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News Archive: November 2012
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November 30, 2012 |
:: This week marked the premiere of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in New Zealand. Photos can be found here and I'm sure more are on the way. There will be other premieres happening. Next stop is tomorrow in Japan.
:: Here's a video of The Hobbit Plane arriving in New Zealand carrying its cast and crew.
:: Here are a couple of interviews with Elijah and fellow returning cast mates Cate Blanchett and Hugo Weaving. [Video 1] [Video 2]
:: In case you missed the premiere streaming live, a video of Peter Jackson's speech and introduction of old and new cast members.
:: A roundup of interviews and views from the red carpet and a look inside The Hobbit plane during more interviews.
:: Check here for release dates on The Hobbit.
:: In the midst of the buzz of The Hobbit's debut, controversy sprang up and Elijah gave his views on it in a video interview.
:: A few candid shots as Elijah set foot in New Zealand. [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: Set your recording devices because Elijah is scheduled to appear on Live with Kelly and Michael on Wednesday, December 5th. And Hobbit fans may want to check out Kelly and Micheal, The Colbert Report, and The Late Show with David Letterman next week as well. Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman and Peter Jackson are scheduled guests.
:: A very appropriate Mr. Elwood is now up!
:: It's not all about Hobbits in this update. This has to be one of the most surreal and fascinating video works I've seen. From Flying Lotus, check out Elijah in Tiny Tortures.
:: Here is a great article about working on set of Open Windows.
:: A few more pics from the set of the film which just finished shooting in Madrid [1] [2] [3] [4] and some fan photos. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
:: Don't forget that if you've had the pleasure of being photographed with Elijah, please send your photo to us and share with others and we'll post it in our Photo Encounter section.
:: A reminder about the protest page on Facebook to help get The Woodshed Horror Company back online there. Still no word on why it was suddenly closed and fans would like to know why and do what can be done to reinstate it. Go there, like it and have your say.
:: Lastly, the final character calendar is up for December. It's been a fun time creating these calendars for you this year but my time is over. If you would like to design your own Elijah calendars for sharing next year please send them along.
:: Thanks once again Annabelle, Jaramajo, Karin and Lijeyeshaveit.
That's all... for now.
November 16, 2012 |
:: And a lovely little article where Elijah talks about the longevity of Wilfred among other aspects of the fan favorite.
:: No sooner than Elijah finishes one film, he's revving up for two more. Currently, he's back in Spain. Madrid this time to film Open Windows. A few photos on set. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
:: He's also on board to star in a horror/comedy Cooties where he'll additionally serve as producer for his production company The Woodshed.
:: Speaking of The Woodshed, a protest page was recently started in the wake of the company's own page abruptly being closed by Facebook due to, as Elijah tweeted, "copyright infringement." Show some support for the page and Elijah by liking it and leaving your feedback there. Who knows where it will lead but hopefully it will gain enough support that Elijah and his partners will find some answers and get back online.
:: Some new and gory movie stills have hit the net for Maniac as well as a new trailer.
:: Lastly, there could be some major changes happening with the forum and it will all depend on your feedback. Please read about it.
:: Thank you Jaramajo and Karin.
That's all... for now.