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News Archive: July 2004
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July 4, 2004 |
:: Galadriel from the OLC pointed me to this website of the 39th International Film Festival Karlovy Vary in Prague where Elijah prsented Eternat Sunshine of the Spottless Mind today. Thank you girl. :D
:: Talking of the festival Undone and Patsie [of L&BA] already got pictures from it:
:: I've also been pointed here, where you can find an article and two pictures of Elijah:
[2] Thanks Squady and Galadriel(OLC).
:: Speaking of Galadriel she told me about her trip to Prague with Etaeb(OLC). Sadly she didn't meet Elijah but she sent in pictures of the set where he is filming at. I think it's interesting and nice to know as it is related to Elijah. :D
[3] Thanks a lot and good luck next time ♥
July 4, 2004 |
:: I've put all of the pictures that Sarah posted in the last update of Elijah at the Karlovy Vary
Film Festival up on one page - also included are some great screencaps which Sleepyhobbit took and sent to me of Elijah on Czech TV.
:: Mollie let me know that Oliver Twist will be available for purchase on DVD from August 3, 2004. You can pre-order it from Amazon.com now.
July 5, 2004 |
:: Thanks again to Sleepyhobbit, and Marcy I've added some more Karlovy Vary pictures of Elijah here - if anyone comes across anymore, please send them along
:: Deenan [from the O.L.C] let me know that there is an interview with Elijah up on the official Karlovy Vary Film Festival website. Just click on that link and select the english section [on the right] - then click here. If the interview is not in english, then just go back to the opening site, select english and you'll find an article on the main page that reads: Elijah Wood: Frodo will remain my shade - just click on the little arrow at the bottom of the intro.
:: And finally, Alexandra sent in a clip of Elijah at the film festival. Just click here, and on the right hand side, scroll down and click on: Karlovy Vary p?ivítaly další hv?zdu. Karlovy Vary p?ivítaly další hv?zdu. Na mezinárodní filmový festival p?ijel herec, kterého proslavila t?ídílná sága režiséra Petera Jacksona Pán prsten? - Elijah Wood.
:: Thanks to everyone who contributed to this update!
July 5, 2004 |
:: Yet again another update. Yes, Lucy and me entered an update championship. Hehe.
:: I updated the Karlovy Vary Film Festival gallery here. (I figured out myself Lucy.yay) Thanks a lot Patsie[L&BA] for the pictures. ♥
:: Another, rather sad thing happened:
[...]Authorities identified the shooter as Elijah Wood[...] More here. I know, this hasn't anything to do with Elijah Wood himself but I found it quite scary. (That's when you set your Yahoo news alert to "Elijah Wood")
July 7, 2004 |
:: Sleepyhobbit, I love you!! :D ... Heaps more screencaps of Elijah on Czech TV have been posted here - Including some of Elijah at the party following the Film Festival.
:: The lovely Alexandra also sent along some pictures which she scanned from Czech newspapers of Elijah at the after-party: [1] [2] [3]
Thankyou so much to the both of you for continuing to provide us with Czech Elijah goodies!
July 11, 2004 |
:: Added some more pics of Elijah at the Film Festival -- Thanks Sleepyhobbit, Undone, Scouty and Kate
:: Alexandra, Scouty and Linny managed to see Elijah at the film festival last week and both decided to share their great photos with us! You can view them here -- Thanks girls! :)
:: An interview with Elijah at the Karlovy Vary festival - Thanks TORn and Hobbitangel
:: Jackson seeking extras for King Kong - Thanks SweetestHeart
:: Cyndi sent along this interesting article about Elijah having a rather famous uncle: Other members are Turk E. Krause, drummer and lead vocals...The band won the Blues Recording of the Year honor at the 2003 Minnesota Music Awards. Krause is the uncle of Elijah Wood, who is best known for playing Frodo in "The Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy.
July 15, 2004 |
:: I have lots of Elijah lovelies for you all today! First of all Bunnie sent along these two fantastic scans from the February issue of TokyoWalker magazine: [1] [2]
:: Patsie [L&BA] posted these Elijah pictures I've never seen before: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
:: Caz typed up an Elijah article which appeared in the magazine FourFourTwo. Also, not_alone scanned the photo which accompanied the article
:: Maddie X [OldWiseHobbit] sent along some information about a very worthy cause which Elijah is involved with. A large American fashion Retailer in the UK have set up a campaign along with Cancer Research UK called 'Give Get'... here is an excerpt from the quarterly company magazine about the Give Get Campaign and what it is all about:
Give clothes for Cancer Research UK
You will be trilled to know that the following your feedback we have got together with Cancer Research UK, the UK's leading cancer charity. In September we will launch an amazing joint fund-raising event called GiveGet. GiveGet will encourage the general public to donate clothes and items to Cancer.
We came up with the idea for GiveGet and are sponsoring the campaign. We are also going to accept the donations at our UK stores over the launch between 10 -12 September. We will be mailing special bags and tags to several million people, plus encouraging all our customers to support the campaign by filling the bags we will provide with their purchases. People can also make donations at any Cancer Research UK shop until the end of September.
GiveGet will be one of the UK's biggest charity clothing collections ever and we want to raise around Ł500,000. A Bag of donated items could be worth up to a staggering Ł30 and with 10,000 associates our donations could raise a big chunk of the Ł500,000 target. Imagine how much we could raise if we all filled five bags each.
Loads of Celebrity support
Jason Bell, celebrity portrait photographer, is taking special photos of stars such as Liam Neeson, Jamie Theakston, Jamelia and Cynthia Nixon (who plays Miranda in sex and the City) who are all supporting this campaign. The photos will be published in the special glossy book that we will sell exclusively in September to raise more money for Cancer Reseach UK
It seems that Elijah is also one of the celebrities involved - Up on their website is a picture of Elijah [a new one btw ;)] along with some more information. I think it's great that Elijah is getting behind such a great cause! Thanks Maddie for letting us know about it.
:: Thanks once again to SweetestHeart [and whoever posted it in the comment box ;)] for providing us with info about applying to be an extra in King Kong. If you're over 17, just send a head shot, full body shot and contact information to Big Primate Pictures:
Casting Department
Big Primate Pictures
P. O. Box 15-109
Miramar, New Zealand
Thankyou so much to everyone who contributed to this update!
July 17, 2004 |
:: Patsie [L&BA] posted posted *heaps* of great Elijah pictures: [1]
[32] -- Thanks Patsie! :D
:: Kate sent along two pictures she scanned from Instinkt magazine: [1] [2]
July 18, 2004 |
:: Alexandra managed to meet Elijah on the set of Everything is Illuminated. You can read her recount here - along with some pictures which she took ;)
:: Sleepyhobbit once again has some Elijah scans for us... this time of Elijah in Spy magazine: [1] [2]
:: Barbara sent in some cute caps of Elijah in a cheese commercial in 1991: [1]
[5] - Thanks also to Jochen for passing those on to me ;)
July 31, 2004 |
:: Yes, i am still alive ;) Sorry i haven't been updating, but i have major exams coming up [in 2 days!!] and it seems that for the first time i'm putting school over the site [yay for me!]. It's not like anything *that* interesting has been happening with Elijah anyway. Well... wish me luck!
:: Remember how i told you about Elijah's Uncle's band? Well i found their website, which has a page dedicated to Elijah [here] - worth checking out. It has some old articles -including one at the bottom which is a bio from 2001, and some older pictures [i love that 1st one!]
:: Bunnie posted some clearer pictures of the ones that appeared in Spy Magazine: [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: She also posted this picture as well; and Undone posted this still from EII
:: Elijah has been nominated in the Teen Choice Awards for: Best Actor: Drama/Action Adventure. Please vote for him here
:: Elijah Wood stalker arrested... *sigh*. Yes, apparantly some woman has been stalking Elijah for around 2 years! - Thanks Galadriel from the O.L.C., Pamela, Lith and everyone else who send that along
:: New article: Paul goes back to café after finding fellowship with Elijah -- Thanks Galadriel and Emmi
:: A new interview with Elijah from Metro New York Edition Monday, July 26, 2004 - Thanks Elvenhobbit
:: Tiell sent along a link to her fabulous Elijah artworks... definately something to check out!
:: Fi sends some info for Aussies: im just writing to let you know that elijah's episode of Saturday night live will finally after months of waiting air in Australia. It air's on the 14th of August at 6:30 eastern standard time on cable channel arena - Thanks Fi
:: If you've ever wanted to get something from LOTRshop.com , I suggest you do it now. They're having a sale [25% to 55% on Lord of the Rings Items!] from now until the 5th August -- Thanks Gemma
:: Jochen let me know that Radio Flyer will be available on DVD from VideoETA.com from October 12.
Sorry to everyone who has been e-mailing me and hasn't received a response... i promise i'll reply as soon as things has settled down a bit. Thanks to everyone who has been sending news, and thanks in advance to anyone who does in the next few days ;) Have a great weekend everyone!