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News Archive: February 2017



February 28, 2017

If you haven't watched I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore on Netflix yet, go do it! It's funny, dark, disturbing, timely and brilliant! I see why Elijah and Melanie are getting a lot of praise and why it won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance.

:: Because I love this film so much, I've made some screencaps, but beware of spoilers! Also, there is a page that has just a few of the remarkable reviews the film is receiving.

:: Here's a great print interview from Elijah and Melanie on Past Magazine, one from Elijah, Melanie and Macon from Rolling Stone and a podcast review from Jump Scare which calls I Don't Feel at Home the film of the week. The review begins at the 1hr-35min mark.

:: Elijah was out on the promotion circuit last week and one of the stops was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. You can watch a little of the pre-show, Elijah playing a round of Musical Beers and afterward, have an extended geekout conversation about The Bachelor. There's also some screencaps from the show. Fun stuff!

:: There were more stop-offs at Sway [Watch], and Jim and Sam [Watch]. If you have SiriusXM, you can listen to podcasts with Sandra Bernhard and Pete Dominick where he talks about social media, politics, his first acting job, horror films, deejaying, karate, traveling and the new film of course!

:: If you're in the U.K., lucky you! Award winning, Set Fire to the Stars will premiere on BBC2, March 1st! If you haven't seen this magnificent film, there's no excuse now.

:: Thanks for the finds Ambree and Jaramajo!

That's all... for now.


February 12, 2017

After all the bustle of activities at the Sundance Film Festival, I Don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore took the top prize at the festival! The film won the U.S. Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic, and on Elijah's birthday no less! You can watch the entire ceremony with the Grand Prize award at the 2:02 mark. Congratulations to all involved!

:: There's more from Sundance with video interviews from Deadline Hollywood, Collider, Variety and the inset photo is one of more images added to the two pages of pics from the festival.

:: Remember, you can watch I Don't Feel at Home starting February 24th on Netflix. The film is also on Rolling Stone's Best Of list for February.

:: I made some screencaps from Elijah's appearance on Off Camera with Sam Jones and if you haven't had the opportunity to see the interview, you can listen to the podcast.

:: A mini reunion with some of The Lord of the Rings cast members took place with Elijah, Viggo, Billy, Dom and Orlando. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

:: Here's a cool thing. Bentley, the star Corgi on Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency has gathered some of the amazing artwork fans have created, framed them and displayed them on his... or his owner's walls. I'm honored to see my own among them.

:: Lastly, Elijah... one of the few nice celebrities. But we already knew that.

That's all... for now.


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