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News Archive: November 2009



November 23, 2009

Just a quickie.

:: I've complied most of the behind the scenes pics on the set of The Romantics. Thanks goes to many who brought them to us. Karin, Mumis, Overlithe, Primwood, and myself.

:: Karin has a few more pics of Elijah along with Josh Duhamel and Jeremy Strong in Southold, Long Island last week. [1] [2] [3]

:: Some new/old video downloads. One from the premiere of The War in 1994. The second is from the Family Film Awards in 1996. Lastly, one from 1997 at the premiere of Jurassic Park: The Lost World.

:: At the Movies is conducting their top 10 films of the decade and Return of the King is rightfully at the top. Another Elijah film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind also sits on this list that we the viewers can vote as our top movie.

:: Still voting at Hello Magazine?

That's all... for now.


November 16, 2009

:: Overlithe lets us know the Oliver People's campaign is gearing up by showcasing Elijah and Shirley Mason on the lead page of their website.

:: Patrick found a short video of Elijah posing with a fan this weekend at the grand opening of Best Buy in Manhattan.

:: A couple more pics from the Halloween bash of DJ Elijah and with sister Hannah . Thank you Karin and Overlithe.

:: Pics of Elijah and co-star Jeremy Strong taking a break from the set of The Romantics. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Thanks goes to Karin, Lilith, Mumis and Patrick. Also, for those who've read the book, according to IMDbPro, Elijah will be portraying Chip.

:: The world is catching on to what we already know about Elijah being so SUPER-RAD.

:: A recent poll from Newsweek has listed ROTK's Oscar sweep in 2004 as one of the top 10 cultural moments of the decade complete with an apt quote from Elijah on the whole experience.

:: And lastly, for those members of A&F who were involved with the beautiful book of quotes that was sent to Elijah, he is very appreciative of the time and effort put into it and said "The book is stunning, exquisite, and beautiful." He's happily surprised and pleased at the obvious heartfelt care that went into assembling the collection of poems and other writings and said that he looks forward to really diving into it. What a gracious guy he is.

That's all... for now.


November 7, 2009

:: We all know by now that Elijah is filming a new movie titled The Romantics in New York City, and there are some low res pics. [1] [2] [3] Thanks for posting them Karin and Patrick!

:: Here's a report on the location shooting and time schedule for the movie.

:: What did Elijah do on Halloween? He deejayed of course! He spun his magic at Masquerade Marfa in Texas last weekend in conjunction with The Art of Elysium and a concert by Heloise and the Savoir Faire. Here are a couple of pics. [1] [2] Thanks for these Karin.

:: Overlithe came across a blog on Interview that shows other photos Elijah took himself from the masked party, and some high res images as well. [1] [2] Thank you Elycia!

:: Karin stumbled upon an older photo of Lij, Billy Boyd and Andy Serkis from an interview back in 2003.

:: Patrick has another pic from the Oliver People's upcoming sunglasses campaign.

:: Which actor has the best critical track record in Hollywood? One guess. Check out the research that lands Elijah in the top spot for the decade. Thanks for this amazing report Ann.

:: Hello Magazine is holding their monthly most attractive man vote for October, so you know what to do.

:: If you reside anywhere near New Orleans, you may want to visit the National World War II Museum. It is at this museum the docu-film Beyond All Boundaries that opened yesterday where Elijah along with many other actors contributed their time and talents to present this unique experience. Here's a trailer for it. It looks astounding and I hope it will be taken to other cities and countries in the future.

That's all... for now.


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