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News Archive: March 2006



March 1, 2006

:: More Mardi Gras photos are up here thanks to txvoodoo.


March 6, 2006

:: Here are some reports and photos of Elijah at the Scandinavian convention: Luvara's | Sagaluthien's Photos | Sagaluthien's Report & Pics [If you have anything to contribute please e-mail me]
:: The first photos from Paris je t'aime are available here including one of Elijah -- Thanks Luane


March 12, 2006

:: Pia sent me her great photos of Elijah at the Scandinavian convention: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
:: Elina sent along 2 short clips of Elijah signing autographs at the convention. Check them out here: [1] [2]
:: Some more Elijah reports and photos links from the convention [Thanks to Carina for some of these]...
From Suzy: Photos | Report
From Loreley: Photos
From Patsie: Photos


March 17, 2006

:: Hah, I suppose everyone's already heard about this, but Elijah is in one of those Intel Centrino “Entertainment in your Laps” commercials. If not, here's an article about it, and here is the photo that came with it. But better yet, here is the actual commercial ;) Many, many thanks to ms_banazira for that and to Bunnie for showing the way :D Corinne also scanned and sent in this advertisement from the French magazine Première

:: The Weinstein Co. Picks Up Bobby - A promising article about Bobby

:: Myriam sent me her Elijah photos from Sweden: [1] [2] [3] Thanks for those.

:: Cara met Elijah last Monday in Austin, Texas. Here's what she had to say: "I ran into Elijah at the bar last night with his brother. It was on 6th street of Austin, TX. He was very down to earth and normal! I was impressed. My sister and I took a pic with him... but my camera phone is crappy so the quality is not great." You can check out the photo here. Thanks for sharing that with us, Cara.


March 26, 2006

:: Sweetsarah from the A&F forums posted up her fantastic experience in Austin, Texas where she met Elijah -- Includes some photos :) [Read it] Thank you for sharing that

:: Also, jetknight posted this: I work at The County Line BBQ. Just thought I'd drop in and say he came and ate dinner here earlier tonight [March 18]. He seems like a fun guy, and we took some pictures of him holding our giant fake rib next to our jukebox so maybe I'll be able to get ahold of one of those for you guys. Also he had a friend with him in his party of about 8 or 9; David Cross, the guy from Scary Movie. So I guess maybe they are good friends. After asking him if hes from Austin (being I dont know him well), he said "no, were just here for the festival". Looks like hes really a rocker. [check out the photo] -- Thanks Carina for the heads up as well
:: Courtney sent me her photos of Elijah and her in Austin. Here's what she had to say about meeting him:

Got to meet Elijah and Pam after the Gogol Bordello show Thursday night at Emo's during SXSW. The show as amazing and I saw Harry Knowles (founder of Ain'tItCoolNews.com and was in the Faculty breifly) and he told my friends and I that he was there taking pictures about 6 ft. behind us. We were dead center at the stage. Waited after the show and met Pam who is VERY nice and pretty. After a few minutes he came out and some girls talked to him. I managed to grab his attention after the started to walk away and asked him for a picture really quickly. He was very nice about it, had no problem. Then Pam came over and I got a picture with him and her. She's really very nice and took the time to learn me and my friends name and talk to us. He seems very happy with her. It was quick but totally awesome. He's real thin and his eyes are incredibly blue! :) I LOVE AUSTIN!!
Here are her Photos: [Her and Elijah] [...and again] [With Pam and Elijah] Thanks for sharing the fantastic photos... you all look so happy :D
:: A pic from Bobby


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