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News Archive: December 2012



December 30, 2012

:: In case you haven't seen this yet, the opening scene of Maniac is online. Suspense awaits you!

:: There's also a new behind the scenes feature of Maniac.

:: Elijah was in fully rally mode to help one of his favorite eateries stay afloat and open to the public. Henry's Tacos is a favorite of his and he joined others in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here is a video of what took place.

:: Did you get to see Celeste and Jessie Forever? If not, the indie favorite and well recieved film will be out on DVD February 5th.

:: Some new photos from the Cannes Film Festival have surfaced.

:: Check out a recent interview in our magazine scans section that Elijah gave for Catalan Films while filming Grand Piano in Spain.

:: The second season of Wilfred has landed on some end of the year best of lists. The Hollywood Reporter, Complex Pop Culture and this blog from a viewer who thinks it's the best on television.

:: Elijah took some time to chat with fans for a Live Twitterview.

:: Two weeks still remain to email me your birthday wishes for Elijah in The Age of Aquarius.

:: The last thing I'd like to leave you with is a wonderful Mr. Elwood to wrap up this year.

:: Many thanks goes out to those who made the updates this year plentiful. Addie, Alexis, Ambree, Annabelle, Carol, Danny, Eliza, Jaramajo, Jochen (the best tech), Karin, Lijeyeshaveit, Lina, Ljuba, Matt, Mumis, Padabee, Patrick, Pauline, Robin, Sandy, Sophie and of course Elijah for keeping me extremely busy this year. See everyone in 2013!

That's all... for now.


December 15, 2012

:: The Hobbit premieres have come and gone from New Zealand to New York City. Click on either image below to be taken to their respective photos.

:: Here are some images from the press conference held in New York City. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

:: And a few video interviews. [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] [Video 4] and a great making of video. Watch out for spoilers in this one! Note: Some videos may not be viewable in some countries.

:: Going in a different "direction," here's a wonderful video of Elijah recalling working with some directors over his career. Just under the video is another, more in depth interview mostly in Spanish on the making of Open Windows.

:: Elijah's appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon was another fun one. Take a look at some images from it. And you can watch segments of the show. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Again, some may not be viewable in your country.

:: Want to know how the eye-popping Tiny Tortures video was created?

:: Wilfred will one day get its just deserts as it has landed on a list of the best television shows of 2012.

:: A reminder that you still have time to submit any of your works for The Age of Aquarius. Send me your greetings, artworks, poems, or anything creative to wish Elijah a Happy Birthday next month. The deadline is Monday January 14th. More information can be found here.

:: Lastly, the fate of the forum has been determined. Click here to read what will become of it.

:: Thank you Jaramajo, Karin and Pauline!

That's all... for now.


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