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News Archive: September 2009
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September 26, 2009 |
I want to thank everyone for their warm birthday wishes. I had a nice day as I watched 9 again. OK, let's get to some news.
:: Elijah's DNA artwork was auctioned off on Ebay last week and none other than our very own Karin had the winning bid! We all send congrats to her, Art of Elysium charity and DNA 11. It's great to know the piece went to a good cause and will be in the caring hands of a true fan. BTW, Karin out bid my own by a few dollars to take home the prize. I'll get it next time. ;-)
:: Also supporting Art of Elysium, Elijah was in attendance for their Heaven Gala Dinner on September 23rd. [1] [2] [3] Thanks for the pics Karin.
:: Elijah and Wall Street? You betcha! He was present on the New York Stock Exchange floor to ring the opening bell of trading. Here's the video and a page of pics. Thanks Patrick and Karin.
:: Singer Shirley Manson and Elijah have teamed up with sunglasses designer Oliver Peoples to be a part of an ad campaign that will include commercials. The ads will kick off in mid October. The inset photo accompanies these from the campaign. [1] [2] Thanks for the pics Patrick!
:: Patrick also stumbled on a wonderful video retrospecting Elijah's career. The video is no longer on the web, but I have a download of it. Believe me, it's worth it.
:: Elijah is scheduled to appear at the London MCM Expo on October 24th to further promote 9 that will be in theaters at the end of October.
:: The online vote at Film.com has been going for a few weeks and Elijah's portrayal of Frodo has made it to the final four. For this round, he's up against some heavy competition with Heath Ledger's Joker. Voting will be open until noon Wednesday, September 30th PST, so vote often.
:: According to a recent interview from Family Guy's creator Seth MacFarlane, looks like the television cartoon has enlisted Elijah for the season premiere that will air tomorrow, September 27th at 9:00 pm EST on FOX. I've looked on line but didn't find any more news about it, so if you want to tune in, well, there it is.
That's all... for now.
September 17, 2009 |
It's been a great September so far hasn't it? And it just keeps on going...
:: Elijah has been seen out and about during New York City's fashion week and we have some photos here. Thanks Karin and Mata!
:: Prim has provided some wonderful scans from this month's "h" magazine.
:: Here are some pics from Elijah's visit to Jimmy Fallon and Alexa Chung's shows. Thank you again Mata and Karin.
:: If you didn't get to see any of the shows Elijah appeared on last week, you can view Jimmy's entire show here, Alexa's here, Attack of the Show here and Elijah and Shane's takeover of Current TV.
:: Alexa's and Jimmy's show are not viewable online in some countries, and I can't get a hold of Alexa's but I have Elijah's segment on Jimmy's show for download in three parts. Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 (includes John Fogarty performance). Don't foget to enter the code at the top of each.
:: Some photos of Elijah hanging out in NYC this week. [1] [2] [3] Again, thanks Karin.
:: 9 did well at the box office on its opening week coming in second and taking in nearly $11 million at the box office in the U.S. There are some reviews of the film in the review section. I saw it and can't wait to see it again. :)
:: He's said it again and again, but here are a few more press junket interviews from Gino Salomone, Fearnet, Reelz Channel, Attack of the Show (behind the scenes), Gordon and the Whale and one download that's out of the norm with Carrie Keagan. (includes strong language) Thanks to Patrick for the videos and Karin for the download.
That's all... for now.
September 8, 2009 |
One day before the film 9 is released, and there's too much to cover to keep up with.
:: Video interviews of Elijah, Jennifer and Shane Acker from Movieweb // Artistdirect // Collider // Hitfix // San Diego 6CW // Scifiwire // and Tribute. Thanks to Patrick, the video king!
:: Elijah is in heavy rotation on the tube as well. He and Shane will be on Current TV tonight, 11:30 pm EST.
:: Don't forget It's on with Alexa Chung on MTV today at 12 noon EST and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon NBC 12:35 am EST tonight or early tomorrow depending on how you look at it.
:: It was reported in the update last week Elijah was to appear on Attack of the Show on G4TV. They made a little mistake and he will appear tonight at 7:00 pm EST instead.
:: First pointed out by Primula, I'm sure most fans have seen this amusing clip for the movie that Elijah and producer Timur Bekmambetov put together for Attack of the Show.
:: Elijah along with other celebs has lent his voice once more for a museum honoring WWII called Beyond all Boundaries.
:: Here's a video explaining the collaboration between Elijah, the organization DNA11 and The Art of Elysium auction going on now at EBAY. Thanks again Patrick.
:: A few pics from Elijah's appearance on Conan O'Brien last week from Mata. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
:: Remember the pics of Elijah outside a bicycle shop? Now there's a quick video of it. FLV download and WMV download. Many thanks Karin!
That's all... for now.
September 2, 2009 |
:: Please forgive me for not thanking all the wonderful folks who've provided us with goodies this time around. My concentration is a bit scattered. At this point we know who they are, so thanks everyone!
:: If you missed Elijah's appearance on Conan O'Brien last night, you can watch PART 1 and PART 2.
:: For those in the UK, if you don't want to be spoiled, the show will air tonight (Sept 2nd CNBC-channel 505 11:00 pm) or tomorrow night same time and channel... (it's getting confusing now) Thanks for the news Annabelle.
:: Primula lets us know Elijah will be stopping by G4TV's Attack of the Show tonight (Sept 2nd 7:00 EST).
:: Next week, Elijah is slated to show up on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (NBC Tuesday, September 8th 12:35 am EST), and It's on with Alexa Chung (MTV Tuesday, September 8th 12:00 noon EST)
:: Some print interviews about 9 here and here, a more in depth one here, a video on Youtube, and some voice only blurbs here, here and one speaking about producing the film The Home.
:: Want a little of Elijah's DNA? Telstar found updated info about an Ebay auction coming up to help one of Elijah's favorite charities, The Art of Elysium. Some photos of Elijah and the artwork being auctioned accompanies the news.
:: Lastly, pics of Elijah and Billy Boyd gearing up to do a little surfing in the hot California sun. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
That's all... for now.