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News Archive: August 2007
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August 31, 2007 |
:: There's a trailer out for The Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal Night which is the second installment of the three part video game. The release date for the game is October 3rd. Thanks goes to Mamayo for the clip.
:: Sssneaking discovered the Charlie Rose interview dating back to 2002 during The Two Towers featuring Elijah, Peter Jackson and Viggo Mortensen. The show is an hour long and their segment starts approximately 17 minutes into the program. You can view it on Youtube here.
:: A new pic of Elijah with some fans. Thanks Bunnie.
:: Thanks to Primula for bringing this to my attention, Day Zero is now listed on the Raindance Film Festival's website.
:: Karin found some wonderful, but watermarked pics of Elijah from last years Cannes Film Festival [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
::Special Announcement!::
If you recall, when Brenda and I announced we would help with the updates, we mentioned new things were going to come. Along with the other moderators, we have been reconstructing the forum and doing a lot of work in various sections of the site as a whole. We feel that with these changes a new look should come to the site, which means a new default header. You know the header? The image of Elijah at the top of this page.
A&F is a fan site and we think the fans should take part in not only the livelihood of the site, but also the look. What do you want to see when you log on and what would appeal to those surfing the net? As a fan, I took it upon myself to design new headers. I worked on many, but the moderators, administrators and technicians have narrowed them down to five clickable choices.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Please take a moment to look over the designs and decide which three are your top choices for a default header. Give your first choice 5 points, your second choice 3 points and your third, 1 point. The design with the most points will be the new default header.
Example: Header #3 - 5 points, header #2 - 3 points, header #1 - 1 point.
EMAIL ONLY your choices to me at deenan@ejwsites.net. The voting will last one month ending on Sunday September 30, 2007 EST. Vote only one time please. Votes received after midnight September 30th EST or posted in the boxie will not be counted. In case of a tie, Lucy our webmistress or a top administrator will make the final decision.
As soon as our technician and site administer, Jochen can implement the design and layout, you will see it. Until then, you will have to sit tight to find out which one will be used.
We hope this will be fun for the fans and members of A&F, so put in your vote and keep our site the #1 Elijah fansite on the Internet! One other thing. DO NOT repost these images. Thank you.
That's all... for now.
August 21, 2007 |
:: Day Zero is starting its European Festival tour in Barcelona, Spain on October 2 at the Barcelona Cinemapolitic Festival. A few days, later, on October 5 & 6, the movie will be shown in London during the Raindance Festival. If you live in either London or Barcelona, consider yourselfs lucky! Having seen Day Zero twice at Tribeca, I can fully recommend to go and see it. In the meantime, Entertainment Weekly lists the US release date for Day Zero being November 2.
:: The lovely Brooke uploaded Elijah's appearance on Yo Gabba Gabba and was so kind to share it with all of us. You can find it here.
:: Another clip, this time coming from my colleague Deenan. The clip features Elijah at the Happy Feet premiere in Los Angeles and was originally shown on MADTV in December last year. You can watch the clip or download it.
:: According to Amazon, Paris, Je't Aime will be released on region-1 DVD on November 13 and is available for pre-order via their website..
:: Karin found some incredible hi-res pictures of Elijah at the premiere of Day Zero in New York last April. [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: That's it for now, see you again in a week or so!
August 12, 2007 |
:: There is a great interview from Elijah speaking about his music passions, musical influences and the process behind his record label Simian.
:: Not totally Elijah related, but during the Toronto International Film Festival (Sept. 6-15), a documentary called Operation Filmmaker will be shown as part of their Reel to Reel series. This film is a look at the experiences of an Iraqi film student on the set of Everything Is Illuminated. The documentary is directed by Nina Davenport. Thanks to Westmoon for the heads up.
:: Here is an article written by Anthony Moody, producer of Day Zero telling a little more about why the drama was made, the traffic of hits to the movie site and the prospects of a release.
:: Karin discovered some more new pics of Elijah taken by Zoltan Balogh on set filming The Oxford Murders in March. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
:: Back in 2004, A&F member Peggy won the chance to present Elijah with the YAM Award. What's that and why do I bring it up now? An explanation and some photos of her meeting are posted in the news archive, (October 1 & 12, 2004) but not all of the photos were seen. Peggy was gracious to pass along a new pic to me that I hadn't seen before.
:: Don't forget to catch Elijah's singing and dancing debut on the new children's series Yo Gabba Gabba. It will air next Monday August 20th @ 10:30am EST on Nickelodeon. Not only does the show entertain the young ones, but teaches them as well.
There are wonderful reviews for the new program from critics and mothers ranging from "There’s a segment in the premiere with Elijah Wood in it, showing the kids how to do this simple little fun dance called The Puppet Master, and all four of my kids have mastered it..." to "...Super retro, seriously funky, hip-hop infused preschooler series..."
:: Lastly, the movie stills section is still being worked on, but take a look at the new films we've added. Only 30 more films to go!
That's all.... for now.
August 2, 2007 |
:: Hi everyone, I have a new update for you:
:: Elijah is going to appear on the Yo Gabba Gabba show on Nick Jr. on August 20. We have a photo, press release and clip. Thanks to Bunnie for the clip.
:: We also have some new pics for you. Maureen found a lovely picture of Elijah taken during the recording of the Apples in Stereo video that I had never seen before while Bunnie discovered a new pic of Elijah and John Hurt filming The Oxford Murders.
:: Gogol Bordello performed at the David Letterman Show earlier this week and Elijah was there too. Here are some pics: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. Thank you Karin.
:: "Sun Singles lovelorn ladies have decided the perfect man has dark-hair, blue-eyes, is non-smoking and child-free - making Lord of the Rings star Elijah a perfect candidate." Is Elijah also your perfect man? The full article can be found here. Thanks Sssneaking.
:: Last but not least, we've added SANET to our affiliates list. They have a nice gallery of Elijah pictures. Go check them out.
:: That's all folks!