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December 2001 News
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Saturday, 1 December 2001 |
:: This whole data transfer status thing is really annoying me. So if you get that
message that you can't view this site, just go directly to another site e.g
yahoo.com, then click the BACK button on your browser and it should
take you back to my site without that stupid message. This should work :)
:: I found another movie that you can
which has interviews and a bit of when Elijah Wood and the other hobbits were
singing! It's so cute, it doesn't show it all, but it's worth checking out.
:: I added another interview from the Sunday Times to the
interviews page
:: You can get your name added to the first-ever list of Elijah Wood fans on the net
hosted by Elijah's Endeavours. There is
a link to it on the links page.
:: I finished the frodo pictures pages. They new pictures are scattered in all of the
galleries. You can get to them in the pictures page. I'll
work on another Lij gallery soon.
Sunday, 2 December 2001 |
:: I just finished watching a whole scene from The Fellowship of the Ring movie--you
know the scene when they're in the caves of moria? Anyway, you can download all
10 megabytes of it
here. It has
major spoliers, but it's worth seeing and it doesn't give too much away
:: Some scans from
a special collector's edition of Empire Magazine. This has some new pics of Elijah
:: Some more scans from magazines featuring articles about LOTR:
Monday, 3 December 2001 |
:: TORN tells us that Elijah Wood will be
appearing on the following shows:
December 11 - David Letterman, CBS
December 12 - Conan O'Brien, NBC
December 13 - Today Show, NBC
:: An interview
with Elijah Wood concerning hobbits
:: For those of you who, like me, didn't get to watch "Quest for the Ring" on Fox,
someone from TORN has very kindly typed it all
up!! You can read it
:: Also an article
about Elijah Wood from the Daily Telegraph concerning Elijah's bad habits Thanks to
Wednesday, 5 December 2001 |
:: I found an interview with 2 NEW pictures of Elijah which look sooooooooo good!!!
(the pictures and 1 and 2) check em out:
1 (love this one!),
Thanks TORN!
:: You can hear some interviews with Elijah at
this site (you have to scroll down
a bit until you find it) *sigh* his voice i so sweet :) Thanks Autumn
Sunday, 9 December 2001 |
:: Sorry i haven't updated in so long, but i've been really busy. But that means
that there is heaps of news today :)
:: "Hello this is Elijah Wood and welcome to the lordoftherings.net" That is
what you'll hear Elijah saying when you visit
lordoftherings.net. (it'll be either
Elijah or Sean Astin)
:: I made a message
board for the site so that you can speak to other Elijah Wood fans, so check
that out and post a message if you want. I'd love to talk to you all. :)
:: Heaps of stuff on Elijah: articles/pictures:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4
An interview:
Elijah's Away with the Faeries
Elijah learns some swear words :)
Frodo pics:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4
:: Also the news section is now grouped into months, which should make it easier
to view.
Sunday, 9 December 2001 |
:: Also, some news for people who live in Australia like me. There are heaps of
pictures and articles in these magazines:
1. Big Hit Magazine - January 2002
2. TV Hits Magazine - January 2002
3. TV Hits Poster Magazine
4. Dolly Magazine - January 2002
Thanks Autumn!
:: Vicki Miller sent me a very nice "picture of Elijah
Wood that she drew herself which i thought deserved to be published. You can
send her any comments on it through me if you like :)
:: If you have anything which you have made which is related to either Elijah
or The Lord of the Rings, please e-mail it to me at elvenmuggle@yahoo.com,
and i'll publish it on my site. So you can send me anything whether it be
drawings, paintings or backgrounds. If i get enough pictures, then i'll open up a
fan section where you can see some fan pictures :) So start sending those pictures
Monday, 10 December 2001 |
:: Well i've gotten a good response to the fan section. People seem to be really
interested in starting one up. Keep them coming cause i'd love to start a fan
:: I was sent 2 new drawings/paintings of Elijah as Frodo:
One from my very artistic friend Niki B showing
Elijah as Frodo Baggins
And a second image from Vicki Miller also showing
Elijah as Frodo
:: And 2 new interviews with Elijah Wood:
1 and
Tuesday, 11 December 2001 |
:: It was the premiere of The Fellowship of The Ring yesterday in London. Not
long now for it to be released worldwide! :) According to people who were present
on the night, all of the actors were really excited about it, and of course about
meeting each other again for the first time in ages. Apparantly Elijah jumped on
Orlando Bloom when he saw him (how cute) so you can see what a close relationship
was formed.
:: Heaps of pictures have been released from the FOTR premiere. Here are the ones
which have Elijah in them:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
pic 5
(hehe, look how short he is!:),
pic 6,
pic 7,
pic 8
Thanks to Yahoo! News
:: I finally got around to adding a new gallery to the pictures section, so you can
check that out here
:: Read this opening line from the latest article with Elijah Wood:
'On a late afternoon in October, Elijah Wood, 20, rises from his chair in a
small Santa Monica, Calif., coffeehouse, grabs the waist of his pants and asks,
"Have you seen it? I'll show you."'
hehe, of course you know what it's talking about - his tattoo!! (yes of course
that's what you were thinking!). We finally find out where he got his elvish
tatoo. It's 3 inches long (wow) and It's on the lower right side of his torso and
it's the word 'nine' written in elvish. You can read the whole article
:: An interview
with Elijah Wood and an
article about Lij
and Liv Tyler
Thanks once again to TORN
Wednesday, 12 December 2001 |
:: For all you poor people like me who didn't get to watch Elijah on David Letterman,
don't worry, TORN has released some very nice
pictures from the interview :) You can see them
here. How cute is
he!? It also shows a little
burger king toy
which Elijah says that he absolutely hates. And he also mentioned how painful the
elvish tattoo was - poor Lij.
:: My very good friend Autumn sent me some new pictures from the premiere which i
hadn't seen before:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
also 2 new pictures of Lij posing:
pic 1 and
pic 2
Thanks Autumn!!
:: Some people have been asking about the Sydney premiere of LOTR, so i posted all the
details that i know on the
messageboard, so if
you're interested, check that out :)
:: Also you can view a video of the premiere of The Fellowship of the Ring which
includes some scenes from the movie and of course the reporter talks to Elijah :) You
can view it if you have the time
Thursday, 13 December 2001 |
:: Some new pictures of Elijah from the premiere of The Fellowship of the Ring:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4
(This would look good if Lij's eyes weren't red)
Thanks to Autumn and Hobbitangel from the
for these pics
:: Heaps of pictures
from Elijah's appearance on the 'Today' show and 'Regis and Kelly'
Thanks TORn
:: Some articles on LOTR and Elijah:
article 1,
article 2+3,
article 4,
article 5
:: My friend Autumn found some
from the London premiere
in which we can see Elijah jumping on Orlando when he sees him for the first time.
It's so cute, but the quality is really bad, but still, you can see it :)
Thanks Autumn and NZOOM
:: Also Movie TV has released some footage with some interviews with Elijah Wood which
goes for 6 minutes! You can view it
Thanks TORN!
Saturday, 15 December 2001 |
:: Hey everyone, my friend Autumn found some Elijah stuff:
An article from National Post and
the clip of Elijah on the "Today Show" :)
Thanks Autumn!
:: You wanna see a picture of Elijah when he jumped on top of Orlando Bloom? :) Well
here u go!
I love that picture - it's so cute!! Also there r more pictures from this series
:: And heaps more pictures of Elijah
from the Conan O'Brien show :)
:: More pics from
Access Hollywood
:: Also a new pic of Frodo
:: An interview with Elijah Wood
from Newsweek
:: Another short interview
with Elijah Wood from the Big Breakfast
:: Some Film 2001 clips online with
interviews with Elijah
(someone's popular :)
:: For all you German speaking people, you can watch heaps of clips relating to LOTR
:: We also have some new additions to the fan art section! :) Lauren has sent me 4
pictures which she drew of Elijah Wood, and i must say they look fabulous!
(Especially the 1st one) check them out:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4
Thanks so much to Lauren for sending them in, and if you have any fan art
you'd like published,send them along, I'll
try to open up a fan section soon so that you can see them all, i'm just really busy
Sunday, 16 December 2001 |
:: Not that much news today, but here are some new pics of Elijah from the premiere:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
pic 5,
pic 6,
pic 7,
pic 8
Thanks Autumn and TORN
:: Some new pictures of Elijah as Frodo Baggins:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
pic 5,
pic 6,
pic 7,
pic 8,
pic 9,
pic 10,
pic 11
Thanks Fantasyplanet.cz and Jessie from the
:: Also here's a detailed account
of the premiere of FOTR, from someone who obviously got to go to the premiere. It's
got some pictures so you might wanna check it out. Thanks again to
:: There's a new Elijah Wood site which is a fanlisting site. You can get your name
listed by going to the site and signing up (there's a link to it on the bottom of
this page)
:: And if you didn't get to watch all the cast on TRL yesterday like me, Oregoonie
from TORN gives us a
run-down on the interview
Monday, 17 December 2001 |
:: 2 interviews with Elijah Wood from TORN
Playing the hero
Elijah Wood feels 'lucky' as Frodo Baggins
:: Also from TORN, some
pictures from the premiere
of LOTR in New York. They're kinda dark, but you should be able to make out Elijah.
(and is that Billy wearing a kilt?)
Tuesday, 18 December 2001 |
:: Lots of news today :) Two Interviews with Elijah from
Elijah Wood: A Hard Hobbit to Break
Elijah in the Wood
:: An article from the
NZ Listener about LOTR
:: Another picture
of Elijah with some fans
:: Lots more pictures of Elijah at premieres :)
At the New York premiere:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
pic 5,
All pictures from this series
At the Los Angeles Premiere:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
All pictures from this series
Thanks Fansites.com
:: Here are some pictures from Elijah's apperance on
The Daily Show
Thanks TORN
Wednesday, 19 December 2001 |
:: LOTR premiere in New Zealand!! You lucky people finally get to watch it, while poor
people like me have to wait another week :(
:: If you're quick you can watch the premiere of LOTR in New Zealand
here on this webcam.
Thanks Niki!:) :)
:: "Steve Kmetko...I'm not happy" Well here are some clips from
which interview some of the stars The reporter asks Elijah about the fellowship
tatoos, and Elijah says that he ain't happy about Sean Astin breaking the pact and
showing his tattoo. Thanks Autumn
:: An interview with Elijah Wood:
My Life as a Hobbit
:: Another interview from
The Sunday Morning Herald
:: Autumn has sent me heaps more pictures of Elijah from the premiere:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
pic 5,
pic 6,
pic 7,
pic 8,
pic 9,
All the pictures from this series
Thanks Autumn and yahoo!
:: My friend Francisco found this clip from the
Ridiculous Thoughts Video which
features a much younger Elijah. It's not really new, but i didn't think many people
had seen it. (Just click on the Ridiculous thoughts video with the picture of Lij under
QT Videos) Thanks Francisco!
:: Also, I updated the Interviews page.
Thursday, 20 December 2001 |
:: I just spent ages searching the internet for all the pictures from the Wellington
premiere of the Lord of the Rings, but surprisingly, there aren't that many yet.
Anyway this is what i've manages to find:
- A whole bunch of pictures from the premiere taken from the webcam
here (there r 2 pages)
- A picture of
Lij and PJ
- A picture of
Lij, Orli, Dominic and Billy
:: If you didn't get to watch the premiere on the webcam, you can now download it from
this site. But it isn't as
good, it goes really really fast, so you can't see things properly
:: Also, thanks Val for sending these pics from the premiere in:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4,
pic 5,
pic 6,
pic 7
:: If you find any more pictures from the premiere, please
send them along
Friday, 21 December 2001 |
:: Hey everyone! I finally managed to get more pictures and news about Elijah from
the Wellington Premiere:
:: Some pictures from the premiere:
pic 1,
pic 2,
pic 3,
pic 4
:: A whole bunch of
pictures from
the premiere
:: More pics from the premiere
:: You can now go to lordoftherings.net to
heard either lij, sean, billy, orli, liv, ian, dominic or christopher welcome you
to the site
:: A magazine spread on LOTR:
"The Lure of the Rings"
Thanks TORn
:: Heaps and heaps of pictures of Elijah Wood from various places which i haven't seen before:
page 1,
page 2,
page 3,
page 4,
Thank you so much Autumn! :) :)
:: A new >picture from the Wellington premiere.
:: You can download a clip from the lord of the rings premiere
Thanks again Autumn
:: And i am sooooo happy right now cause i'm going to the premiere of LOTR in Sydney
today, watch out for me in the news, i'll be the one screaming out Elijah's name at
the top of my lungs :) i'll try to get as many pics as i can :)
Saturday, 22 December 2001 |
:: Omg, i'm so happy! I just saw Elijah Wood at the Sydney Premiere of the Lord of the
Rings! Happy Happy Joy Joy! And although i hardly got any pictures at all!, i'll get
some pictures from my friends, scan them, and i'll post them here as soon as i can,
but it'll be a while. Anyway, some people wanted to know about the premiere, so i
quickly typed this
recount, so if you
can be bothered, go and read it. (The page might be down, so just keep checking back)
:: Someone at TORN has kindly typed up an
article about Elijah Wood
which featured in the Sunday Magazine in Australia.
:: Some articles about The Lord of The Rings
- From The Age
- "My mom wasn't too happy about it (the tattoo) actually...I told her
I was going to do it before I did it and she had some harsh words to say about it"
From Wraiths top the terror stakes - hobbits
- Wellington, ' We love you'
:: Also, for those who live in Sydney, watch out for these two shows:
- 22/12 - 'Quest for the Ring' channel 9 @ 10:30pm
- 23/12 - J.R.R. Tolkien: An Awfully Big Adventure SBS @ 9:30pm
Sunday, 23 December 2001 |
:: I finally got around to updating the galleries, so now there r like 6 new
galleries. I've tried to keep the number of pics on each page to a minimum
to reduce loading time. The new galleries start with
number 6
:: There are two new Elijah Wood sites, check them out on the
links page
:: If i don't get on tomorrow, i want to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas
and i hope that you get all what you wished for :)
[click for pop-up window]
Monday, 24 December 2001, Christmas Eve |
:: TORn has released a newspaper article which
features a picture of the famous
tattoo! :)
Sunday, 30 December 2001 |
:: Hey everyone, sorry for the major lack of updates, but i hope everyone had a great
Christmas! :)
:: First of all i saw LOTR yesterday and i absolutely loved it!! Best movie of all
time. I'd like to know
what you thought of it.
:: By the way, elvenmuggle@yahoo.com is NOT Elijah Wood's e-mail address, it is my
personal e-mail. I do not know Elijah Wood nor am i related to him, so any e-mails
sent to elvenmuggle@yahoo.com for Elijah Wood will just be deleted as there is no
way for me to send them to him. Thankyou :)
:: Marcus from elijah-wood.com very kindly
offered me space on his server, so i'll be moving most of the pages onto a different
server - especially the pics so that it'll load quicker and be available 24/7. The
new address for this website is
so please update your bookmarks. Thanks Marcus!
:: Got some pictures
from Elijah's appearance on "The Tonight show with Jay Leno' Thanks
:: Apparantly Elijah 'doesn't mind that he'll be identified for the rest of his
life as Frodo'
Read the rest of the interview
:: Australia can now get a huge selection of LOTR logos and pictures. Click
to see the full list. Thanks to Anela for that
:: Also me and a couple of other people who own Elijah sites are working on an Elijah
Wood fan art website. So if you have any drawings. paintings or graphics that you
have done on Elijah Wood, please send them in to me at elvenmuggle@yahoo.com so
that they can be published :)
:: New interview with Elijah Wood
Thanks Bianca!
:: Also this site received another award (you can see it at the bottom of this page.
And i added another
link to the
links page
Monday, 31 December 2001 |
:: Well i just got my photo of Elijah developed, and although it is horribly off
center (most of his left side has been cut off) it still looks good, i'll try to
get it scanned ASAP :)
:: Omg, Thank you sooooooooooooo much to Jessie P. for sending me these
scans of Elijah Wood. They are soooooo good! Ah! I love them!
By the way Jessie, send me your e-mail i want to know where you got them from! :)
Thanks again!!
:: By the way, Happy New Year Everyone! (well almost :)
Monday, 31 December 2001 |
:: Well my friend Niki finally got her photos developed from the premiere of LOTR in
Sydney (mine are currently developing, fingers crossed that they'll end up good!)
So here are Niki's pics:
Barrie Osbourne (Producer),
Billy Boyd,
Hugo Weaving, and
Elijah Wood
(hehe, look how short he is! :) Thanks Niki!
:: My other friend Wendy also got her photos developed but since neither her nor me
has a scanner, it'll take a while for me to be able to post our pics :( If you
have any pics you would like to send in, please send them to
elvenmuggle@yahoo.com cause i'd love to
see them!
:: Wireimage.com has released more pics from TRL, some of which i've already posted
before, but here they are again:
page 1,
page 2
Thanks TORn!
:: A cute picture of
Elijah, Orlando, Dominic and Billy
:: Apparantly 'The four (Elijah, Billy, Dominic, Orlando) have been applying for
residency (In NZ) and have talked about buying a house together they can use as a
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