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Quotes about Elijah

“In creating Frodo, Tolkien may well have been thinking back to the First World War and the lads who went on a terrible journey from which many never returned. Elijah reminds me of those statues of idealized young men on war-memorials throughout the world: more sublime than human and with a complexion of molten marble. He is simply terrific…” – Ian McKellen

"Elijah is so youthful and innocent in many ways but is also incredibly professional." Liev Schreiber - Actor/Director

“Elijah Wood will never grow old! With that almost Elfin face, he was Frodo. In his gentleness and sincerity – and in his enormous enthusiasm as an actor – he was simply perfect for the part.” – Christopher Lee

"He's not your typical American actor. His style of working is very European. His lifestyle is also. He doesn't have an entourage; he doesn't come with friends nor is he surrounded by people. He knows very well how to untangle himself, and he's very secure." - John Hurt

“We lived and worked so closely together that he became more like a brother than a fellow actor. I came to feel as protective of Elijah as Sam does of Frodo. In turn, Elijah helped me discover a lot about myself and I literally might not have survived the journey had this young prince of an actor not take me under his wing.” - Sean Astin

“Those remarkable, God-given, eyes! That glorious, good-natured personality! Elijah’s Frodo is a dazzling light in the doom and gloom of war and despair.” – Ian Holm

"As a person, well Elijah in reality is quite honestly one of the best people I have ever met. He's honest and real. He comes with a great family and wonderful sensibilities. He's what folks up north call, "Good People."" - Harry Knowles - Ain't It Cool News

“Elijah has the innocence of a child, the wisdom of a ninety-year old man and the grace of an angel.” – Miranda Otto

“I had been a huge fan of Elijah’s work, particularly in The Ice Storm, and was so excited to be working with him. He has an incredible depth and understanding of life that completely belies his young years, and I was to find out on set that his energy, focus and consummate professionalism really gave power to all around him. He just was Frodo.” – Andy Serkis

"Elijah is more like a sports car, something you can drive whenever you want, that you know will function. You can ask anything of him and you know he'll say OK. Tell him, "Alright, let's change what we were doing completely. We're going to do something totally different." "OK!" "Now let's change your tone of voice. Don't beg; say it aggressively." "OK!" - Alex de la Iglesia

“Elijah is playing Frodo as if he actually were a Hobbit caught in these circumstances and dealing with them in the only way he possibly can – as a Hobbit. You feel, seeing the film, that it’s not acting or performance, which makes it very real. I can’t possibly imagine anybody else in the world who would be better suited for the role of Frodo Baggins.” – Peter Jackson

"I think Elijah, right now, can pretty much do what he wants. Not only can he be the co-star of a film, but he can carry the film on his own shoulders whether it be a small film, big budget, indie... He's developed enough cache in Hollywood now where I think people might be starting to think of him as a starring role, and able to carry the film on his own." - Stuart Levine - Variety

"His knowledge of music is practically encyclopedic... he can and will talk at any length about virtually any genre. If ever there was a person who should be involved in the music industry, it's Elijah Wood." - April Long - Nylon Magazine

He's got his feet on the ground. He doesn't walk around thinking he's a star." - Paul Hogan

"For Elijah, photography's not highly technical; it's all about feeling. That makes the best kind of photographer." - Guy Aroch - Photographer - Life Magazine

"Elijah seems to have knowledge beyond his years of executing his job. He's professional and extremely talented. He offers his own thing and before you know it, he's borrowing bits and pieces. He's a bright and unspoiled kid. - Mel Gibson

"Elijah is just a natural. You never get him going over the top. He gets up, takes a deep breath and there's 100% energy. When the camera starts rolling, he's LIVING that scene. I'm talking like he's Marlon Brando, but he blew my socks off." - Stephen Sommers - Director

"It's amazing. I do believe that Elijah has an extraordinary talent that will, in fact, carry him through 30, 40 years." - Rob Reiner - Director

"Elijah Wood does one of the most difficult things I've ever seen an actor do: sustain the sense of a burden that's eating up a character while he's struggling to maintain his humanity." - Steve Vineberg - Film professor/Author

"I couldn't allow myself to believe that I did get him, until he actually showed up. I just thought that, well, something's gonna happen...He just has this--FACE--that's so extraordinary! When I saw "The Lord of the Rings," the first film, I thought the best special effect in that movie was his eyes. I mean, they're unreal, and he's so expressive and vulnerable, and I just knew right away that he was the right person." -Vincenzo Natoli - Director


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