, 2002) and on the
cover it has frodo and the other lord of the rings characters and it says:
Return of the Rings and TTT is even better then the first, So of course i
bought it :-p and it has 7 pages of lord of the rings and also a tiny little
article on lijjy poo :-) great pics 2! -- And also: TTT for playstation 2 is
:: Kitty send along some mag info..
The Irish Independent this weekend has a great long interview with Elijah.
It’s mostly about stuff us fans already know but there are a few words of
wisdom from our cutie Elijah. Plus there’s a picture that would earn its way
into an "Elijah collage" something I have a lot of.
:: Susie sends this really cool info!
just wanted to tell you that I managed to see the Two Towers before anyone
else and it is really is amazing, it is so much better than the Fellowship
and they've adapted the script so that it's really different from the book
coz it just makes it better! I'm also going to the London premiere on the
11th December and I have a special VIP pass to meet all the cast and I'm so
excited! It's an awesome film!
:: And finally.. Miki sends this little quote from Elijah (about his New Year
resolution) from YM magazine...
"To stop biting my fingrenails. I bite them to the point of where you cant
bite anymore. If you look in The Lord of the Rings, you'll notice my fingers
are bitten down, so apparently Frodo bites his nails too."
December 1, 2002 |
:: Hehe, i just remembered something while watching the
extended DVD
today. Remember how ages ago you could join the Lord of the Rings official
fan club online and pay a certain amount of money and get your name in the
credits? Well i remember Elijah saying in an interview how he joined the
club because he wanted to make sure that his name would be *somewhere* in
the credits (hehe, silly guy). Thought he was joking, but sure enough,
whose name is in amongst the other fans? Elijah Wood. Hehe,
pointless info but i thought it was pretty funny.
:: A cool scan sent to me by at least 10 people
today of that famous see-through shirt pic - different angle though. As it
says down the bottom it's from Simply Irresistable Elijah Wood, can't
say i've heard of that site, so i can't give you a link to it.
:: Oooo... lots of eye candy for ya thanks to Celeste who owns
She has heaps of
rare video clips
of Elijah. Check out the TRA clip and elijah at vidiots. Also some
audio clips
- definately worth checking out!! Thank you so much Celeste.
:: Some more info about that AOL chat:
The chat is an AOL-only feature. On the 11th all you need to do is go to
AOL keyword Live at 6pm to access the chat. I even check AOL Instant
Messenger to see if that would work but it doesn't. But for anyone out
there who does have access to AOL...what a treat! Thanks to A Humble
:: A Frodo and Sam
from TTT. Thanks
TORn and Elizabeth
:: Some info sent by Mary:
Elijah will be on 'The Today Show' on December 12th @ 7am on NBC and
he will be on "Live with Regis & Kelly" on December 13th @ 9am on ABC
So watch out for that. Thanks Mary!
:: For the German fans, Tine sends this link to a
Kinder Surprise Site,
a pop up appears when you go there with Lord of the Rings stuff - don't know
what exactly, lol, but stickers and info (?) i dunno, but it looks pretty,
lol. Thanks Tine!
December 2, 2002 |
:: Not much news to update really, but i guess that won't be for long.. :)
:: Hobbit Angel kindly typed up this interview with
lij from YM magazine which is different from the one on the actual ym
website.. :)
Thanks so much! :)
:: Heidi sent me this cover of
the Finnish magazine Suosikki and if you go
-- you can view some really nice lotr fan art.. hmmm not too sure what
they are trying to represent by that Meercat [Thanks Veronica] drawing..
Thanks Heidi!
:: Other gossip from Hobbit Angel.. the first one is more about Mandy Moore
but it does involve Elijah..
SYRUPY-SWEET pop tart Mandy Moore has a new man. Moore, who is best
friends with Kelly Osbourne, is dating hunky Harvard tennis stud Andy
Roddick . Mandy and Andy showed up to Monday night's Big Brothers, Big
Sisters gala in L.A., breaking many hearts, especially those of girls
who are randy for Andy. For the record, a pal of Moore's notes, "Mandy
and Andy are together. She never dated Elijah Wood." OK!
:: AND...
Flaming Lips have asked 'LORD OF THE RINGS' star ELIJAH WOOD to appear
in their forthcoming movie about the first Christmas on Mars. As
previously reported on NME.COM, vocalist Wayne Coyne is developing his
first film, while taking time out from promoting the band?s new album
'Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots'. Wood told The Face magazine that he is
also planning on taking a part. He said: "I went to see them in LA and
they asked if I'd like to be in the movie and I said 'YES!'. They were
meant to be filming in November but they had to go on tour." In the film,
Coyne wants to play a Martian, who people think is "this crazy guy who's
:: AND...
CAULDRON OF SIM: A long line of limos clogged Sunset Plaza Drive on
Thursday night heading to the Sims House in the Hollywood Hills for the
big bash to celebrate the popular computer game's online launch. The
ultramod split-level pad was decorated with lava lamps, disco balls,
clear plexi chairs, huge plasma video screens, dozens of computer
stations, plastic flamingos and a bronco ride out front. (Just like in
the game!) Sims-loving stars Elijah Wood, Daryl Hannah, Luke Wilson,
Andy Dick, Heidi Fleiss and Lara Flynn Boyle indulged in grain-based
beverages, beer, wine, French fries, pizza and mini-burgers..
Thanks Hobbit Angel!
:: Some pictures I found which were from a Japanese Booklet...
:: Danielle sent me this really cool
picture from the TTT soundtrack :)
Thanks! :)
December 3, 2002 |
:: A new pic i found today on the
Warner Brothers Website; i thought it was pretty funny. Funny that
other sites will all of a sudden stumble along this pic too on the
day after i post it. Don't forget to at least credit the WB site
where you got it from :)
:: Some info
about the Return to Middle-earth (happy niki, i spelt it Tolkien's
way! :P) special that's airing on the 4th. And it's being hosted by
that guy from Smallville :)
:: Get ready for a tonne of new pics which will be coming our way this
month. Thanks to the premieres of TTT. We already have our first one
from the bagendinn.
Lij in New York
:: Ok,
is some info about an MSN chat on Thursday, December 12
:: Oh, and by the way, that Simply Irresistible picture was taken from
this site
December 4, 2002 |
:: Guess Elijah wasn't joking in saying he was thinking of shaving his hair off
cause he did! some of the lotr cast were on the Charlie Rose show
recently and [this] picture was snapped
- can't really see his hair very well, but it's definately shaved :p
Thanks to Capotica and Jessica for the picture!
:: Hany scanned the [cover] of the French
magzine CineLive -- he also capped some pictures from the Huck Finn
DVD --
[cap 1]
[cap 2]
Thanks! :)
:: Heidi scanned this from Time Magazine..
Thanks Heidi!
:: Some new photos from
Elijahfan.com --
[Picture 1]
[Picture 2]
:: Aimz sent some aussie mag news..
In Tv Hits that's supposed to be on sale now (Jan 2003 issue with Orlando
Bloom on the cover), there's an article featuring ELIJAH WOOD on 2 pages
"Back In The Ring" story with 4 photo's, 1 is full page (a POSTER!!!)
You can see pictures from it
-- looks as if that picture is new :)
:: And she also sent me a
to some interesting facts from lotr!
Thanks :)
:: Sara sends some mag info...
I have some good news for the people in Belgium and Holland. In HUMO
there's an interview with Elijah on page 56 and he says some things we
don't know about yet. There are also interviews with Liv Tyler and John
Rhys-Davies (the guy who plays Gimli). it's quite interesting.
:: And visit
Elijah Site and
lotr/Elijah site :)
December 5, 2002 |
:: Awwww.... his beautiful hair. I quite liked the just-out-of-bed look
he used to have. First time i saw the new look i was shocked (didn't
think he'd actually do it), but now i think it looks quite good (not
as good of course). But, he knew that it would cause a stir
amongst his fans but he did it anyway, good on him! Anyway, here are
some screen caps of his new haircut that i took:
[pic 1]
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
[pic 4]
[pic 5]
[pic 6]
Like it? Don't like it?
Discuss it on the board
But DO NOT write to me anymore about it, ok? If you have new pics
then yes, but don't go on about how much you hate it.
:: Some info about the Charlie Rose show sent to me by Barbara
Elijah, Viggo, and Peter Jackson were on Charlie Rose last night.
It is a show on PBS that comes on at 12 am eastern time. Elijah has
shaved his head, but it kind of suits him. Viggo made a political
statement with his shirt "No More Blood for Oil". During the show
they mostly discussed the movie and politics. Viggo did not like the
LOTR's movie being compared to the United States current situation.
Elijah didn't do much talking from what I watch, matter of factly,
Viggo and the host did the most. They showed several shots for the
new movie, Elijah did say it was very emotional and he crys everytime
he sees certain scenes. The Two Towers is going to be awesome,
prepare yourselves for one hell of a ride. Oh, and make sure you
potty before the movie starts cause you are not going to get out of
your seat.
Awww.... how cute, he cries when he sees it too! :) Thank you so much
:: Some info from Maryanne for us Aussies:
Just a short note to inform you that for Melbourne viewers,
Channel Seven has the NBC Today show on at approxiametly 1 am. So for
the Elijah interview, any Melbourne viewers should watch/tape it at 1
am on the 13th of December, Melbourne time.
I think that goes for most of Australia too, but i don't know. Thanks
:: Ok, please stop e-mailing me asking me for info about the AOL
chat....that's why i have a site, if i get news i'll post it, ok?
trust me! Some more info about that chat from Beccanoodle -
Thanks girl!!:
This is about a chance for AOL members (only) to chat with Elijah
LIVE!!!!!! on december the 11 at 6 pm et. if your an aol user you
just need to go to aol keyword live.
:: Awww..... now this is so sweet of Elijah! Kimberly sent Jochen this
info about Elijah being involved in charity fundraising:
I just wanted to let you know that Elijah Wood has hand-decorated
a star ornament that will be up for auction on Ebay this Thursday,
December 5, through next Thursday, December 12. I'm wondering if this
is anything you'd be interested in providing a link to on your site.
The link is
And she sent along these two scans of that star that Elijah decorated
and signed:
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
Thankyou so much Kimberly! That's great news! So this is your chance
to get ahold of Lij's signature and be helping a worthwhile
cause. So go check out the link and bid!
:: Some cool recent clips (post Elijah's buzz cut):
- Just click on the link under EXTRA BYTES which says video
E! Footage from The Two Towers (Frodo and Sam)
E! News Interview
:: A site
sent to me by wind flower where you can listen to clips from
the TTT soundtrack. Thanks!
:: Chris sent along some info about that German link i posted about the
Kinder Riegel LotR stickers:
Apparently there's a series of 24 stickers that is included with
the chocolate bars (I guess one per pack). There's also a poster
calendar which is available in the TV Spielfilm magazine. On the
stickers, there's a number, and you can use it to play sticker bingo
at their site. They say there are "interactive surprises hidden
behind the stone plates". There's also a listing of the motifs on
their site, and a competition where you can win a "digital home
entertainment system" (which includes a DVD player, AM/FM tuner etc.)
and five LotR DVD fan packs. - In case someone would like to order
the stickers and poster calendar, here's an order form in
pdf format
Thanks Chris!
December 5, 2002 |
:: First of all, i wanna say congrats to Lucy for getting some academic
awards at her school! go girl! :) they were well deserved and we're
proud of ya!
:: Heidi scanned the cover of the
Time magazine..
Thanks Heidi :)
:: Pamela kindly wrote up an Elijah interview from Suosikki
magazine -- you can see it
:: Holly sent me
where you can vote for lij..
:: Jen sends some info for ppl in the UK...
I just have some info that might be useful to U.K fans. Elijah is
on the cover of the january edition of Empire magazine, and there's
a big section on TTT. Also Elijah is on the cover of the january
(issue 72) Total Film magazine and there is a big free poster of him.
There is also a book in stores now called The Lord of the Rings TTT
photo guide, it has loads of great pictures of Elijah and the book
comes with free stickers of the charecters.
:: Also, this will be my last update for about 6 weeks... i'm going
overseas and I won't have access to the internet so i obviously won't
be able to update or be able to check my emails, so all news from now
on send to Lucy! NOT ME.
So I hope you all have a lovely christmas and new year and i'll speak
to you next year :):)
Take Care! Cya!! :)
December 7, 2002 |
:: It has begun! The first premiere of TTT was in New York last night.... be prepared for tonnes of new pics which will be coming in. But please, don't e-mail them to Autumn, she's gone on a fabulous holiday (leaving me here all alone) so she won't be checking her e-mail, just send it to me :)
:: Ahhh... the Bag End Inn... is there anything they don't have!?
3 pages of pictures from the premiere < - - sorry, it's now 5!
A great clip from Access Hollywood - Worth waiting the time to d/l it
In the mean time some screen caps from that to keep you entertained :) [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8]
Footage from the E! coverage of the NY Premiere
And some caps from that while yoru waiting for it to download: [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4]
Pics from a Knicks game the hobbits attended - including Sean's gorgeous daughter Alexandra who played a certain lil hobbit's daughter in ROtK :) [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5]
:: Just another example of how magazines certainly don't do their research. Tam sent me this scan from the magazine 'Glamour', which states that Elijah is going out with Bijou Phillips, although they broke up ages ago. Don't believe everything you read :) Thanks Tam
:: Article from TV Guide - Thanks Jen!
:: Another 'dirty'picture of Elijah (no, not that kind of dirty! :P) sent to me by Malli
:: MoeW sent me the audio link of the Charlie Rose Show - Thankyou so much!!
:: Some news which Marjie sent me... i don't know if it's true, so don't quote me on this
By the way, some 411 about his new look, if you haven't heard yet: The reason why he shaved his head was because of the new movie Thumbsucker, in which he would play a young mormon named Justin Cobb.
Thanks Marjie!
:: Frodo and Sam fight in the next movie?? Read what Elijah said about it
:: Another article about how Elijah has the 'One ring'
Two Towers triumphs in Big Apple
December 10, 2002 |
:: Quick update today, one more exam tomorrow then i'm finished for the year *woohoo*
:: First of all, Warofthering.net posted the Charlie Rose Clip, so now you can watch it instead of just having to listen to it :)
Charlie Rose #1 - Window's Media - 13.7 Mb
Charlie Rose #2 - Window's Media - 13.7 Mb
:: Haha, Wanna see a freaky picture? go! hehe, Elijah seems to like taking these sorts of pics, as we've already seen before. Thankyou so much Anna for sending it in!
:: Ok, we all know that on the show Cribs, there was a picture on Ian Robinson's fridge of him, his wife and Elijah [and if you didn't know you should check out the messageboard more often. Anyway, the lovely Justine caught the end of the show and managed to quickly take a screencap of that pic. Thanks Justine!
:: Some new pics from TTT premiere from handbag.com
:: Some nice scans from the magazine ONE taken by A Hobbit's Tale, which i've put on the Latest Magazine Scans page
:: Heaps of cool screencaps from the WB special LOTR special thanks to the bagendinn
:: From ET - Elijah explains his new hairdo and his holiday plans! - An article, and a short clip, just click where it says Video on the left to see the clip
:: Hobbits Go Globetrotting for 'Lord of the Rings'
:: Elijah's going to be on TRL - once again i can't watch it, so give me a full report of everything he says and does! :) Thanks Meara and Mina
:: Siobhan scanned the Elijah interview in the NZ Woman's Weekly. Again, they're on the magazine scans page. And please, if you're going to take the scans to put on your site, credit Siobhan!! It's not hard to ask. Thanks Siobhan!
:: Apparantly Thumbsucker won't happen after all.
I live in Portland and talked to a woman at the Oregon Film and Video office. She said that they scouted for the movie here, but the director decided that he didn't want to make the movie. It may be made in later days if the director changes his mind, but for the time being, it's not gunna happen. Yeah, it's dissapointing...
Thanks Anya
'The Two Towers': The Movie You're Not Gonna Miss - bubbly Elijah Wood, minus his abundant Frodo curls (he'd recently shaved his head, for the hell of it) Thanks Sarah
Spoilers - Some clips from the WB special:
This first one is a Warg attack:
Clips from Fangorn Forest - with a few words from Billy Boyd
Thanks Lydia!
:: ok, what was meant to be a quick update turned into an hour long update. So there, that's all the news i have. If you find anything else, send it along and i'll post it :) Although procrastinating is not a good thing, so i'm off now. Buh bye everyone, have a nice day!
December 11, 2002 |
:: Woohoo, no more exams! :) And to celebrate i've put up the TTT premiere pics pages (hehe, not really, i was going to get around to it eventually). It includes some pics from the Paris premiere!
:: Some caps from From MTV Movie House: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3]
:: Pics from a BBC interview with Elijah: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3]
:: Transcript from MTV's Movie House's interview with Elijah Wood. Same old boring questions, geez, can't anyone ask him anything different!? It's like he's memorized his responses by now.
:: A clip from the Paris Premiere footage from E!
:: A hilarious clip from the MTV moviehouse special - a must see!
:: MTV is auctioning stuff for charity - Check it out. Thanks Iris
:: Some info from Marjie:
I dug up a few of his tv appearances: note, times may be different depending on where you are
Dec. 9 - MTV movie house feat. Lord of the rings @ 7pm (rerun on 12/10 @ 1 pm, and 12/11 9pm)
Dec. 12 - Today (NBC) @ 8am
Dec. 13 - Regis & Kelly @ 10 am
Thanks Marjie!
:: BTW, the latest 2003 LOTR calendars have come out, so check them out
December 12, 2002 |
:: Awww.... Elijah didn't go to the London premiere :( I wonder why.
:: Added some more TTT premiere pics to the site from the bagendinn.
:: Some pics sent to me by Justine of Elijah And friends shopping in the Apple computer shop December 6th the day after the TTT Premiere: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] Sean's so thin now! Eat Sean, eat! Thanks Justine!!
:: A cute new media interview with Elijah from RTL World at the french premiere where he reveals what he thinks about people knowing about his private life and talks about TTT
:: Some info about the msn chat for Brazilian fans. Thanks Gabrields
:: Smoking on a magazine cover?? tisk tisk - cute pic though
:: A picture sent by Anna of a scene from Try 17 with Lij and Mandy on the rooftop from Teenbeat. Thanks Anna!
:: Stars Shine at 'Lord of the Rings' UK Premiere
:: Your chance to submit a question to Elijah on MTV.com - has this show already aired? I think it has, but just in case. Thanks again Justine!
:: Laura typed up and translated the Humo interview with Elijah. Thanks Laura!
:: Another media interview with the cast of LOTR
:: Some news on upcoming Elijah appearances from Maureen:
According to tvguide.com, Elijah will be making the following television appearances in the coming weeks.
Monday, December 16, CBS "The Early Show"
Monday, December 16, NBC "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"
Tuesday, December 17, TNT "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers -- Return to Middle Earth"
Finally, the STARZ networks are running a feature about TTT on their series "On the Set" throughout the month. Fans can find their local channel numbers and airtimes at tvguide.com.
Thanks Maureen :)
:: The full interview with Elijah from BBC sent to me by Beth.
:: Stars dazzle at Two Towers premiere
:: Ask Billy Boyd a question - is it just me who gets pissed off with people suggesting the same old stupid boring questions which have been answered thousands of times before? I mean, there are only so many times that you can ask someone how New Zealand was. Be creative and ask a question which we don't know the answer to!
:: Vote for what you think of Elijah's new haircut. C'mon and support it!
:: Kitty kindly typed up and sent me an Elijah interview from Irish independent’s day and night magazine.
:: An article/interview from the UK Mirror, sent to me by HobbitAngel - Thanks girl!!
:: A quote [scroll down to the bottom of the page] sent by HobbitAngel and Becki
:: Yet another article/interview sent to me by HobbitAngel. So Elijah didn't cut his hair for Thumbsucker :P Thankyou so much HobbitAngel!
:: And finally some French TV Schedules sent to me by Uta
Sunday , 15th December on MCM at 11.30 in the morning.It will be a programme called "Cinémascope" ... The big part of the programme will be about LOTR. There will be an interview of Elijah, Peter Jackson and Liv Tyler... They will play it again on Wednesday 18th on the same channel (MCM) at 20.15.
Tuesday, 17th on FunTV at 21.00... It's a programme called "Coming Soon" There will be something related to LOTR...
Thanks Uta, and to everyone who has been sending in news, there would be no updates without you :) Take Care!
December 13, 2002 |
:: I have 2 chat transcripts for you today :) One is the MSN chat
which happened this morning [in Australian time that is] and the
AOL chat which was on yesterday. Shame that none of my
questions got in :( I hope that yours did. Most of the questions were stupid ones which
have been answered hundreds of times before.
:: Shawn sent me two
magazine covers
which he scanned from Movie Idols and Screentalk.
:: Sodapop sent me in this news about why Elijah wasn't at the London Premiere:
On sky news (in the uk) last night they said that elijah wood and ian mckellan did
not attend the premiere because they are already on their way to wellington via LA.
Also, someone else sent me this news [sorry, you didn't leave your name]
I can also confirm that Elijah will be attending the Wellington Premiere, and, for
those who care to know, Billy Boyd will not be going to NZ & Sidney this year....all
this info was gleaned from Stewart, who runs BillyBoyd.net, Billy's official site
Awww... Billy won't be at the Sydney premiere?? :( Oh, and BTW, i found out yesterday
that the Sydney Premiere will be at Fox Studios :) Thanks to those who sent me news
about the premieres
:: Some news about the GQ Man of the year awards which Ian and
Elijah attended:
NBC television will broadcast the show this Saturday December 14 at 10:00pm
Eastern (9:00pm Central) in the USA.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in.
:: A great long clip
of the special On the Set: TTT that was aired on Starz. It's 48mb so be prepared for
a long wait - but it's worth it! Bagendinn has some
cute caps of Dom
and Lij at the end of it
:: Woohoo, some news for us Aussies: The WB special, Return to Middle Earth will be
shown on Channel 9 (Australia) on Sunday Dec 15 at 10:45 pm (Melbourne), 11 pm
(Sydney) and on WIN 11 pm (Melbourne).
:: If you want more clips and stuff, go to
Orlando Multimedia
because they have all the latest clips and screencaps and things :)
:: Didn't get that much news sent to me today :( Please, if you find anything new, send
it along! :) :)
December 14, 2002 |
:: Got some more TTT prem pics - now there are 3 pages of Lijah goodness :) Thanks to the bagendinn of course
:: Some screencaps from Elijah's appearance on the Today Show and Regis and Kelly: [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] Thanks to the bagendinn
:: A clip of Elijah on MTV's TRL :)
:: Wow, read this - Thanks to everyone who sent that in
:: A TTT special feature: The Making of The Two Towers - Thanks to everyone who sent that in too!
:: Trixi sends some info about up coming ttt and Elijah specials in germany
Sunday 12.15 11:15 AM on PRO 7 CinemaxX TV Talking about the movie and many clips
Sunday 12.15 02:40 PM on RTL 2 Bravo TV Talking about the movie and many clips
Tuesday 12.17 07:00 PM on VIVA Special about TTT
Sunday 12.22 09:25 PM on Premiere ( Planet) Special about J.R:R. Tolkien
Tuesday 12.24 9:10 AM RTL Oliver Twist (Movie )
Wensday 12.25 04:20 PM RTL detailed 60-minute-special about TTT and the production
Thanks Trixi
:: Melissa sends this news along:
Elijah will be on "The Caroline Rhea" show on Tuesday, December 17th but the times vary. The show is only in the US and Canada. Here is the site with the listings
Thanks Melissa!
:: Wow, Kate got the opportunity to see Elijah in person at the Today Show - here's a short recount:
This morning, around six-thirty, I decided I would just go see him at the Today Show, since it may give me more of a chance to see him. So, I got ready, and walked incredibly quickly to Rockefeller Center, and I got there JUST as he was getting out of his car. And, he was just super nice. He signed stuff for me and the other fangirls, and took pictures, and was adorable. And I told him I'd been watching his movies since I was like, eight...I don't remember what he said to that, though. Then we waited for him to come out later, and they had to run to get to Regis and Kelly. But, once he was in the car, we were standing there, and I saw him in the car, and he made eye contact with me! And so I waved, and he waved back! It was lovely. Some girly things I noticed, he has perfect skin. PERFECT. And lovely blue eyes. Also, he's incredibly sincere and nice, and totally willing to talk to fans. He even said hello to some girls friend over the telephone! So, that's my story!
Lucky lucky thing Kate! :P Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
:: An article with a short clip of Elijah Wood to the left of the page under 'Cast interview'. Thanks Laura!
December 15, 2002 |
:: Update time!! :) I have some new pics today *looks shocked* hehe
:: Remember that article about the LOTR plane? Well Amanda, Natalie and Samantha sent me in this link to pics of the plane. How cool does that look!? I wish i were rich, i could buy that plane :)
:: Parade magazine, i love you!!! On their website it has a nice flash with NEW pics of Elijah. You might have to enter a USA zip code (just put in 90210 - it's the only one i know, hehe) then click on the link and the flash will be on the right hand side. Thanks HobbitAngel.
:: I got some screencaps of each picture on the flash presentation (yes i sat patiently through it waiting for the right time to capture it - and i loved every minute of it! :P) - [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6] [Pic 7]
:: Also from Parade Magazine, i have some scans!! :) :) Thanks to Caroline and Spiderybutterfly. I've put them onto the magazine scans page.
:: Wow, Mary is so lucky, she got to meet Elijah! And she sent me pics too! She posted her recount and the pics on the board, so you can just go and check it out there, it'll save space here :) Thankyou so much Mary for sharing your story and pics with us!
:: Woohoo... another person who got to meet Elijah (along with Kate) - Val - who sent me her pics and the magazine which Lij signed for her: [Lij 1] [Lij 2] [Autograph] [Val and Lij :)] cute cute [Back of his head] :). You can also read her recount on her website - She even rang one of her friends and got Elijah to say hi! How sweet of him. Thankyou so much Val for sharing those! Everyone is now extremely jealous of you!
:: Ryoko Wood sends us the link to TVGuide where if you go to search (up the top right) americans can find out when all the new Elijah interviews will be on :) Thanks!
:: A really nice e-mail from Athelas:
I thought i would write and let you know, that after all my hard work, entering competitions, writing begging letters etc, I finally got to go to the premiere of Two towers in London on 11th. Elijah wasnt there, which totally gutted me as i was told he would definitely be there, but the film was totally awesome, inspiring, and a lot of words that i think havent been invented yet. Be prepared to become part of it all, because right from the start you are pulled in and you cant stop for breath. Funny, sad, disturbing and brilliant. Enjoy!!! also my friend Keerie and I were very lucky to land after prem. party passes. and got to meet everyone(except Elijah and Orlando, who were the two people we wanted to meet more than anything)!!! but everyone was so wonderful, and so sweet to us both. Karl Urban, John Rhys Davies, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd,Dom Monaghan,Cate Blanchett, Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis. oh and by the way, Billy is going to NZ. WOOHOO :) he said so. he wants to catch up with a few of his old friends while he is there. Dreams do come true, if you want them badly enough. which is why i am gonna go next year too. even if it costs me another thousand pounds!!! i saved all last year, and i will do it again!!! thanks! love Athelas.XX
I'm glad you had such a good time! :) So Billy is going to the NZ prem, Elly confirmed this too. Thanks girls!
:: Thanks to everyone who has been sending in their recounts of when they met Elijah. If you know anyone who did and has pics, or whatever, please tell them to e-mail me, i love reading recounts and stuff, gives me hope :)
:: BTW, Aussies, that WB special is going to be on tonight, channel 9 i think it is? I dunno, check your TV Guides!
December 17, 2002 |
:: Ok, i have to shove in a quick update b4 breakfast because my mailbox is full and i gotta get rid of some news
:: First off, pics from the LA Premiere! (ooo... he's getting closer to Sydney!) Thanks to Justine - the new pic goddess :) and the bagendinn of course. Check them out on Page 4 of the TTT prem pics.
:: Justine sent me some pics from the making of the LotR TTT Video game: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6] Thanks Justine
:: Woohoo, Justine sent me bigger and better versions of those flash caps i took yesterday: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6] [Pic 7] Thankyou so much Justine, and to Kate and Sarah for sending me other versions of them too.
:: Another pic of Elijah shopping with the other hobbits
:: Candy very kindly typed up a transcript of Elijah's interview on the Today Show and Regis and Kelly
:: Cute picture of Elijah and PJ
:: OHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO............ ahhhhhhhhh........ looks like Elijah won't be at the Sydney Premiere!! *sobs* look what he said to a New Zealand site: Wood is due to arrive in Wellington on Wednesday and says he will be leaving on Friday. But the premiere is on Thursday :( Geez, it's just a couple of hours away from Sydney... couldn't he just fly over for the prem?? *looks hopeful*
:: Caitlin sent me this today:
i found this at the fox studios website and thought u might like to know:
The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers premieres at Fox this Thursday. See the stars & filmmakers as they walk the red carpet, including Dominic Monaghan, Miranda Otto, David Wenham, Hugo Weaving, Barrie Osborne (producer) and Andrew Lesnie (director of photography) at the Australian Premiere.
:: AND... i just rang up Fox Studios and asked them which actors will be attending and he said that NONE OF THE CAST WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE. What the hell is that? How can they have a premiere with none of the cast there? pffft. Stupid Sydney
:: Cute quote from Billy Boyd
But I have to ask: is Elijah Wood a precious Hollywood brat or what?
His co-star does a "that pains me" face, before launching into an endearingly boyish defence.
"Oh no, not Elijah," he says incredulously. "I mean, he and the rest of the Ring lads came to stay with me when I was in Mexico. At one point there were 50 of us staying in my house. So Elijah had to sleep on the floor. He didn’t bother that someone else had got a bed before him. He’s a very, very cool guy. The whole movie thing just doesn’t affect him," Boyd insists.
How cute :)
:: Ok, now i'm depressed, not going to update anymore, i'm hungry. Bye!
December 18, 2002 |
:: Sorry about yesterday's update, there were so many bad links, i think i
must have been half asleep. But i did clean out my mailbox :)
:: ELIJAH HAS SHOWN HIS TATTOO!! *gasp* yep, believe it girls, he broke the
pact, and since he showed it freely, i am free to post pics of it, right
;) He showed it last night on Leno :) A couple of people wrote to me
about the show, so read it b4 you see the pics!
The Tonight Show was FANTASTIC!! Jay Leno asked Elijah if he did any
fun stuff in Paris, and Lij said he was stuck in the hotel the whole
time....then Leno says, "Who was she?" Elijah cracked up. Elijah then
made a reference to hobbits having big feet, and you know what they say
about big feet on guys...hehehe....of course, all the women in the
audience went bezerk....Then Leno asked him about the tattoo, and Lij
repeated the same old story, and Leno asked him to show it....Lij said
he couldn't cause of the pact, but the audience egged him on....and Leno
said that Ian showed his & they showed a pic of Ian showing it....so,
Lij was like, ok....he stands up, and starts doing this little
striptease kinda thing, pulling up his shirt & all....I nearly died
laughing!...It was soooo funny. but the next guest was from an animal
place of some sort, and she brought out a Linx cub, and Lij went nuts
over it....he was holding it, and it kept struggling & getting away....
was very cute....she then brought out a pair of baby monkeys, and they
were trying to feed them, but they were scared....and they kept clinging
to each other is some, ahem, rather suggestive ways, lol!....just when
the lady commented on them being very affectionate to each other, the
wound up in a most interesting position, lol!!....The whole place was
roaring with laughter!!....Lij asked if they always are so physical with
each other like that....next, she brought out a beaver, who proceeded to
poop on the floor....chaos reigned, by then...as she was carrying the
beaver over to the chair, he was still pooping, AND SHE STUCK HIM ON
ELIJAH'S LAP!!! He was like, "Oh, no!" That has got to be one of the
funniest shows I've seen in a long time! At last, something more
interesting than the same old dumb questions! Anyway, thats my Leno
report...it was definatly worth staying up late for!
LOL, Thanks Nikki! If anyone finds this clip, PLEASE send it to me??
I'm dying to see it
:: Not enough? You want pictures? Well William very very kindly captured
Elijah showing his tattoo on his digital camera :)
[pic 1]
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
[pic 4] ... *drumroll* ...
[pic 5]
Thankyou so much William, if anyone managed to get any more, send em
:: NEW UPDATE - New pics of Elijah showing his tat -
[pic 1]
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
- Thanks Nicole!
:: Heaps of pics of Elijah in NZ at the
launch of the Air New Zealand Frodo Plane
- Thankyou so much to Bianca for putting these into a zip file for me!
:: Also, if your really bored and desperate to see the NZ premiere, you
can watch it all on
this webcam
December 20, 2002 |
:: Haha, i went to the Sydney Premiere yesterday, did anyone else go? Yeh... it sucked didn't it? :P :P It totally totally sucked, i don't care what anybody says about the premiere in their city... this one was the worst! The only reason why i went was because Fox Studios advertised that Dominic was gonna be there... yeh right! They lied. 2 actors came, count em, 2! David Wenham and Miranda Otto. Oh, and like 3 producers (yippee!). Ok, so first of all they tell us to line up for 3 hours in the boiling Sydney kinda sun we have here for what we originally thought was for free tickets, but oh no, they tell us later it's for the CHANCE to win 2 tickets. So anyway, we were dying out there, they finally let us in, tell us we have to stay in there for the chance to win tickets, so we got the worst spot, i could see nothing! I got a bunch of pics of the top of miranda's and david's head. Waste of time. I just feel sorry for the poor girls who waited thinking they were gonna meet Elijah and Orli, haha, they should come to the site :P
:: What does Elijah leave out for Santa? Find out. Thanks Diana
:: Hilarious pictures of Elijah in NW Magazine: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] With the following article attached:
Article: The Lord Of The Rings stars Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan gathered some pals at LA Airport to hold a suprise farewell for a dear friend who was heading back to London. The group held up humorous signs, blew on whistles and wore daggy hats to send off there mate. They then formed a colourful conga line and danced around the terminal singing the old classic 'Kumbaya my Lord' and the Craig David hit ' Walking Away'. The Two Towers, the highly anticipated second instalment in the LOTR trilogy, opens in Australia on December 26.
:: Thanks to VadasNightmaere from the messageboard, we have some Wellington pictures :) They're on TTT Prem page 5 Thanks Girl!
:: dish, dirt & juicy bits on E! Online
:: A really cute clip of the hobbits interviewing each other. Posted on the bagendinn.com
:: You can now order Elijah's latest film
Ash Wednesday from Amazon.com :)
:: More pics from the bagendinn from the Air New Zealand thing, the Wellington prem and the LA prem
December 22, 2002 |
:: Pissed off right now, don't know why i'm updating though. Stupid Australia, the rest of the world has seen TTT and we have to wait another week *sobs* it's so unfair. But please don't e-mail me about it because it'll just make me hate you, lol, nah, i just don't want to know what happens, i've only seen 2 of the trailers and no extra footage...i wanna save it for the big day :) Although i did try to decipher a review of it in the Sunday paper, spending a while trying to figure out what the hell a bell rock was, and why Gandalf was anywhere near one - and yes, i do now realise they were talking about the Balrog *idiots*
:: Uploaded 3 more galleries today in the recent pictures starting with gallery 43, i've posted most of the pics in the news updates though, but still worth checking out, some new pics are there, including an Elijah/Sean kiss on E! :)
:: Some really cute pics of Lij at a TTT premiere with a rose: [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] Thanks Abbie
:: An article and a pic from Dom's Birthday party... I believe this pic came from the Bagendinn, but thanks to Julie and Agatha for sending it in!
:: A really cool Sky News clip from the bagendinn, with interviews with the cast...worth checking out because Billy and Dom are so sweet together :D
:: Adriana sends this from a newspaper called mX (Friday 20th)...
What elijah wants for xmas? he said: "an iPod for the Mac with 20 gigs. I already have one with 10gigs, but it doesn't hold enough songs"
hehe, cute... Thanks Adriana!!!
:: A scan from a magazine sent to me by Kris, of Elijah and a loyal fan. Thanks for scanning that Kris :)
:: Some info about a new movie role for Elijah alongside other famous actors such as Jim Carrey, Kirsten Dunst and Kate Winslet, in "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
:: Kate sent me a picture of her and Elijah when she met him the other day - lucky lucky thing! Thanks for sharing it!
:: WOW! Mark, who drew this picture a while ago today sent me a TTT picture which he drew. They are just so amazing, and you can find more on his site
:: An interview with Elijah...Thanks HobbitAngel!
:: Some more TTT prem pictures - Thanks HobbitAngel :)
:: 3 pages of Elijah on Leno pictures :) Definately check out page 2 and 3 for the pics of Lij and the animals :) Thanks again Bianca.
December 24, 2002 |

Merry Christmas everyone!! Woohoo *throws confetti* Yes i am aware that it isn't until tomorrow, but i'm not going to update tomorrow unless i get tonnes of news. Have a happy and safe day tomorrow :) Hope you get lots of LOTR goodness :D
:: I heard from Autumn today and she says she's having a great time over in America :) Have fun girl!!
:: Also, Cat is working on a LOTR and Elijah website, so she's looking for a co-webmistress. So if you're good at HTML/dHTML, graphic design and would be committed to an Elijah site, e-mail Cat.
:: The Bagendinn has some cool screencaps from TTT. *sob* poor Sam. I haven't even seen it yet and i already feel sorry for him.
:: Lozza lives in Melbourne and sent me some info about LOTR stuff you can get:
If you go to Blockbuster Video, and spend $14.95 or more, u can have a 3D L.O.T.R, Scooby Doo, Lotr, Austin Powers or Spiderman cup.Also there's a really cool, sticker book and stickers to collect for the 2nd movie. The book is $3.95, and the sticker packets are $1.20 each, and you get 6 stickers in each pack.
Thanks Lozza
:: A new site which features various Elijah scans from magazines.
:: Awww.... i just have to post this. You can onw buy LOTR character bobbing heads (seriously, have you seen these in real life? they are so adorable!). Just go to New Line Cinema shop and click on Newest items on the right - they're on pages 1 and 2.
:: A cool TTT Premiere clip with short interviews with all of the cast.
:: Woohoo, EWWAP is back :) Any Elijah webmasters out there want to join? Click the banner - - >
December 27, 2002 |
:: Ahhhhh...... i saw It!! Yeh... you know... *IT*. And woooowwwww...... I am totally speechless. I won't say anything about it or anything because a lot of people still haven't seen it, so i don't want to spoil it. But it's worth the wait. It was a little disappointing in some scenes, like they left things out which i was dying to see, but there's always the extended DVD :) For those of you who have seen the movie, you have to read this parody, it is sooooo funny! Thanks Jewl. If anyone finds any others, send them to me because i love reading them.
:: A nice *long* Elijah interview from Scifi.com, with questions we haven't read before :)
:: I have no idea if i've posted this interview yet, but hey, here it is again.
:: More info about Elijah's newest role in the upcoming movie "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," which states that Shooting is expected to start next month in New York Thanks HobbitAngel. Sorry, i don't have any more info about it, if i did, i'd post it - why doesn't anyone ever believe me? - trust me :)
:: Ok, it's late, so forgive me if i've posted this before Why Hobbits Rock - Thanks Capotica!
:: A little article from TORn - Thanks Capotica
:: Bored? Yeh, so am I ... Sam killing orcs game Hey, i didn't make it :P But i played it, lol. Got news? Send it to me. :)
December 28, 2002 |
:: 1 month til Lij's 22nd Birthday :) ... I got my premiere pics developed today...hardly worth the film really, i think i went a little camera srazy and just started snapping at anything, so i have a nice assortment of pics of people's heads. However i did manage to get some pics which turned out good, here are some of them (no Elijah, sorry): [David Wenham 1] [David Wenham 2] [Miranda Otto 1] [Miranda Otto 2] [Barrie Osbourne] [Mark Ordesky] < - - he was soooo nice!
:: A clip to download: Making of the EA game, shows Elijah saying some of the speech for the frodo character in the FOTR game.
:: Another really good clip Elijah on The Early Show - An Elijah interview :)
:: TORn has posted scans of the interview from the December issue of Parade Magazine
December 30, 2002 |
:: Hey everyone! Doris sent me an e-mail yesterday explaining to me an offer being made by Anna, i posted it on the messageboard, because it's a bit long to write here. If you've missed out on a lot of Elijah's appearances, check out her offer. Thanks Doris.
:: The bagendinn posted some pics of Elijah at the New Zealand airport - [pic 1] [pic 2] Thanks Pamela for sending those along.
:: Ok, so these aren't really Elijah related, but Aimee sent me some LOTR cast pics she took at the London premiere: [Billy] [Dominic] [Andy] [Peter] [John] She also sent this info about John Rhys-Davies:
i also got John Rhys-Davies's autograph which was so cute becuase he stayed for like an hour after the show so he could sign every person an autograph! bless him! How cute is he? Thanks Aimee!
:: A+F is site of the month at Visibility :)

:: Hana kindly typed up the Elijah on Jay Leno interview - sorry, still haven't found a clip of it - i want to see it as much as you do, believe me! Thanks Hana!
:: Aileen sent me some info about Mandy Moore's new video clip for her song '17' which features clips from Elijah's new movie, Try 17:
The scenes include Franka always taking pics of Elijah. Elijah and Mandy always talking and drinking something. Elijah using the typewriter. And of course, Elijah and Mandy, as well as Franka and Elijah liplocking. Also, it showed a scene wherein Elijah emerged from a fire with Franka on his back. As well as Mandy offering Elijah a helping hand (literally) and Elijah accepting it. Well, the scenes also showed Franka on crutches and Elijah with a sling on his arm. The scenes also reveal the tension between Franka and Mandy.
Can't wait to see it, thanks Aileen!
:: "One night, when Sean Bean and Viggo were drinking, they decided to break into Orlando's hotel room and kidnap him, dragging him screaming down the stairs. It was absolutely delightful"
Haha, A great new interview with Elijah from Entertainment Weekly - The Shire Thing - Thanks Capotica
:: Another article: Elijah on life after Lord of the Rings, from TORn