
News Archive: February 2010
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February 18, 2010 |
:: Needless to say, the last couple of weeks for me have been extremely emotional. From the devastation of loosing my home and everything in it, to the wondrous outpouring of concerns and contributions to help rebuild my life. Even though I've lost so much, there's so much I can be thankful for. I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for your thoughts and prayers. Our community of fans are the cream of the crop of any celebrity, and I'm honored to be a part of it. We all should be, so hold your heads up high and be proud! It's going to take time to go back to the way things were, but life goes on and so shall I. Now, how about some news?
:: There have been a lot more goodies coming in from Sundance. First, more pics have been added to the events section.
:: Although, it's mostly Elijah talking, here's an interview with Lij and Jeremy Strong.
:: And more videos. [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3] If the last video doesn't automatically come up, you can find it on the right side of the page.
:: Lastly, an early review of The Romantics from the festival. **Some minor spoilers**
:: About a week before the actual pics came in, a rumor was out that Elijah may not be part of the sequel to Happy Feet. Well, as I said, pics and a video have surfaced of Lij, Robin Williams, George Miller and some of the cast in Australia for work on the film. [1] [2] [3] [4] A video.
:: Here's a cute blog along with some pics from Australia. Elijah persuading blogger Laura to eat fish.
:: We know every now and then Elijah sneaks in a cameo appearance in a short film. Here's a humorous short for one called Nine Lives. Content not intended for young viewers.
:: For all the news in this update, thanks goes to Abaraka, Annwyn, Karin, Mama JP, Mole Caz, Mumis and Patrick. Special appreciation goes to Laura for the insights to her blog from Australia.
That's all... for now.
:: ETA As of this morning's update, the comment box was operational, but checking back, I see that our comment box host, Haloscan has shut down. There are other alternatives we can use to bring back the comments, but it will take some time to implement one to our site. Please be patient until we can add it back. Thank you.
February 1, 2010 |
It's been ages since I've been here and it is unfortunately bad news that brings me back to A&F.
:: Last night, our dearest Deenan has been the victim of a terrible tragedy. The condominium building she lived in has burned down to the ground and she has lost everthing. The fire spread very fast through the building and there was nothing the fire brigade could do.
Deenan is staying with family right now so she does have a place to live but she has lost all her possessions: computer, clothes, all her Elijah items, everything... Through a friend, she let me know that she won't be able to do any updates for the time being. Until she returns, I will try to post when there are important things to share.
There is little we can do for her but there is something... As I said, she has lost all her Elijah info (pictures, clips, dvd's, signed photo's...) and that we can help replace. If there is anything in your Elijah collection that you want to donate to Deenan, please email me at brenda@ejwsites.net
From all of us here at A&F I'd like to wish her all the best and hope to see her back online very soon.
edit: I do have Deenan's paypal account and current address so if you want to send her a gift or make a donation, please email me.