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News Archive: October 2013
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October 31, 2013 |
How about scaring up lots of images and videos this Halloween. Of course, nothing much is really scary in the update besides that creepy inset photo.
:: Plenty of photos from the Grand Piano premiere in Madrid.
:: Not to leave out images of Elijah's appearance on El Hormiguero, and some video of the show.
:: There's a few video interviews on Grand Piano as well. [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4]
:: And an online print interview. Click on the first photo to be taken to a Google translated page.
:: Once Elijah returned the the States, he played host to the Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag video game launch.
:: Elijah also attended the L.A. premiere of SpectreVision's first movie release, Toad Road.
:: Speaking of SpectreVision, if you have a Twitter account, they are now live.
:: A couple of pics from another movie premiere, Raze. [1] [2]
:: Wilfred is in the running for a nomination for the People's Choice Awards. Also "pencil" in your vote for Favorite On Screen Chemistry and Favorite Bromance. Voting ends today but you can vote as many times as you like.
:: The highly acclaimed horror film Maniac is now available on Blu ray and DVD complete with commentary and an hour long "making of." Here's a little snippet from the DVD.
:: Here's another video interview appropriate for today and a little more.
:: Listen to a call in interview Elijah gave about Maniac, his thoughts about the film being banned in New Zealand and horror movies.
:: A&F welcomes another affiliate, Eternally Elijah!
:: And lastly, new Photo Encounter pics have been added. Thanks to those who sent them in and we always welcome more!
:: Shout outs go to Ambree, Jaramajo and Karin for their great finds!
That's all... for now. Happy Halloween!
October 15, 2013 |
And the hits just keep on coming from Grand Piano!
:: Lots of photos from this years Sitges Film Festival. Clicking on the image below will take you to them.

:: A fantastic making of Grand Piano video is online and you can download the full content here.
:: There is some footage from the festival as well. [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4]
:: Here are two clips from the movie. [Clip 1] [Clip 2].
:: Here's a great interview given by Elijah and Eugenio Mira on making Grand Piano.
:: A thoughtful interview Elijah gave about the horror film genre and some insights on Grand Piano.
:: Next stop for this amazing film is the BFI London Film Festival where it will show today and Friday however if you haven't gotten your tickets yet, you're out of luck as both showings are sold out. But this is good news when you think about it. :)
:: A little throwback to Fantastic Fest, here's a few videos. An interview on the complexity of filming Grand Piano, a somewhat one-sided conversation on how Elijah feels about the city of Austin, and what would Fantastic Fest be without some crazy antics? [Antics 1 ] [Antics 2]
:: As wonderful as all of this is, it's not completely about Grand Piano. Here's a nice interview Elijah recently gave about Cooties.
:: Great news and not so great news about Wilfred. The great news is that it will be returning for Season 4! The not so great news is that it will be the last season. We'll be sad to see this brilliant show come to an end but it will have and end and answers to those questions we've been asking for the past three years. David Zuckerman will be back as show-runner and has tweeted that plans for the final season are off to a great "unofficial" start. We look forward to one last season of shear greatness!
:: Get ready for some thrills and chills as SpectreFest, part of Cinefamily will show Grand Piano with Elijah present for a Q&A.
:: Here's a deleted scene from Maniac. Watch out for a brief glimpse of scalping.
:: I just came across this short featurette Portrait of a Serial Killer.
:: Although it's completely sold out, this is just a reminder that SpectreVision's first production release, Toad Road, will have its premiere this weekend in L.A. with Elijah playing host and deejaying the after party.
:: The Savannah College of Art and Design will hold its annual film festival in Georgia later this month and Setup Punch is among the short films playing. The film will also be showing at the New Hampshire Film Festival.
:: Want to try your hand on landing some some official Lord of the Rings props?
:: Check out this entrancing newly found image of Ben Gunn from Treasure Island.
:: In case you were wondering what happened, A&F no longer has a Facebook account because the geniuses over there have figured out that we were impersonating Elijah for the last three years and deleted our account without any notice. Yeah, we've been dimed out folks. We totally fooled people by posting updates in the third person and reported on news articles and posted photos and videos of Elijah that were all over the internet. We will not... repeat, NOT obtain another account with them but we will continue to keep our Twitter account updated with those articles, interviews and videos about ourselves. Oops! I mean, Elijah.
: Thanks to Ambree, Jaramajo and Karin.
That's all... for now.