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News Archive: December 2009
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December 28, 2009 |
:: I hope everyone have a wonderful holiday!
:: Patrick has provided nice screencaps from The Tonight Show. Thanks!
:: Jaramajo has downloads from the show. [Part 1] [Part 2] If the show is still available on Youtube, you can watch them here and here while you're downloading.
:: Friend Harry Knowles from Ain't It Cool News blogged about Elijah's appearance on The Tonight Show as he mentioned Harry's event Butt-Numb-A-Thon which Elijah has attended for the past three years. (See photo in last update) Here's what he wrote along with some questions Elijah answered for the application to attend.
:: Here's more news on the screening of The Romantics at the Sundance Film Festival in January. Thanks for the info Karin.
:: Elijah and best buddies Dom and Jason will have deejaying duties on New Years Eve in L.A. Thanks again Karin.
:: She's also provided her personal download of part of Elijah's monologue which wasn't broadcast from his appearance on Friday Night Project last year.
:: Don't forget to buy your copy of 9 in region 1 format that comes out tomorrow on DVD & Blu-Ray.
:: Time flies by quickly and there's only three weeks left to email me your submissions for The Age Of Aquarius.
:: With the last week of 2009 I'd like to thank the many people who have provided us with news, photos, videos, links and downloads over the past year. Addie, Ana, Andy, Ann, Annabelle, Ariane, Chickenlegs, DJ Cooley, Elycia, Jaramajo, Karin, Mata, Mole Caz, Mumis, Overlithe, Patrick, Primula and Tony. And of course where would we be without Elijah! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year and we'll meet on the other side to do it all over again in 2010!
That's all... for now.
December 21, 2009 |
:: Elijah is scheduled to appear again on Late Night with Conan O'Brien Wednesday December 23 at 11:35 EST pm on NBC.
:: As quickly as The Romantics was filmed, it's now been announced it will show at the Sundance Film Festival next month. Thanks for the news Karin.
:: Want to see a little bit of some behind the scenes of filming The Romantics? Here's a 40 second video from on the set. Thanks again Karin.
:: She's also found a pic of Elijah and fans at the annual Butt Numb-A-Thon held in Austin Texas last weekend.
:: Karin has found a couple of videos from teen age fashion blogger Tavi who got the chance to speak briefly to Elijah during this year's Rodarte fashion show. [Video 1] [Video 2]
:: Here's an older video from the TORn 2004 Oscar party. Thanks Patrick!
:: Who has the Hottest Eyes in Hollywood? Go here to cast your vote for young blue eyes! Thanks for the link Addie.
:: Elijah is in talks to return in his role as Mumble in Happy Feet 2. Voicing is reported to start early next year with a tentative release date of November 18, 2011.
:: And in a related report, sadly news has come of the untimely passing yesterday of Brittany Murphy, Elijah's co-star in Happy Feet and Sin City. Her incredible versatile talent and sparkling personality will be greatly missed and our deepest sympathies goes out to her family and dearest friends.
That's all... for now.
December 7, 2009 |
:: Mata has found a few more photos from Oliver Peoples eye-ware campaign. [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: If you want to get an idea of what the 2010 crusade will be like with Elijah and Shirley Manson, there's a video on Youtube from 2009 with Zooey Duschanel directed and photographed by Autumn De Wilde who will direct this years as well.
:: Read a little from Shirley's Facebook page on her thoughts about working with Elijah and Autumn. Thanks for this little tidbit Karin.
:: There are a slew of various older brief videos from Getty that Karin has discovered. Click on the video thumbnail to bring it up complete with sound and download capabilities.
:: More pics from The Romantics have been added to the on set page. Thanks to the usual suspects who has brought them to us.
:: Here's an interview with the cast of The Romantics. Thanks Primwood!
:: More lunchtime pics from Long Island. [1] [2] [3] Thanks again Primwood and Karin.
:: Thanks to Elijah's tenacious fans, he was voted Most Attractive Male Celebrity of October in Hello Magazine's poll. He now joins fellowship members Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen for the grand finale to be held at the end of the year.
:: Since we probably won't be invited to Elijah's birthday party in January, I'm making a call out to those who would like to participate in A&F's The Age of Aquarius. Poems, artworks, stories, videos or something as simple as a greeting must be your own creation. Please EMAIL ONLY your submissions to me no later than Saturday January 16, 2010. You can read more of what is required for this section on the forum.
That's all... for now.