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News Archive: July 2017



July 30, 2017

Well, all that waiting around paid off last weekend when the cast of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency landed at San Diego's Comic Con. There's a lot to get to, so click on the image below for two pages of photos from the event.

:: They also gave us short sneak peak of Season 2, and just from this, it looks to be as wildly bizarre and intriguing as the first.

:: Obviously, everyone was excited about the discussion panel in Hall H. Here is the full conversation along with a slightly longer version from Osric Chau (the one and only Vogel) that shows the start of the panel with a recap of Season 1 and the characters explanation of themselves. Good Stuff!

:: You want Comic Con interviews? You got them! Skybound, IMDb Live, Screen Junkies News, SYFY Wire #1, Clevver News, Flick Direct, L.A. Times and SYFY Wire #2.

:: Comic Con was also full of some fun GIF images and short videos. Click here to be taken to our video section and scroll down to Comic Con.

:: Another aspect from Comic Con was the entertaining Screen Junkies Movie Fights where Elijah and director/actor/nerd extraordinaire Kevin Smith were participants. It's the second appearance of Elijah on the competition and he still proves to be knowledgeable, articulate and enthusiastic of any movie challenge. I also made screencaps where there are many fascinating expressions going on.

:: Gracious Bentley the Corgi, passed along some sweet behind the scenes photos of himself on set from Season 1 and Season 2 along with a video demonstrating his great acting skills. OK, so it wasn't actually Bentley who shared them, but check out the new additions toward the end of each page.

:: Here are a few paparazzi photos of Elijah taking a break from filming in Vancouver. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

:: You can spend the same amount of time watching the first season of Dirk Gently that you spend at work and probably end the day a lot more satisfied. Check out the show now playing on Hulu. No more excuses!

:: Thank you Mike and Bentley!

That's all... for now.


July 15, 2017

Just hours after the last update, official news came that the cast of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency will not only make their second appearance at San Diego Comic Con, but they'll be in Hall H next weekend! I've never been to Comic Con, but they say that hall is a big deal.

:: Elijah will once again be on the panel for Bold Voice of Contemporary Horror discussion which happens at Comic Con on July 22nd.

:: Here are some on-set hijinks videos from Dirk Gently. [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]. I wish my job was this much fun.

:: Click for more behind the scenes photos.

:: Elijah gave an interview explaining SpectreVision's leap into the VR world with Transference.

:: Lastly, huge congratulations goes out to Zach Cowie (the other half of Wooden Wisdom) on his Emmy nomination for Music Supervision on Master of None!

That's all... for now.


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