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Salomé by Jade Valor

Ten years ago I came to New Zealand for the first time, for the "Return of the King" World Premiere festivities in 2003. At the time, I came with a first draft of a fantasy/sci-fi screenplay titled "Salomé" in which our male protagonist had been inspired by our beloved Frodo - Elijah Wood.

Taken at LAX airport in 2003 where I boarded the same flight as Elijah - a delightful moment! Needless to say, I was thrilled.

I came hoping to give him the script and to make contacts in the film industry here. And - lo and behold - I did! Along with making treasured contacts among the production people that have remained over the years, I was able to give Elijah the script and even dedicate a song I had written and recorded for his fans - "Elijah's Song" - on my website of that time, with a link to cancer charity he was supporting.

Elijah's Song

YouTube Link

That screenplay eventually became a novel, and this novel is now published! And when I saw Elijah last year in 2012 at the TORN pre-Hobbit premiere party, he most graciously gave his permission for us to thank him for this inspiration in our acknowledgements.

Myself and Sir Peter

Elijah wearing my red felt hat

It was a thrill and a joy to actually be able to meet Elijah, to talk with him and experience for myself what a truly wonderful, kind and generous human being he is - an absolute highlight of my life and a great inspiration. I hope we have done him justice in our book and that he will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed the writing. So, for all fans, I'm thrilled to finally present our novel - "Salomé." Have a browse on our website and Project Salome Facebook Page and celebrate with us!

Project Salome Facebook
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