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News Archive: October 2009
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October 31, 2009 |
Happy Halloween!
:: Patrick has exhumed a frieghtfully cool film Elijah was a part of called "Boobie", one of three shorts that composes The Re-Up. Check out the trailer and a few screamcaps. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
:: Speaking of screams, you can watch just a bite of Elijah from the Scream Awards, and there will be a scream-peat on TNT in Argentina I believe. Thanks again Patrick, you devil!
:: Jaramajo has dug up the movie Day-O that's been buried six feet under for years. Here's the deadload. Right click, save as... if you dare!
:: Corduroy Magazine has finally slashed its way into stores. Check it out. Thanks for the scabs... um, scans Ann.
:: 9 will be haunting your homes in December. Thanks for the boos Karin.
:: What scares the H. E. double hockey sticks out of Elijah? Read the gruesome details.
:: Things that go bump in the night? Jaramajo has given us another deadload of Elijah reciting a chapter from the book Witch and Wizard. Perfect for Halloween!
Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore'... for now.
October 16, 2009 |
:: The unfortunate news has come that Elijah regretfully will not be attending the London MCM Expo next weekend. Some A&F members were going especially to see Elijah on the 9 panel, but a scheduling conflict prevented him from appearing.
:: It also looks like Elijah may not be flexing his stage acting muscles for the 24 Hour Plays next month. This revised list which came out earlier in the week no longer mentions him as part of the cast, but not all cast members are listed, so we'll have to wait on this news.
:: With the changes in his schedule coming about, let's hope Elijah can still attend the taping of the Scream Awards tomorrow. Also scheduled to appear are his LOTR co-stars Liv Tyler and Karl Urban. The awards will air on Spike TV October 27th. Thanks for the heads up Primwood!
:: I came across a video interview from Elijah's visit to the New York Stock Exchange last month. If this is not viewable, or if you just want it for keeps, I have a download as well.
:: Also, a brief behind the scenes video from the On The Ground short which aired on Saturday Night Live at My Space. Unfortunately, I can't download this one.
:: Want to ask Elijah some questions? You can post yours here. Make it good because they can only choose one from all that are posed.
:: After battling through seven rounds, arduously beating out one actor after another, Elijah is the winner for his portrayal of Frodo Baggins in The Fellowship of the Ring on Film.com's Best Male Performance of the decade challenge.
:: Our wonderful Karin has a few more pics from the LOTR concert at Radio City Music Hall so I decided to make a page from the event.
:: And there are a couple of videos here and here from audience members. Thank you Patrick.
:: Vickie had her first encounter at the concert with Elijah and was gracious to share her exciting experience with us here. Thanks love!
:: Carol and Veronica D. share their beautiful photo from their first encounter with Elijah at the concert as well. Thanks ladies!
:: If you missed it on the tube, a rerun of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon will air Thursday October 22th at 12:35am on NBC.
:: ETA: Scream Awards pics, and a video of Elijah arriving at the ceremony taping. Thanks to Karin, Mata, Mumis and Patrick for of all these. More will probably be coming.
That's all... for now.
October 11, 2009 |
:: The 21st Century Orchestra performed music from The Fellowship Of The Ring this weekend at Radio City Music Hall and Elijah along with Billy Boyd and composer Howard Shore were in attendance. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Thanks for the pics Patrick and Karin. Here's a great website where you can get a feel to what this experience is like. I've seen it with Mr. Shore conducting and it's breathtaking.
:: The quality isn't very good, but Patrick found a short video full of bows after the concert.
:: A few pics of Elijah strolling the New York streets prior to the concert. [1] [2] [3] Thanks Mumis and Karin.
::Corduroy Magazine has released their new cover and a tease of their interview with Elijah on their site. The sixth issue will be on sale in a couple of weeks.
:: Elijah made an unexpected cameo appearance on Saturday Night Live last week that took a lot of us by surprise. He was part of their digital shorts series called On The Ground.
:: Witch and Wizard audio book will be released on December 14th and guess who's lending their voice talent to it? You can read more about it and listen to a sample of Elijah reading by clicking on "play sample." Thanks to JR and Patrick.
:: He enjoyed it so much last year, he's doing it again! The 24 Hour Plays will take place on November 9th and Elijah will be joining other actors on stage once more. Here's more about it.
:: Karin stumbled upon a screen cap of Elijah that was taken from his commercial series for Lays Potato Chips that ran in 1994. This particular photo has never been seen, so there may be a lost commercial that was never aired.
:: Last but not least, Karin, being the winning bidder of Elijah's DNA artwork to help the charity The Art Of Elysium has graciously given us access to some photos she took with her prize. [1] [2] [3]
Karin says: "The print-on-canvas is really beautiful to look at, and it's nice to know I own something that Elijah had touched with his own hands, and that he donated for a cause close to his heart! Also it's a symbol for what sums Elijah up, for his unique being in this world.".
Thank you so much for sharing these with us and congratulations!
That's all... for now.