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Quotes from Elijah

“The whole anti-MP3 thing pisses me off and especially Lars Ulrich. People had the opportunity to listen to bands they'd never heard before. It was doing more good than harm but people with greed for money were trying to stop a revolution. I don't like his attitude.” - (On the anti-MP3 movement)

“I actually got a crush on Anne Heche when I worked with her on Huckleberry Finn... it didn't work out.”- (On getting crushes)

“I lived in New Zealand for 16 months, this was my life.” - (on lord of the rings trilogy)

“It is a long time (on the 16 months working in NZ),and the great thing is we actually became a family, and the fellowship that is represented in the film, became a real fellowship, I mean I've made some of my best friends of my life on this picture. I'm so blessed to be a part of this project. - ”(on LOTR)

“I was working in Austin, Texas, on 'The Faculty,' and that's where Harry lives, and he often visited the set because he was friends with Robert Rodriguez. [Knowles in fact had a cameo in the film as one of the titular alien-possessed teachers. -- Ed.] And one day he came up to me, and he was like, 'Dude, they're making 'Lord of the Rings' as a feature. You gotta play Frodo!' And the news was really exciting, but they weren't casting for it at that point. It was just kind of in the news. I first heard about it from him, [but] I actually wasn't approached to audition for it until nearly a year later.” - (on auditioning for Frodo)

“I'm a TOY! This is the coolest thing in the world!” - (On being an action figure)

“There were a lot of strange, new experiences for all of us in this movie, so it was just one of the many after a while. But it was certainly bizarre, especially to have a picture [taken with me and] my smaller self. I remember one day I noticed this kind of bin, and inside the bin -- I opened it up -- there were all of the Hobbit faces. And we took a picture of it, because it was so bizarre! It looked so eerie! Because nothing was filling the faces. They were just these blank expressions.” - (on Hobbit Masks)

“Frodo has an amazing amount of trust in Gandalf, and anything that Gandalf would ask him to do, Frodo would know that it would be for the best.” - (on Frodo Baggins)

“If I'm with friends, I want to talk about sports or games or a new CD that's coming out. When we talk about me, it's about me as a person, not an actor. That's great. That's a relief.”

“I think Leo is a really sweet kid... he's sort of weak and sort of insecure at the beginning. He's sort of different than everybody else, and I like that.” - (On his character Leo in Deep Impact)

“So much time is wasted on trying to be better than others.”

“They actually go bad, if you let them have too much air after awhile, they start smelling like urine.” - (On his hobbit feet)

“Child acting is a cut-throat world, which is pretty frightening and really silly in retrospect. But it's the parents who are evil. It is a really difficult world to live in if you don't have a base, if you don't have a strong sense of yourself. My mom wanted me to maintain a reasonable degree of normalcy and to enjoy my childhood. Family is so important. I rarely meet families who are as close as we are. I feel really blessed.”- (On child acting)

“If you cut off your arm instead of going 'spurt, spurt, spurt' wouldn't it, like, go nuts? Or would it go with the beat of your heart?.” - (Elijah age 13)

“If I were out there with kids my own age, I fear that they wouldn't like me, not because of who I am but because I'm an actor. It's scary-it's like you can't trust anybody.” - (Elijah age 13)

“I'm kind of a monkey, I like to jump around. I can't sit down. I have to keep moving. I like moving and running around and having fun.” - (Elijah age 12)

“He is weakly, definitely weakly. Which is good, because I didn't really play anything like him before. I was very excited to mix it up and do something different. I had to play the insecure without the clichees, which all those alltype characters have connected to them. That was the challenge I and everyone else had as well.” - (On Casey in the faculty)

“The worst kind of lying I've ever done is keeping things from people.”

“I was living in Iowa where I was born. I was about six years old, when my mother was watching a tv commercial one day, and it popped into her head that I´d love to do this. 'He loves life, he's got a ton of energy, it's a great channel for energy.” - (On how it all began)

“I'm not on drugs. I'm not an alcoholic. I've just got incredible people backing me up...I wouldn't even think about taking drugs. I think it's ridiculous! I think people are throwing their lives away. River Phoenix was such a talented actor. I would have loved to see him win an Oscar. He so deserved it. Obviously he got mixed in with the wrong crowd. That ruined him. I love life. I've always been this way.”

“I haven't gotten that far yet. I want to write some things for myself as an experiment. I don't want to limit myself in saying that I want to do a particular type of thing. I am open to everything, I am just interested in that whole process of filmmaking. Lighting, the visuals really amaze me, and to plan the visuals with something profound.” - (On future directing)

“Family life has kept me going in the sense that I’ve been able to enjoy a normal childhood. My mom Debbie has been a constant source of support. I have an older brother, Zach, and a younger sister, Hannah, and we’re a close-knit group. I have seen what can go wrong with people who start off as child stars, such as Macaulay Culkin.”

“I'm not a star. A star is nothing but a ball of gas!”

“My agent called me and said, 'Look, they're casting 'Lord of the Rings'; Peter Jackson is gonna direct it, and you should go in and put yourself on tape', [But] the idea of putting myself on tape in a casting office wasn't particularly attractive to me, mainly because I wanted to try to convey my passion for the project and for the role, and going into the casting office against a white background and being put on tape did not seem at all conducive to what I wanted to portray. So I [decided to do] my own tape, which I'd never done before, but I figured that this project deserved my own interpretation and my full attention. So I got a voice coach and worked on my accent for a little while, and then a few friends of mine got together and we went up to the Hollywood Hills after getting some costumes at Western Costume, and we shot the scenes like you would a film, [with] various angles and things. And we went that night to the Miramax offices and borrowed their Avid machine and edited it together, and the next day I brought the video into the casting office and I kind of let it go, just knowing that I'd put my best foot forward in terms of getting the role, and I would see what happened. And it all went from there.” - (On audition tapes)

“I think God gave me a talent to use for the positive and to do an horror movie would be, like, overstepping my bounds. If I was to do a horror film, I wouldn't want to be paid. It would be like a vacation, because you don't really have to use your acting skills.” - Entertainment Weekly, November 25, 1994

“It was pretty accurate! It was kind of ghostly. But it was also quite cool as well, because we all got to stand back and watch people of real Hobbit size walk around and, essentially, they were Hobbits.” - (On his rubber mask)

"Isn't it funny you say that! Yeah, it does! Well, it also means 'Messenger of God,' but I believe it does mean Chosen One.” - (On the meaning of Elijah)

“The Hobbit feet were great initially, but the novelty did wear off. I've never worn that many prosthetics before, it was an incredible work of art, a defining feature. We started at 5am and had to stand for an hour and a half while they applied them, so we did get tired after awhile. My feet were the sweatiest so it would melt the glue and they would fall off after awhile.” - (On hobbit feet)

“My GOD! Ridiculous. I’ve never been in so much pain in my life.” - (on his tattoo)

“I don't read the teen magazines. They're weird. I see headlines like 'Big Blue Eyes Elijah Wood: We've Got Him!" I don't like that. It's so bubble-gummy.” -- People, May 27, 1996

“I won't change and my perspective won't change. I want to continue my life the way I live it, and I'm not going to let anything stop me from doing that. It isn't all about acting. There's a lot more to life than Hollywood.” – (on celebrity)

“I definitely felt the pressure. I wanted to live up to all of the expectations. But when I got into costume and worked with the others, I just didn't think about it anymore.” – (on worrying about the high expectations of Lord of the Rings fans when he was cast as Frodo)

“If I wasn't an actor, I'd be a secret agent.”

“I think being different, being against the grain of society, is the greatest thing in the world.”

“Frodo will look more haggard, but not as bad as Gollum. There is a massive transformation, but the journey should have a physical effect on him, which makes sense as I look a lot older than when I started filming. I was 18 then, and it's appropriate that he looks older, too. And if I've done my job right, then you should empathize with him. When it came to the end, I was very emotional. I was heaving, I couldn't breathe, and the last bits of the movie really wrecked me. They gave each actor his own farewell, when we were back there earlier this year. You'd go on to a sound stage and Peter would make a speech about each actor and then bring in their sword and a clapperboard. It was completely overwhelming. When it came time for me to give a speech, I was so gone I just couldn't do it. I now have the ears, the feet, the sword, the Ring, and one of the maps of Middle-Earth. The whole thing has had a massive impact on us. I think Bill and Dom and I are thinking about buying a house here [in New Zealand], because we don't want to lose our connection with the country. It makes most sense to go in on a place because we could use it like a timeshare and then holiday at different times or together. But we're so lazy and completely hopeless at doing things, so it remains to be seen if it'll ever happen.” – (on concluding filming of LOTR)

“There's a real sense of completion now, because we can look at the entirety of the trilogy and say we've done it, our work is finished. That's a great feeling. And I think that, as it comes to a close, we look to the relationships forged in New Zealand and throughout the experience, and they will carry on. The fellowship will carry on. And that gives us great hope. Our lives will interweave forever.” – (after the last press junket for LOTR in New York)

“That day was very difficult and it was a long day. I remember Peter actually crying on set after a few takes. It was a real defining moment for Sean and I, not only in this film, but in our acting.” [December 14, 2003] – (on filming the scene in Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) in which Sam tries to make Frodo recall the Shire)

“I will go back ... I think Bill and Dom and I are thinking of buying a house together. We don't want to lose our connection with New Zealand - I love the country and I love Wellington and I want to go back. I would love to have a place to live there if I do go back for any period of time. It would just be a time share. It makes the most sense for us to go in on a place, 'cause then we can get a great place. We could be there together and have holidays there, or if I wanted to go there and live there for a little while I could. It just kind of makes sense. Then we could rent it out when we aren't there. That's the idea, anyway.” (On hearing this, Billy Boyd said, "Elijah said that, huh? He put a curse on it.") – (on New Zealand)

“My philosophy has always been to try to put myself into roles and films that are different. That intensified after 'Lord of the Rings' because it was so massive, but it's something I've always believed in -- wanting to change people's perceptions and challenge myself as an actor.”

“I don't know that I necessarily feel more comfortable in the context of smaller films, but I tend to feel more comfortable more often than not with the material of smaller films.”

“Iggy read and approved the script, so we're going to start shooting this year. It's totally awesome. It scares the shit out of me, because I love him. And it's terrifying to play someone so iconic. I would never want to be the one to screw with people's perception of who he was. But that's also why I want to do it. I am genuinely a huge fan, so at least it's in the hands of someone who cares.” - (On the Iggy Pop biopic The Passenger, in which Wood will play Iggy Pop himself)

“I really do love making movies and being a part of other people's vision. But Simian is coming out of a direct need to do something on my own, to build something from the ground up that has nothing to do with the career that I've established for myself. To face something in your life where you're not being handed responsibility, you're creating it -- I think that's really important.”

“Quite simply, it’s love. It is that unconditional love that says: regardless of what you do or where you go, I will always be there for you.” - (on the friendship of Frodo and Sam)

"It's pretty boring for most days. Wake up, get coffee in the morning, sit around at the computer and check out various websites... you know! It's an average normal life on many levels." - (what a typical day is like)

"I was in my first real relationship when I was 16... total puppy love, romantic, beautiful. We had letter and emails and pictures between the two of us. And for whatever reason, I decided when the relationship was over, to get rid of it all. It's on the most foolish things I've ever done, because it was the first relationship of any significance in my life." - (On keeping memories) - Life Magazine

"I don't know! Am I? See, to answer that question would be for me to assume that I am. I just don't know." - (a direct question on why he's cute)

"Essentially, music is something I'm really passionate about. I just thought it'd be a lot of fun to work with artists and release music I believe in that might otherwise not be heard." - (on starting his record label, Simian)

"I've always loved music, but the first band that I kind of obsessively followed was Smashing Pumpkins. I loved them from the Siamese Dream on. I was 12 or 13, and I got really, hugely into them and collected everything they released. I traveled so much as a young kid and met so many different people with different musical tastes, they'd be like 'Listen to this.' I suddenly adapted this voracious appetite for music, People were throwing me things like Ween and Elvis Costello. The more I listened, the more I became passionate about learning about music and listening to as much as I could and following as many bands as I could." - (on how his love of music started) Elle Girl magazine

"Well, that's it. We're just going to have to all be in this together, a band of smokers unified. We're just all going to have to move to France." - (hearing about the smoking ban in London)

"I have it pretty damn good that I can walk the streets and drive around in LA and in the world, and not be too bothered and still have a semi-normal life." - (on his freedom of celebrity)


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