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News Archive: January 2006
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January 5, 2006 |
:: Hey everyone =) I don't really have any Elijah news for you today but i do have some great news nonetheless.
Today, our very own webmistress is turning 19 years of age and I want to take this opportunity to thank Lucy for everything she's done for A+F.
Without her dedication and devotion to this site over the years, it wouldn’t be the site it is today. So on behalf of everyone I just wanna say THANKS! *hugs*
::Oh and dont forget to vote for Elijah and Always and Forever in the
TORn ORC Awards! Thanks for the support guys :)
January 8, 2006 |
:: Hey everyone. Hope you had a refreshing holiday break and that the new year is treating you well. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, it made an already great day all the more special. Well, onto the news.
:: Guess which laptop was designed by Elijah...
Yep, Elijah has designed a laptop in the name of charity in order to help Sony Electronics and America's Second Harvest - the Nation's Food Bank Network raise funds to eliminate hunger in the US. The laptop is being auctioned on eBay, along with other laptops designed by celebrities. Bidding starts on January 9th, 2006. [more] ... Elijah designed the 2nd one by the way ;) Thanks my_sharona191 for that.
:: There's a mention of Elijah up at Mäni’s Blog Café thanking him for supporting the Café. You can read it here
:: You can now pre-order Everything is Illuminated from Amazon.com
^ Last days of voting
January 14, 2006 |
:: Voting for the ORC awards has now closed. Thanks to all who supported Elijah and A&F :)
:: Thanks to Brenda [aka the lovely Cristiel ;) ] we have a translation of an interview with Elijah from a Belgium magazine:- “Hooligans” – The seven sins according to Elijah Wood. Thanks for that.
:: Support Elijah's film: Green Street Hooligans by voting for it in The Golden Groundhog Awards
:: Vote for Elijah as Vilest Villain for his role as Kevin in Sin City in the Moviefone Moviegoer Awards
:: Elijah's nominations for the Pantheon Awards are up.
:: Elijah talks about the Iggy Pop movie - Iggy Hobbit
:: Iggy shuns biopic -- Thanks Eve
:: An Elijah sighting from gawker.com:
Saw Elijah Wood on 2nd Avenue and Houston this past Sunday. I first noticed the cute puppies the girl he was with was walking, then he looked up and the blue eyes were in full force. My boyfriend went “Uh, is that…” under his breath and we all had an uncomfortable eye-contact three-way. The future fictional Iggy Pop was (unsuccessfully) rocking denim-on-denim and smoking. I like that in New York, celebrity encounters can be awkward for everyone involved.
:: Don't know if I've posted this before, but for the Australian fans, Green Street Hooligans will be released in Aus on 16 March 2006 [source] -- Thanks Chickenlegs
Thanks to Bunnie for a lot of this news as well. Also, just a final note which Nicole, an A&F visitor, thought I should reiterate:- Please don't fall for people on sites such as myspace pretending to be Elijah Wood. It's quite obvious after spending a few minutes at any blog which appears to be owned by Elijah that it is in fact a fake.
January 21, 2006 |
:: ORC Weekend is finally here!! For all those who are lucky enough to be attending, please feel free to spam my inbox with reports and photos of your Elijah encounters or links to other's reports :) I'll try to post them up ASAP for all of those who weren't able to attend so you can share in the ORC fun as well.
:: Just to get you through the day, here's a funny candid photo of Elijah taken at a Gogol Bordello concert on Thursday (at least I think it was Thursday - Time difference confuses me). Taken from ohnotheydidnt
:: EDIT - I was cleaning up my inbox and found some scans from a german magazine which was sent to me in March last year which I never posted (whoops). So the interview is probably all out of date and won't be much use unless you can read German I suppose, but here it is anyway: [1] [2] [3] It has a little link to A&F as well so that's pretty cool :) A very belated thanks to Dietmar for those.
:: And here are some random Elijah pics:
- Thanks Woodly and Arianah
January 22, 2006 |
:: ORC!!
OK I'll post everything ORC related I can get my hands on today in this update so keep checking back. Please feel free to send me or post in the comments any reports/pictures you come across, along with the exact location you got it from though - This is very important.
:: First pics of Elijah's panel at ORC thanks to Spookystoy and Rakshi [SANET] -- Woah his hair sure has gotten long.
EDIT #1: There are *heaps* of awesome photos of Elijah at ORC up here - Check out DAY 2. Thanks wisteria_way
:: Here's a pic which lionessfreedom took, via Beizy EDIT: and 2 more which she took, via Rakshi
EDIT #2 First half of Elijah & Sean talk at ORC 2006 -- Thanks msilverstar and Bunnie
EDIT #3: Continuing from the above, Second half of Elijah & Sean talk at ORC 2006
:: The lovely Suvi has already posted a recount of her day at ORC along with lots of great photos. Her encounter with Elijah is just beautiful, I definately recommend reading it :) [follow me]
:: EDIT #4: Great news everyone. I've been hearing on the grapevine that A&F managed to pick up the award for Best Fan Site at the ORC Awards! Not only that, but apparantly Elijah won in the two acting categories he was nominated in as well [2 well-deserved wins there for Elijah] :D It's such a great surprise that we managed to win 2 years in a row against such stiff competition, and very refreshing to see that so many of Elijah's fans are still supporting A&F after all of these years. Thank you once again, to each and every one of you for your support. I can't express how much it means to us at A&F.
:: Elvira has posted up a bunch of her ORC photos on the A&F forum. You can check them out here
EDIT #5: I've just added to that same ORC page a whole bunch of pics thanks to Patsie.
:: Ok, not ORC related, but there are scans and a translation of an interview in the German magazine Glamour over here - Thanks Sabine
January 23, 2006 |
:: ORC!! [POST #2... scroll down to yesterday's update for more]
:: Patsie has posted even *more* Elijah photos from ORC which I've put up here [they're towards the bottom]

:: Lilith has posted some of her gorgeous ORC photos here
:: Prim has posted up her ORC DAY 2 recount along with some photos on her livejournal
:: TORn has put up a report of The One Ring Celebration on Saturday night:
Another chapter was placed in the book of legendary TORn parties last night as The One Ring Celebration took the ORC weekend to new heights. Thanks to spontanious participation from guests Sean Astin and Elijah Wood, an already terrific evening received an extra jolt of electricity.
Gathered together to celebrate the second annual One Ring Awards which recognize some of the great contributions from the realms of Tolkien fandom in 2005 and with "Fellowship: The Musical" on hand to contribute mightily to the proceedings, the desert party and awards show was top notch.
After a long run on stage in Los Angeles, "Fellowship" dazzled with five of the show's musical numbers. TheOneRing.net's own Quickbeam hosted the event and fans, scholars and other contributors from the LOTR community combined to present the awards. The winners were:
1. Best Lecure/Paper (Academic): TOM SHIPPEY
2: Best Tolkien-themed book: Alan Lee's Sketchbook
3: Best Supporting Performance: Elijah Wood, Sin City
4: Best Leading Performance: Elijah Wood, Everything is Illuminated
5: Best Fan Fiction: Ashes, East Winds, Hope that Rises, by Erin Rua
6: Best Fan Website: Always and Forever (fan site for Elijah Wood)
7: Best fan film: "The Sons of Elrond"
Wood and Astin were still signing autographs when the winners were announced and Wood came on stage to receive his awards from Heath Hammond and Scott Klauder from Sideshow Collectibles. Later in the show Astin and Wood visited the stage and sang a medly of snippits of songs with a little help from the the keyboardist from "Fellowship" and a few tunes on Wood's phone.
Finally they settled on "The Love Boat" theme which Quickbeam and Astin singing accapella.
The night was then turned over to fans who sang, acted and performed to cap of the night and contribute the Celebration to the event. Mike Foster and Michael Bailich (singing Gandalf) even took the stage to sing LOTR parody songs, together for the first and possibly last time.
:: Rakshi has put up two galleries of ORC photos on her site SANET
:: EDIT: Elijah, Billy and Dom all attended the World Without Sundays show on Sunday night! Prim has a nice long recount of the show up here along with some photos.
January 28, 2006 |
:: HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY ELIJAH, from all of us here at A&F. Here's hoping for another kickass year for Elijah, and a great many more to come :)
Do feel free to write a birthday wish in the comment box or forum, but please know that he most probably won't see them.
Ok, onto the birthday update ;) First off, here is a bunch of scans of clippings which Yeux won in an ebay auction and has very kindly decided to share with everyone (thank you so much!). They're pretty old, and I've never seen most of them before so they're definately worth a look, especially the articles:
photos: [1]
articles: [1] < - - very fitting for today :)
:: Maria let me know that Elijah will be attending The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game and Film convention on March 4th and 5th in Gothenburg, Sweden [source] Thanks Maria
:: Tiffany sent along her gorgeous photo ops from ORC:
:: Echo was Sean's helper in the autograph line at ORC and talks about Elijah quite a bit in her ORC recount. Definately worth a bit of a read ;)
:: Another ORC report with pictures thanks to jade-baggins
:: Sick of ORC yet? Didn't think so :P Alassenya has posted up lots of her photos of the panel here and here
BTW thanks to lionessfreedom for the pic I used in this update :) Lionessfreedom also took *heaps* of photos of Elijah receiving his ORC awards so I'll post a few here: [1]
[10] Thank you so much to Lionessfreedom and Beizy for these ♥