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News Archive: June 2014
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June 30, 2014 |
:: Last week Elijah hit Scotland for the Edinburgh International Film Festival. He was there for his latest movie Set Fire To The Stars where it was among The Best of the Fest. Click on the image below to see two pages of photos from the festival.

::Set Fire To The Stars received plenty of favorable reviews from the festival. Here are just a few of them. Cinema Perspective, Movie Review World, Oasis Awais, Screen Daily, Edinburg Guide, Hey U Guys and Seen Some.
:: There's also some video from the festival. [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3], the Empire Online Podcast which starts about 16:30 and semi-related, check out this short video behind the scene of filming the movie.
:: The other big news is the start of the last season of Wilfred. Two episodes back to back drove viewers deeper and closer to an ending. You can check out the screencaps and reviews for Amends and Consequences.
:: The cast has also hit us with some videos. First, Elijah answers Twitter questions, while Jason answers them from Facebook. Lastly, quite the funny video with Elijah and Fiona. The videos may not be viewable everywhere.
:: You can read my own review of the first two episodes and Wilfred in general here.
:: It took a while but you can finally buy the new season of Wilfred on iTunes and season 3 can be purchased on DVD at Amazon.
:: Elijah is scheduled to make another appearance on El Hormiguero today to talk about Open Windows. He will also conduct an interview with El Pais where you can submit a question.
:: Lastly, don't forget FantasyCon in Salt Lake City kicks off on July 2nd!
:: Thank you Ambree, Jaramajo and Patrick!
That's all... for now.
June 14, 2014 |
:: We're a just a few days away from the beginning of the end of Wilfred. It's going to be a sad farewell as Dori Zuckerman thoughtfully put it.
We have had plenty to whet our appetites in the waning days. Check out the preview for the first shows on Youtube, new photos are in all the links in the Wilfred section, and I couldn't let the season start off without some Wilfred wallpapers.
I was fortunate to receive the first two episodes of Wilfred to preview and the crew hasn't missed a beat. Still intriguing, still mind-bending and still funny! I hope to have reviews for the episodes before the start of the season.
:: Elijah was honored yet again for his brilliant work in Maniac as he won best actor from Fangoria. The movie also picked up best score by Rob. Congratulations!
:: More congratulations are in order. SpectreVision's A Girl Walks Alone at Night has been picked up for U.S. distribution.
:: Elijah will be in Salt Lake City again, this time as deejay for FantasyCon at their kick off party July 2nd. It will be a Middle Earth reunion with many stars from the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies.
:: Next week on June 18th Elijah is scheduled to appear on Conan O'Brien. I wonder if they'll discuss that bit from the MTV Movie Awards. ;-)
:: Here are some new posters for Open Windows. [Poster 1] [Poster 2] [Poster 3]
:: A new Spanish trailer for Open Windows. Even in another language it looks exciting!
:: Some wonderful photos behind the scenes have been added to Set Fire to The Stars.
:: If you didn't catch it, check out the preview trailer video for the Edinburgh Film Festival to see a few short clips from Set Fire to The Stars.
:: Thanks to Jaramajo and many gracious thanks to all the players at Wilfred FXX and especially to Kristy!
That's all... for now.