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News Archive: October 2008



October 26, 2008

:: Elijah was a guest at The Gregory Parkinson Spring/Summer 2009 Cocktail Event last weekend in Los Angeles. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Thanks to Karin and Mata for the pics.

:: The last in the series of The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon video game is currently out for purchase. You can buy your own through Amazon. Go here to view the trailer.

:: We're getting closer to completing the movie stills section. The latest editions have been updated with The Good Son, Paradise and The Adventures of Huck Finn.

:: New wallpapers have been added to our collection thanks to Rakshi from Sanet and yours truly. If you have some creations you'd like to share like wallpapers or avatars, please email me.

:: ETA: Annabelle has come across some photos of Elijah shopping at the Apple store yesterday. The photos are posted at Just Jared, and we have them here. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

That's all... for now.


October 9, 2008

Karin has found an awesome new photo in the inset.

:: Elijah has been invited back to the country of Chile for the unveiling of the Museum of Fashion's exhibition, "War and Seduction." You can find photos from the event here. Thanks to Karin and to Primula Baggins for the pics. Keep a watch on that page for more images that I'm sure will be coming.

:: Some random photos of Elijah with fans in Austin Texas at the Austin City Limits music festival. [1] [2] [3] Thanks Karin! And Sssneaking brings some pics that were taken before a Gogol Bordello concert in L.A. [1] [2]

:: Here's an old/new interview from last year. Once again, thank you Karin.

:: More movie reviews have been added with All I Want and The War.

:: A very gracious fan who resides in Canada is offering to give away some of Elijah's films on DVD. Up for grabs is The Ice Storm, All I Want, The Bumblebee Flies Anyway and The Good Son. If you would like to have any or all of these region 1 DVDs, please email me and I'll forward your request along to her.

That's all... for now.


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