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News Archive: August 2020



August 15, 2020

The Leo Awards (film and television production in British Columbia) went past me in the last update, but Come to Daddy was nominated for three awards. It was in the running for Best Motion Picture, and picked up the honors for Costume Design and Male Supporting Performance. You can read more about the awards at their site.

:: Lately, the only new things coming from Elijah during these times are his Cameo videos. Here are three that I found enjoyable. Elijah and Sean tag team, a fan's reaction to a birthday greeting and Elijah's interaction with a fan.

:: Last update there was a pitch for Fellowship of the Ring. Now it's time to pitch The Two Towers.

:: Finally, since this pandemic has stifled so much in the entertainment industry, which has led to limited appearances and news, the updates (now called recaps) will occur once a month. This will continue until we beat this beast and things revert back to some normalcy.

That's all... for now.


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