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News Archive: April 2004



April 1, 2004

:: Lucy's been flat out with exams at school at the moment which is why she hasnt been able to update - GOOD LUCK :)
:: Lynn, Hobbitangel, Rivka and Capotica send along this [Thanks!] --Frodo's a Soccer Yobbit-- :)
:: Magazine news from Miranda: I just wanted to say that if you buy the dutch magazine DVD Valley you will get the DVD of The Ice Storm for free!!
:: Another article thanx to Amity & Josie :)
:: Ooooo, nice new pic from 'Hooligans' - Reminds me of The Faculty days ;) Thanks Capotica and the BEI!
:: Newspaper clipping posted on TORn - Basically the same as the article posted above :)
:: Just to put alot of minds at ease.. those pictures i posted on Monday.. They are Elijah's sister Hannah in them :) Don't stress people!

April 2, 2004

:: I have heaps of new pictures from The Yank which you can find here -- thanks to moonlight_spike and nuregwen and Chloe for directly me to them!
:: Shalini sent me the link to lots of Bacchus pictures

April 3, 2004

:: Ok people, here's the situation.. I know that i have been updating alot lately, mainly because Lucy has been really busy and i wanted to really help her out. The truth is, i don't have that much free time anymore cause i've been working and i've got important stuff coming up later this year which means that i actually won't be able to help Lucy out with the site for much longer.. I have absolutely LOVED working on the site and you guys have been a fantastic help towards that contribution so i am very appreciative of that :) Don't think this is my last update cause it aint, but just letting you know that i may not be updating for much longer.. Thanx for listening!
:: Jen sent another scan from 'InStyle' mag - Thanks Girl!
:: Kallie says that this link shows all the movies that Elijah stars in this month on the 'Starz' channel :)
:: Amy sent these pics of Elijah in London recently, or so i think.. [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3]

April 4, 2004

:: I'm sure we're all sorry to see Autumn leave us, but we wish her all the best of luck for the future ... Thanks for being the best co-webmaster a girl could have, we'll all miss you! Now everyone don't freak out ok? I'm not leaving [least not for now] and i'm thinking of getting someone else to help me with the updates - if i can find anyone that is. But Autumn will still be updating for a little bit longer ;)
:: Heaps more pics are up on the Hooligans page -- Thanks Patsie
:: Wow... and thanks so much to Claudia for directing me to this page with heaps of new Elijah pics

April 9, 2004

:: Don't really have any news, but i've been trying really hard to find someone else to help update. There are just so many people to choose from so i'm really confused right now! But thanks to everyone who offered to help, it really means a lot :) Hope everyone has a great Easter break!
:: Just some misc pictures... Aimee sent these: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] and Justine sent these: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

April 9, 2004

:: Hey kids! You may ask yourself who I am. Well, let me intoduce myself: My name is Sarah, I am 17 years old and the former webmistress of Elijah-Online. I decided to help Lucy out cause I can imagine how hard it must be to keep on running such a big site alone. So, here I am hoping to content all your needs regarding Elijah.
:: Thanks for choosing me Lucy <3 and thanks to all those who applied.


April 10, 2004

:: *Wipes tear* - Ok guys, This is officially my last update cause Lucy has found Sarah, who i'm sure will love working on the site as much as i did :) Thankyou so much to everyone for they're great support.. I love you all *mwah* :) Have a great Easter and i hope to keep in touch! (BTW.. i'll post what news i had left..)
:: Sarah sent this little tidbit [Thanks girl!] - 'For Elijah Wood making 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'was easier than 'The Lord of the Rings' films because the challenges were different. "Directly after an experience like that, it seems like everytihing is a lot easier" he told reporters. "You're not in one place for 16 months working on a giant epic in various odd weather conditions and big hobbit feet to apply every day." Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey star in Eternal sunshine as Clementine and Joel, an unhappy couple trying to erase each other from their minds. Wood's character trys to woo Clementine using underhanded tactics.
:: The lovely Carrie sent along this new pic :) Thanks!!

April 10, 2004

:: No big news for today but I will update though. :)
:: "Lord of the Rings star Elijah wood is frequently being snubbed by movies he's desperate to star in - because he looks to young. The 23-year-old actor - who has been appearing on the big screen since the age of eight - hopes his boyish appearance will stand him in good stead in later life, but admits at present they're hindering his goals. "
Read more about it here! Thanks Pamelaf. :)
:: Claire sent in this: "Just a little bit of news for you if you want to post it. Nothing exciting, but there was a section in Heat magazine last week about Elijah being overheard talking about how he and his friends drank 73 pints in five and a half hours in a pub in London. Looks like he's settling in over here!!" Thank you very much girl! :D
:: Oh, and thank you for all those nice comments. I already feel involved. Thank you very much, you guys are the best <3

Happy Easter :D


April 12, 2004

:: Lots of candy for you today. :)
:: First of all there goes a big 'Thank You' to Annie for following high-res pics of some well known pictures from The Yank (behind the scenes). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
:: Marie and Ika sent in following:
Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood plans on stretching himself in the future by directing, producing and getting married - but insists his twenties are for travelling.

The 23-year-old actor, who is currently promoting his latest film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind co-starring Jim Carrey, has been sharing his planned future projects.

He says, "I would love to produce and direct films. I would like to have a record label, too.

"And I'd like to take photography a little more seriously, I look forward to being married one day and I can't wait to have a family too.

"But I want to reserve my twenties for travelling and experiencing new things."
- Thanks girls. :)
:: Anna sent in a Spanish magazine cover. [Here]
:: For those of you who have got a Livejournal, Jessica sent in this link to some LOTR quizzes. :) (I guess there are some of them which can be done without being a member of the community). Have fun!
:: Big thanks to Pum who sent in following pics I haven't seen before. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


April 12, 2004

:: Okay, no Elijah news, but as you can see a new layout!!! I guess most of you will love it, some of you won't, but I love it. Needless to say this layout was made by the queen of layouts: Helle. She made all this possible. A&F definitively needed a new look. And here it is. fresh, clean and simple. If you want a new layout you should visit her design site over at Fauxil.Org! :D
Thank you so much girl *praises*. Am I repeating myself if I tell you how awesome Helle is? She is beyond amazing and you can find her over at Starless-Day.Net. Go take a look people!



April 13, 2004

:: I'm glad that so many of you like the new layout :D Thanks again to the fabulous Helle who owns Fauxil.Org for another great layout and of course Jochen for setting it up :)
EDIT: Jochen has added skin support to the site [see left] so you can choose which layout you wish to view the site in :) Thanks Jochen!
:: I don't have any news, but i just wanted to let everyone know that i have not left! Don't bother sending me goodbye messages ... only Autumn has left. Feel free to send me news though ;)
:: Annie posted some new The Yank filming pictures: [1] [2] [3]

Want to see PJ make The Hobbit movie?...


April 14, 2004

:: Some new pictures of Elijah filming The Yank have been published. You can read and article about here and Mashingmuffins sent in the original scan. See it here. Thank you :)
:: PrpLStArGiRL sent in this older pic. Thanks as well :D
:: Monica sent in an article about the rumour that Elijah & Dom are dating. Read it carefully! lol Here. Thanks girl! :)
:: Well, as you can see Jochen had an ingenious idea. He skinned the site. So if anyone is badly dissatisfied with the new layout by any reason, you may choose the old layout. I hope everybody is happy now. *sighs*
:: Oh, and is it a shameless plug if I say that Geeked is up and running again? No? Fine then ;D Have a nice evening lovers!


April 15, 2004

:: Yet another short update to keep you informed :)
:: Patsie found new(old) pictures. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Thank you so much for finding these ;)
:: Oh and she just posted those pics from filming The Yank. Beware of the SPOILERS!
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
:: Oh well, and Ally said that the picture Monica sent in yesterday was scanned by her. Yes.
:: Am I updating too much? =/ Ah, and thank you so much for all those nice comments on Geeked. I am very proud. And so many hits. Oh my god! <3


April 20, 2004

:: Yes, indeed we actually have a life. Incredible, huh? Anyways, some stuff to post. And here we go:
:: First of all Nature sent in this picture from a special issue of the Japanese Screen magazine. :D Thank you girl!
:: Lila from the O.L.C. sent in this funny hobbity picture. Thank you very much :)
:: Alex sent in following three pics of the October/November issue of the ONE magazine. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Thanks man. :D
:: Okay, Happy late-birthday Heidi! :D She emailed me and told about her amazing LOTR cake. Look: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] Wooho! *throws confetti*
:: Amy told me that Elijah is in the actual issue of the English magazine J17. There are some pictures, a poster and following quote:
“The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me in school was when I was in the first grade. I had to go to the bathroom but I couldn’t make it to the toilets in time. I ended up peeing my pants in the classroom! Everyone saw- it was horrific.” - Lol, poor man ;)
:: Oh,and for all those French fans who still have no idea when "Eternal Sunshine of the Spottless Mind" comes out in the movies: It's the 6th of October for you. Thanks Alex, yet again ;)
:: It seems to be very sure that Elijah is going to shoot "Everything is Illuminated". Here.
:: Two filming scenes of The Yank I stole from Geeked, here and there. There is no Elijah on these pics. So no need to search. And don't send emails asking "Where is he?" ;) Hehe.
:: Last but not least an article about Elijah's soccer activities here. Thanks Rose & Muffin :D


April 22, 2004

:: Feda sent in another newspaper article about The Yank. I've also added another page to The Yank filming gallery - some new pictures are from BEI
:: Tara let me know that Elijah's "voice" will be guest starring on King of the Hill in the episode “Girl You’ll Be A Giant Soon” on Sunday, April 25 @ 7:30pm Eastern/Standard time on FOX ... On all new King of the Hill Hank finds out that only charcoal grillers can enter the Texas State Grill-Off, he partners with Luanne and Luanne’s friend Jason (guest voice Elijah Wood) to organize a grilling protest. Unfortunately, their plan backfires.
:: And thanks marysmurf from the messageboard for this picture of what Elijah will look like on the cartoon. [he's on the right :P]
:: Mina from our affiliate A Hobbit's Tale sent in this scan from this week's issue of the French Public magazine
:: Elvenhobbit from the board posted a fairly recent interview from NW magazine
Thanks to everyone who sent in news :)


April 24, 2004

:: Rose sent in this recent article about Elijah in London... also Emma sent in another article here basically saying the same thing -- Thanks Girls.
:: Another recent article about Elijah i found here
:: A gorgeous scan of Elijah which Bunniewabbit scanned here
:: Annie posted three new pictures from The Yank filming: [1] [2] [3]


April 24, 2004

:: TORn has some clips from the episode of King of the Hill which Elijah will be in [see previous update for details on that ;)] so check them out
:: Bagendinn.com posted some new Elijah pictures which were sent in from a fan, Daphna, from when she met him in London: [1] [2]
:: Adriana wrote in to tell me that Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind will be in theatres on May 28th in México
:: A lot of people e-mail me asking if Elijah replies to his fanmail. Well, thinking about it logically, of course he can't reply to everyone who writes to him. If you do write you'll most likely get an photocopied autographed black and white photo like Amity did [view]
:: BTW, incase any of you are interested, skins have now been added to the messageboard as well :) Click here to read more about it [note that more will be added in the coming weeks ;)]


April 25, 2004

:: Yet again a bunch of pictures :D
:: Thanks to moonligh_spike, where I found following two pictures of The Yank. [1] [2]. Thanks :D
:: A big and HUGE thanks to Annie who found new pictures, yet again.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11].
Thanks a lot!! ♥


April 29, 2004

:: The lovely Patsie met Elijah on the set of The Yank and posted some great stuff up on her lj [check it out], including these pics: [1] [2]
:: Brittany sent in a quote from Elijah in the most recent People (May 3, 2004 issue) about the movie Passion of the Christ: "I loved The Passion. It transcends films. It's like watching a painting coming to life. At the heart of it is a man taking a risk, putting his career on the line to make an artistic and religious statement." [Thanks Brittany]
:: Nat sent in this recent Elijah article [28 April 2004]:

In the movie Jim Carrey tries to get rid of painful memories of his girlfriend by having his memory erased.
It also stars Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst and Elijah Wood - who plays a doctor's assistant who helps Jim get rid of his memory.
But Elijah admits he's happy with having all his memories intact - even the bad ones.
"I think we all have experiences and certainly relationships that we'd love to do away with in memory. You know, those relationships that you have and you think later 'Why was I ever in that?'"
"I think that's happened to everybody. But having said that I wouldn't want to erase anything from my memory, because I think it's those experiences and the bad experiences that we have in our lives that ultimately make us who we are and shape us and allow us to grow and also help us to appreciate the good in our lives."

:: 2 new pics from BEI of Elijah and a fan [Laura]: [1] [2]
:: A small picture of Elijah from the May 3rd issue of Star magazine [can anyone get a bigger scan?] - Thanks Cyndi
:: Finally, PINKYPETRIE sent in an old[ish] article about Elijah:

Ask Elijah Wood why he recently moved to the Flatiron district instead of Mulholland Drive, and he sounds less like the star of a gazillion-grossing trilogy and more like, well, a 22-year-old who just got his first real digs. “To have my first apartment, and for it to be in the city, is a dream come true,” he says. He riffs on the restaurants (“Babbo was a food adventure”), the bar culture (“I finally move from California, and now there’s a smoking ban here”), the music scene (“The Strokes get a lot of shit, but they write great songs”), and only then the film scene, briefly, before raving about “Toy Tokyo—this great toy store on 7th and Second Avenue!” Yes, he admits, it’s been known to stock a Frodo figure, “but the stuff I love is from Japan. And they had this twelve-inch figure of Jack Nicholson from The Shining, and the blade he was holding had a real wood handle!” So much enthusiasm, but we thought hobbits felt more at home in the bucolic Shire than Mordor-like Manhattan. “Yeah, I guess it is sort of anti the message of the films,” jokes Wood, “but at some point, I am thinking about moving somewhere with trees, maybe Park Slope—or Williamsburg.”


April 30, 2004

:: An article which Rafferty from the board sent along about Elijah being cast in Sin City [which mentions A+F ;D ... here is the page they linked]
:: Also, here is a [really stupid] article posted on the board - Thanks again Rafferty!
:: Here's a tidbit which Bunnie found on eonline.com:
Elijah Wood continues to suffer certain snafus on the set of The Yank, now filming in the U.K. Creative infighting between the powers that be continues to bypass Mr. W. (for now, at least). However, the Hobbit hunkette has been less successful at avoiding rabid fans somehow being tipped off about the soccer flick's filming locales. "It's getting so bad," lamented a Yanker. "We were filming at Fenchurch Street Station in London, and someone had to be specially allocated to keep [Wood's fans] back and out of shot!" On the other Porta Potti-washed hand, those zany types could very well help open the damn movie--ya never know.


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