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News Archive: October 2011



October 28, 2011

:: Empire Magazine has hit the stands in the UK and there are photos from it. [1] [2] Not only that, there's a brief but cool video of Elijah, Sean, Billy and Dom to promote The Lord of the Rings 10th anniversary which is featured in the magazine.

:: Currently running, there's a write in campaign to nominate Elijah in the 2012 People's Choice Awards. If you want to add him to the list... and I know you do, click here for the Favorite TV Comedy Actor page. Click "Other" and type in his name. Wilfred is already on the list for Favorite Cable TV Comedy Show. Vote now and vote often! The results will be posted on November 8th and if either of them make it to the finals, then more voting will come.

:: Wilfred was a big hit its first season in the States and now it's moving on to Canada and Latin America! Here's a video of Jason Gann and Fiona Gublemann speaking more on it during a recent press tour.

:: Wilfred is already running on the awards trail with a nomination in music for Jim Dooley for Original Score in television. Not only has there been other awards talk for Wilfred with People's Choice and the Emmys, it's also running in the rumor mill of it being up for the Golden Globes. Here's a conference by video with Elijah speaking on that and more.

:: Happy Feet 2 is set to have its premiere, November 13th. While we're awaiting that, check out the evolving official site and we've added more images to the movie stills.

:: If you've been loving the Mr. Elwood comics, this one should rank up there with the others!

:: We have some some art sent in to go along with this update. Check out this sculpture made by Lori and a pencil drawing by Jay.

:: Please welcome a new and wonderful Elijah site to our affiliates, Elijahfans.com.

:: Most of us know what Elijah looked like as a young lad, but have you seen him this young?

:: Please excuse my neglect, Bralynn, not to report on your site that has Wilfred costumes but your link has been up in our Wilfred section for a while. I hope you got a lot of response nonetheless.

:: Thank you Karin, Lina and Patrick!

That's all... for now.


October 14, 2011

Elijah and his good friends will be part of a new ad campaign for Bushmills. The promotion recognizes friends who collaborate with each other while still remaining friends. You can read more about it here and view images from the launch party and some photos for the campaign.

:: A lovely, but dark (literally) interview Elijah gave explaining more about the Bushmills campaign, music and deejaying.

:: Here's an all inclusive interview at Starpulse where Elijah talks more about Bushmills, Wilfred, Twitter and a "how to" video on deejaying.

:: Here's an interview with Eddie Izzard and director and Steve Barron on the upcoming movie Treasure Island you may find interesting. Along with some promotional shots posted before, A&F also has acquired exclusive photos of Elijah on the set (or on ship) of the mini series here that's set to air in the UK December 25th and in the US early next year.

:: A brand new trailer for Happy Feet 2 is out and we're beginning to start movie stills from the film.

:: Those wonderful photos from Lab Magazine taken by Autumn de Wilde are all up on one page for viewing.

:: Elijah took a little time to visit some really cool people for Halloween! [1] [2] [3] [4]

:: Some pics of Elijah out and about over the past couple of weeks. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

:: Have you placed your pre-order for FX's hit TV series Wilfred on DVD and blu-ray yet?

:: According to The One Ring.net, Empire Magazine will be coming out with a 10th anniversary issue next month on The Lord of The Rings and is scheduled to be on stands in the UK October 27th.

:: Going back to the Fantastic Fest, here are a couple of videos of Elijah and Dom on a shooting range in Austin. [Video 1] [Video 2] and another of the Fantastic Feuds where Elijah's team won!

:: Check out this wonderful Frodo drawing sent in by Alanna!

:: Please welcome a new affiliate to A&F, the wonderful French site, Tolkien-Universe.

:: Speaking of affiliates, we have brand new buttons to choose from. If you would like to link your site to ours or are already an affiliate, feel free to take one.

:: Lastly, if you take advantage or visit our forum, we would like your opinion on the idea of major changes to there. Please click here and leave your comments on what you'd like to see and if changes would be welcome.

:: Big thanks to Jaramajo, Karin, Overlithe, Patrick, Primswood, Spring and Thomas!

That's all... for now.


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