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News Archive: April 2010
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April 23, 2010 |
There’s a lot going on so let’s get to it.
:: This week Elijah finds himself in Chile again, but his main purpose this time is to lend his support to the people and abandoned animals who were affected by the devastating earthquake on February 27th. He was invited by the Yarur Bascunan Foundation to help deliver messages of joy and hope by conducting a series of activities in the Sixth Region community and was accompanied by Chile's first lady, Cecilia Morel Montes.
:: Elijah touring the Sixth Region that was affected by the earthquake along with the first lady of Chile.
:: Here are photos from the press conference from the Yarur Bascunan Foundation which helps abandoned dogs.
:: And some photos from a television appearance concerning the foundation. I can’t seem to get the interview to play from the site, but there is a download available.
:: A couple of videos that will play where Elijah speaks about his mission in Chile this week. [Video 1] [Video 2]
:: Here's a more in depth, behind the scenes video from the Danko Jones music video, Full Of Regret.
:: Elijah recently spent some fun times in LA visiting The Simpsons animation studio [1] [2] and at Six Flags Magic Mountain. [1] [2]
:: A few candid shots in LA walking a surfboard. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
:: And finally, a download of Elijah's appearance on MTV's It's on with Alexa Chung from last year's promotions for 9 is available.
:: Many thanks to Annabelle, Karin, Mumis, Overlithe and Patrick for all the great images, videos and downloads!
That's all... for now.
April 9, 2010 |
Something I'd like to call the QVU. Quick Video Update.
:: To kick off The Apples in Stereo's new CD, the band has a music video for the song Dance Floor that features their record label boss, Elijah. Download it.
:: Here's a making of teaser for the other music video Elijah was a part of for Danko Jones.
:: Did you do your homework?
:: Lastly, a video here from Oscar night in 2004 that I haven't seen before.
:: Thanks for the goodies Annabelle, Karin, Not Alone and Patrick.
That's all... for now.
April 4, 2010 |
Granted, it's been a quiet few weeks, but there's a bit to report on.
:: Elijah spent some time last weekend shooting a music video for his pals, multi-media producers, the Diamond Brothers. (Jason and Josh) The band is called Danko Jones and here are some photos from it. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
:: There’s also a short video from part of the shoot.
:: Seeing how this isn’t the first video Elijah has been involved with, I looked at our media section and noticed I neglected to add music videos. Now it’s fixed.
:: If you happened to miss Elijah’s very brief appearance on Family Guy last weekend, you can view it on Youtube.
:: Another short video from time spent in Sydney with some fans earlier this year.
:: According to this site, Elijah has accepted an invitation as a special honoree at the Giffoni Film Festival in Italy that runs from July 18th to 31st. This will be his second appearance at the festival that spotlights youth film making.
:: Lastly, our affiliate section has been updated to include two new sites. Daniel Radcliffe Holland and Fiction to Film. They will be a welcome addition to A&F.
:: Thanks to Karin, Patrick and the Diamond Brothers for the articles in this update.
That's all... for now. Have a Happy Easter!