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News Archive: May 2009
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May 31, 2009 |
A very short update but full of some good stuff.
:: Thanks to Mata for sharing with us the stunning photo shoot from Vanidad taken last year. Click on the collage below to find more.

:: A teaser poster is out in Russia for the film 9. The movie has been picked up for distribution in India, and there's also a new trailer available.
:: Karin found an adorable photo of Elijah with some furry animals taken in Chile, 2007.
That's all... for now.
May 19, 2009 |
Whew! Has it been quiet, or what? This update will mix a lot of old with some new.
:: Hobbits really did exist! Thanks for sending the article Tony!
:: Tony also lets us know that Day Zero has been released in Australia as of April 24th. You can buy the DVD online which seems to be in demand here, or hop over to your local store down under.
:: A video from the Day Zero premiere. Here's a link for a .WMV download. Thanks for both Karin.
:: A new/old photo from the Green Street Hooligans press conference in Edinburgh graces the inset, and a series of unknown pics from many years ago. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Thanks again Karin!
:: On May 18th, 2007, myself along with Brenda took over duties of updating A&F, and we hope we've made the site enjoyable to visit. The additions of movie stills, movie reviews, Simian Records, filmography, blue ribbons, quotes, The Age of Aquarius and over thirty events and appearances were extremely time consuming, but enjoyable nonetheless. The reconstruction and default layouts of the forum and the main site were the first things we wanted to do and now to commemorate all we've accomplished, there's something new. Some may have already noticed, but there is a new skin to choose from. Look in the quick info section to the left to opt for the new and fresh Spring Clean. Many thanks to our techie, Jochen and Brenda for their help.
That's all... for now.