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News Archive: October 2004



October 1, 2004

:: Galadriel and Etaeb [O.L.C sisters ;)] met up last week and managed to find the newest issue of Yam Magazine. Apparantly Elijah won the Yam Award for being "Superstar 2003". Here is the scan from Galadriel who also attached a translation of the article:

Yam - Award for Elijah
Yam reader Peggy met the star in LA.
In Yam No. 4/2004 we asked: "Who is the superstar 2003?" The winner was Elijah Wood right before Orlando Bloom. The main prize for the voting was a meeting with the LotR star and Yam reader Peggy Friese (18) from Niesky near Dresden was allowed to give the prize on Sept. 13th personally to Elijah. Yam payed for the cost and she flew to Los Angeles. After a weekend with shopping and visiting the Universal Studios she managed to met him. Elijah was a little late but in good mode. Peggy was overwhelmed: "Elijah looks pretty much better than in the movies!!" Also "Frodo" was enthusiastic from the look of the award. (Cool design!, Cool!). He also liked it that a fan had come to see him from so far away. For the farewell he gave her a big kiss and thanked her very much.

:: More new goodies from amazon.com: Radio Flyer on DVD and Deep Impact (Collector's Edition). Also, head over to BEI (9/29) for some great Elijah screencaps from the ESOTSM DVD
:: What Elijah donated to the GiveGet Campaign


October 6, 2004

:: Here's some news and pictures from Marea: Elijah recently made an appearance for charity at the Gable House Bowl in Torrance California for a paediatric cancer organization called "The Sunshine Kids". Apparently he joined the young folks in a few games and took pictures -- you can find the pictures here. Thanks Marea and Bunnie.
:: BEI also posted that the extended edition of ROTK on DVD is available for pre-order at lotrshop.com: [Extended DVD ] [ Collector's Edition of Extended DVD ]


October 12, 2004

:: Remember this article which i posted the other day about Elijah winning the YAM award? Well Peggy, who got the chance to meet Elijah (lucky, lucky girl!!) has sent in her fantastic photos from the meeting: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] -- Thankyou so much for sharing those with us at A&F


October 13, 2004

:: Thanks to Sandy who met Elijah some time ago. She wrote this little encounter on her experience.

Its hard to believe that it has been almost a year since this [the picture. see below] was taken boarding the plane to NZ for the ROTK World Premier, and over a year since I met him at Comic con that same year. Ignore the fact that I am far too married and a bit to old to be considered eligible as anything but a dear friend...because Elijah is timeless, ageless and he makes you feel that way too, so right then I was his age. My friends and I had the pleasure of being "stuck" boarding the crowded flight with him. He was nothing but wonderful chatting casually with us, telling us he'd just seen the film the day before and how he couldn't wait for everyone to see it. He even laughed at my stupid comments, a true gem amongst men. I was fortunate enough to see him and speak with him again in NZ and he was kind enough to at least pretend to remember me. The fact is I would love to meet him again..He is, as you all know, addicting...I've never been able to forget, nor do I want to, the feeling of being tucked neatly to his side for that picture, it sometimes pays to be 5'2",the sound of his laugh in person echoes with the other memories of that day...Lord help us his career has only just begun, how will we survive it?

Thanks a lot girl. :) That must've been great. ;)
:: The picture of her and Elijah can be found here.
:: Oh, and Peggy (girl who met Elijah. See last post.) as far as I know you're German. I am as well and I'd love to talk to you about your experience. Maybe you can email me some time? :)


October 14, 2004

:: Where are the pictures gone? - I will just quote Bunnie here.

It became obvious as I explored that photographer's albums that these photos are private, and I feel really horrible for exposing them to the public to get smeared around the internet when they should have remained private.

So the favor is this: if you saw the photos and saved them, could you please not post them elsewhere? And if you know the location of the photographer's albums, could you please make sure that the links don't get out?

I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd like to see their privacy respected, at least for as long as possible.

That's it. Basically. I am sorry for those who didn't see them.


October 23, 2004

:: Here's a great photo from an old photo shoot which Bunnie posted.
:: Salogel also scanned some pictures from a DVD magazine, including this lovely one along with these smaller ones:

:: Aimee also sent me this link which has an Elijah sighting and 2 pictures.
:: Some news from Deenan (O.L.C.) about the Gotham Awards: The new "Celebrate New York" tribute was designed, in the words of the IFP/New York, "to acknowledge a film that was shot in New York and expands the boundaries of creative expression." Cast and crew of the film are expected to attend. Michel Gondry's latest, written by Charlie Kaufman, stars Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood, and Tom Wilkinson. It was produced by New York companies This Is That and Anonymous Content, and distributed by Focus Features. [...more]
:: Caz also sent me this link where you can download a sneak peak of the ROTK Extended DVD
:: Also if you have a spare moment please help out Pinus by filling in a questionnaire here. This is part of the message that was sent to me:

It is a private non-academic research project on fandom of male stars. In this project I’m calling all fans to volunteer their thoughts, feelings and experiences during their fandom and fill in a questionnaire. The fans’ answers will serve as empiric research material for my writings. You’ll find more info and the questionnaire on this site: fandom.ejwsites.net. Mr Jochen Weber has been very friendly and offered me his server space for this project.


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