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News Archive: November 2002
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November 2, 2002 |
:: Remember the other day when i said I wanted the
larger version of
this picture?
well Hany found it for me
:: 3 pictures Danielle found...
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
:: And a picture
Flor found during the 'Avalon' days :)
:: Wow! i love
TTT poster! thanks to Veronica for the link!
:: Hobbit Angel sends along some magazine info..
In the November 4 issue of US magazine, there are
3 pictures of a fan using a cardboard sign to get
Elijah's attention. It's in an article on stars and
fans. Elijah looks very touched in the pictures.
:: In the November 5 issue of Star magazine, there's
another picture of Elijah and fan, this time a boy
who saw him in a restaurant in Rosarito, Mexico this
:: Elijah is in the new issue of Twist magazine
(Dec.2002 with Josh Hartnett as the cover boy on it)
The pic is from the Toronto Film Festival photos that
we have seen on WireImage (it's on the last page of the mag).
:: If anyone has scans from these magazines, please send
them to us! :)
:: Have a great weekend!
November 3, 2002 |
:: *ignores stupid e-mails from ppl telling me to update*
Hey everyone! Looks like I've found our translators! :)
We're just getting things organized so that they can
start translating pages. Thanks to everyone who applied,
but sorry, we can't accept everyone! I was surprised
that so many people applied but it was great to see. The
site will eventually be translated into Spanish, French,
German and Italian. So please welcome the newest members
of staff :)
Italian Translator: Claudia
Spanish Translator: Yolanda
French Translator: Carla
German Translator: Jochen of course!!
Thanks everyone!! :)
:: Christy sent me heaps of pics from Wireimage of
Elijah at the
Golden Globes afterparty
earlier this year. Thanks Christy! (check out her
Hayden site
:: Ooooo..... pretty new
TTT posters!!
Thanks Veronica. And BTW, you can
buy them online
:: Here's to all the obsessed Lij fans out there:
Thanks Marissa for that clipping from the new YM!!
:: Some really cool new TTT pics
Thanks TORn
:: Pics
taken by Ms Allegro (of the
of the TTT Exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
Just look at those posters!! yikes!
:: Yay! Topps cards have been popping up on the net lately. Here
are two from
A Hobbits Tale:
I swear, this time i'm going to collect all of them,
they stopped selling the FOTR Topps cards as soon as they
started, so i only got like 55 out of the possible 90 :( So
if you see them anywhere in Sydney, please e-mail me!!
:: The Track Listing For The Two Towers Soundtrack
:) And people make some guesses as to what's gonna be in the
next movie. Speaking of that, for people who don't know this
already.... Shelob won't be in TTT movie as she was in the
book, so a lot of the frodo and sam bits in the TTT book will
only appear in the ROTK movie. What a shame... that would
have been a great cliffhanger!!
:: And once again Cadbury is holding another
You can get free TTT trading cards in packets and $2-off
tokens to watch the movie. Lol, remember last time? I
bought like 9 packs of chocolate for the cards... and i
don't even like chocolate! Sorry... only for us aussies.
:: Another thing for us downunder.... Big Hit magazine is
releasing a special TTT issue for 8 *huge* posters plus
heaps of info for only $5.95! So go to ur newsagency
now!!! Thankyou so much Beni!
:: Found a really cool
Elijah site
today... make sure you bookmark it!
November 5, 2002 |
:: Hey everyone! Not much news, but i just wanted to try
out this new updating method :)
:: Woohoo... apparantly Elijah likes the Simpsons! :)
(might not seem like a big deal to you, but i worship
the simpsons!)... Remember how i said Big Hit has a
special TTT poster edition, well my friend Niki bought
it and... WOW! It has the biggest posters of Frodo and
the fellowship! (of course they're back to back
grrr....) Nothing we haven't seen, but i'm getting it
anyway. Anyway,
here's the article
with Lij which Niki scanned. Thanks
:: Some really pretty
LiveJournal icons
Thanks Amy!
:: Some TTT pictures which Amelia sent me:
[Frodo and Sam]
[Frodo, Sam and Gollum]
haven't seen that one before, but it looks so cool!
[Frodo and Sam]
:: New TTT bookmarks
from TORn
:: An interview
from Famous Magazine on
with Elijah and Ian
:: Some info
about the TTT premiere in New Zealand later this year.
And did you read the last sentence? Australian media
are likely to attend the Australian premiere the
following day. So it looks like there will be a
premiere in Sydney on the 19th December... and if
Elijah attends the Wellington premiere (which of
course, he will) then he'll probably come to the Sydney
one (woohoo!!!)... but won't they all have a hangover
from the prem on the night before? poor things. Thanks
:: A really really sweet article which Kris sent me from
Star magazine:
ROAD TO RICHES: That Elijah Wood sure is a
good son and brother. The Lord of the Rings star just
went out and bought his mom and sister brand-new
matching Mini Coopers. They'd both told him they loved
the cute new BMW cars, so he surprised them both with
a set of wheels.
Thanks Kris!
:: Don't know if i've posted these before or not, but
anyway, here they are again...some skins for the Sims.
[LOTR skins]
[Elijah skins]
Thanks Uta!!
:: And thanks to everyone who voted for the site... we won
some awards....
[best fansite]
[best hosted]
[voter's choice]
:: Ali tells us that new CosmoGirl in UK has an Orlando and
Elijah special. I think it's with the answers to
questions posted on the CG website. Thanks Ali
November 8, 2002 |
:: I really hate to begin this update on a sad note, i wish i
didn't have to.. but it can't be helped. I'm asking for
your help today. A good net friend of mine and avid Elijah
fan, Dorothy, is really really ill. She has to spend the
last 2 weeks of her life in a hospital, as she has bad lung
cancer. I ask you all today to please, please pray for
Dorothy and her family. Don't take life for granted, and
realize that there are more important things in life that
finding out the latest Elijah news. Thanks for being such a
nice person Dee, you will be missed. God bless
:: Ok, another note... do not write to me asking me to hurry
up and update, i will just block you (yes, that is how
annoyed i am). Why on Earth people think i'll update just
because they tell me to is beyond me. If i have time, i
will update! ok!? sheesh. Instead of complaining, send me
news, that is what i really need
:: Once again, the
has provided us with some delicious eye candy. Some new
from The Two Towers Photo Guide
and some
from The Lord of the Rings: Creatures
:: Now this is the sweetest thing i've read in ages. It seems
that Elijah was in Disneyland on Sunday (the 3rd) with a
group of friends (hope they had fun). Nikki sends us this news:
A lady i know works at a group home for developmentally
disabled adults, and they took a trip to Disneyland on
Sunday. They saw Lij and some friends there, and as one of
the residents was a fan of LOTR, she asked Elijah if he
would talk to him... he did, and took a photo with him, and
was very nice, she said. [Yes they did take a picture, but
i don't think she wants to post it on the net]
Here is what the lady told Nikki: What was really nice
was when i mentioned to him how much the guy really
identified with Frodo and that to tell people what film he
liked, he would take off his ring and put it in his pocket
and say "like Frodo", all of Elijah's friends just went
"ooh, how cute" Nikki asked her what he was wearing and
how he looked Blue jeans and a white shirt, button down
type, with something on the pocket, no clue what. He was
wearing sunglasses, and they seemed to be purplish, but i
could be mistaken
Apparantly his hair looks pretty much the same as it has for
the past few months, nothing noticable different. Thankyou so
much for sharing that with us, and hopefully we can get a pic :)
:: Another Elijah sighting from E!
He was at the Grove in Hollywood (Fairfax) going in to
see Punch Drunk Love. There were three guys with him, all
very hot. My friend said one of the guys looked like some
guy in the LOTR movie. The other two guys were taller and
blonde. They were talking really loud about a band. Something
about 'really digging the video'. He caught us staring and
listening and gave me a goofy look and then they all laughed.
I was embarassed but then he waved and smiled. I felt like an
idiot, but it was cool to see him.
:: Lol, the poor people translating this are probably hating me
right now for writing so much (sorry guys). And i might not
be updating for a lil while cause i have my School
Certificate on Monday and Tuesday. [wish me luck! And good
luck to others doing it too - we'll all kick butt! And study
Venera! Get off the internet!] Autumn seems to have
disappeared though....weird.
November 9, 2002 |
:: Wow.... Thankyou *so* much to everyone who has written to me
about Dorothy offering their condolences. All of your e-mails
really touched me and i just feel so much better now, so
thankyou! I didn't realize how much support she'd receive,
it's so nice to know that there are thousands of people who
are thinking of her. Thankyou!!
:: Ok, so there isn't really any news, but i'm avoiding studying
(so shoot me :P).
:: WoW!! I *love* these scans from the latest issue of
Entertainment Weekly sent to me by Maddy.
[Scan 1] ..
[Scan 2] ..
[Scan 3]
Aren't they just gorgeous!?!? You can find the article on the
website ew.com! :)
:: Yesterday night my friend Christina rang me up and said that
on 104.1 [Today FM] they said that they had some bad news for
Lord of the Rings fans after the break. So of course i freaked
out. And basically you know what they said? That the girl's
friend knows Peter Jackson and that he was talking to PJ and
PJ basically said that they were running behind schedule and
that he thinks that THE TWIN TOWERS won't be released in
December. Uh huh... yeh, right, we're meant to believe that this
is true when the bloody station can't even get the name of the
movie right? As if...
:: TORn has
released a
for the
extended DVD
:: [Aussie news] Inside the December issue of Empire Magazine,
are 250 double tickets to The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
State Premiere screenings to be instantly won, each valued at
$30. So go buy your copy!!
November 10, 2002 |
:: That's so sad to hear about Dorothy :( We'll be praying for you!
:: Sorry i havn't updated for a while, i'm still trying to work out
this new method of updating...
:: Ok, firstly, i'll post all these pictures people have sent to
:: Marta sent me heaps of cool pictures..
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
Thanks Marta!
:: A [Scan] from Twist
Magazine sent to me by Uruviel
:: Uta sent me some screencaps from the set of lotr from
[Cap 1] and
[Cap 2]
:: Some pictures i've come across...
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
[Pic 4]
[Pic 5]
[Pic 6]
[Pic 7]
[Pic 8]
[Pic 9]
:: For all those in Germany, Stacie sends me some news!
I was working on the European TV schedules and noticed an
old Elijah movie called Day-O (Mein unsichtbarer Freund) will
be on Friday November 29 at 20:00 on the German Disney
:: Jenny sends in some news..
i live in the UK and the other day i went into my local post
office and found a bag of jelly sweets. They are called 'Fruits
of the shire' and they are all in shapes to do with LOTR!!
1) saurons eye!
2) The one ring!
3) Sting (frodos sword)
4) A hobbit leaf!..............Each come in a different fruity
5) Bassets are the maker of these and they're soooooo
:: Some magazine info from Cormallen09
In the Novemer 2002 issure of Disney adventures (lol I don't
read it I just happen to see it!) There is a picture of Frodo
on the cover, and an interview with him on page 39, then ans
interview with Sean Astin on the next page. It is titled 'Ring
:: Some other mag info from Babieluvejw -
i just want to tell u on the december issue of IN STYLE
magazine(Faith Hill on the cover)....on p.292(about the toronto
film festival) there's a small new pic of elijah, it's small
but he looked SUPER good in it ..
the new issue of cosmo girl(on the last page) has a pic of
:: Thanks for that as well Hobbit Angel
:: I have so much more news and not nearly enough time to post it
all! don't fear, i'll update again soon!
:: And good luck for those Exams Lucy & Venera!
November 11, 2002 |
:: Hey Everyone!
:: Danielle sent me [this] cute
Elijah pic, it's just a large version of lij's face in the EW
pictures Lucy posted the other day..
:: She also sent me tons of other pics..
Thanks so much Danielle!
:: Hany sent me 3 really good quality pictures of lij..
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
:: Babieluvejw sent me these pictures of Elijah playing Playstation 2-
too cute! Just look at that detirmination in the last photo! :)
:: Jochen kindly forwarded
article, scanned for us from a German fan! It's in German, but he
translated it, so this is what it says:
Well, sometimes i've been turned down now and then, but the worst
time was with Mary-Ann... We were just ten or eleven years old. There
wasn't anything apart from holding hands, you know. Then I was
invited for dinner over at hers. We had an excellent tomato soup for
a starter--I easily can remember that. For the main dish, there
should've been turkey or so. But we never reached that... Suddenly,
after the soup, Mary-Ann stood up and said, "I don't wanna be together
with ya. You're way too little." Well, shocked as I was, I got up and
went home, totally embarrassed. You know, girls can be really cruel
at times...
Awwwww... poor little guy! :p Thanks Jochen!
:: Jenny sent me the link to view a mini-teaser of the extra footage on
the extended fotr dvd! it's really good and yep, Elijah does speak in
it :)...
An Inside look to the Extended cut FOTR DVD
:: Here
is the article that goes with the Entertainment Weekly pictures..
Thanks Hobbit Angel and Capotica.
:: Cool! look at
pictures from TTT!! nice...
Thanks to Veronica and TORn
:: Some news from Emily...
just thought i'd tell you that you can buy lord of the rings
gummies in Nova Scotia Canada... I bought gandalf gummies and
frodo gummies!! they were really good... Yum!!
:: Adriana sends me an article--
Security Fears Force Rings Shift
--talks about how the wellington premiere might be held during
the day instead of the evening/night.
:: Emijah sends some magazine info...
i just wanted to say that in the new issue of bliss (in the uk)
there is a BIG pic of lij (the article is about fanorama so im not
sure why theres a pic of him, but HEY! im not complaining!), and in
the same mag there is a pic of him for the starsigns aquarius. they
are both nice pictures...
:: Kitty sends me this...
There is a Lord of the rings promotion in Ireland and England
with the Sunday times. If you buy the paper and answer the riddels
on the poster you could win a trip to the premiere in england on
dec 11 and maybe meet the cast. ... go
for more details and just think.. you possibly could meet Elijah!
:: Katy sends me this... Just to ask you to let any UK fans who live in
Liverpool, Manchester etc and areas surrounding Elsmere Park, the Warner
bros cinema at cheshire oaks may show special previews of LOTR TTT on the
14th 15th and 16th of dec before it is released on the 18th dec.
:: Have a nice week!
November 12, 2002 |
:: Hey everyone!!! First off, Sam who owns
Everything EW
(yes that was a plug, and yes you do have to visit it, hehe) has come
up with a great idea for us to send fan letters/art/whatever to Elijah
(well sort of anyway). Read about it
and please support it, it won't work if you don't! Thanks Sam!
:: Haha, someone sent me a link to the
Lord of the Rings
Ultimate Collection Catalog (sorry i can't remember who it was but you know
who you are!) and it's so cool, you should see some of the things you can buy
here! They have character bobble heads! You know those little figurines with the
huge heads that bob? Ok, it sounds weird but they're so cool! lol. What else does
it have? ummm....oh yeh... THE TWO TOWERS TOPPS CARDS BOXED SET! :) :) and the
TTT action figures. Seems cheaper than other places, but i could be wrong, but
you can request a catalogue and see more of it. Well that's all my plugs for
:: Some really nice
of 4 Topps cards.
:: Some more Topps cards scans
[Scan 1]
[Scan 2]
[Scan 3]
Thanks Stephanie
:: More pics sent by Stephanie:
A weird pic - don't know what kinda game they're playing here
Cute pic of Lij half hobbit/half man
:: A competition
which is just asking for u to enter. The prize you ask? A LOTR special extended
edition DVD! The answer you ask?? pfft...come on now!
:: The Video Ezy annual LOTR calendar is out now. TORn has some
:: And did anyone else notice that on the cover of Entertainment weekly magazine
that Elijah was taller than Liv Tyler? hehe, i thought that was pretty funny.
November 13, 2002 |
:: Hi Everyone!
:: Firstly, Hany sent me these really high quality pictures of
Elijah which i've never seen before!
[Picture 1]
[Picture 2]
[Picture 3]
[Picture 4]
:: Susi sent me a magazine article she scanned
from the German magazine Mädchen - they also have
a vote on their site
- so go vote for lij! :)
Thanks Susi!
:: Danielle sent me 2 pics...
[Picture 1]
- oooo i like that! and
[Picture 2]
Thankyou! :)
:: Capotica sent me an article..
Wood Wants to Become Director
:: Hazel and Jennifer have just emailed me with this...
Well we were just wondering if you are interested in buying
or trading for 55 posters/articles/ interviews of Elijah Wood?
because we have collected them out of Australian and New
Zealand magazines and we want to sell or trade them to Elijah
Wood fans--we also have the Flipper Movie Story book to sell
-- Interested? E-mail them!
:: Elizabeth has all these cool Franklin Mint lotr collectibles on
her site
-- check them out!
:: Cormallen09 sends me some info...
There's a new collectable version of Fantasy Worlds out and
volume #2 has at least half the mag. dedicated to LOTR, the
making of TTT!!! The other half is for Harry Potter. They were
named 2002's most spectacular sequels! There's also a big pull
out poster of Frodo that's incredibly loong!
and this
Sorry about not noticing this before, but there is a section
of the magazine (Disney Adventures- november edition) devoted
to video game ratings. The Lord of the Rings game was rated on
how challenging it was.....they rated it to be the hardest
:: Some info from Katy..
previews of lotr ttt, here in the uk are on the 11th dec in
london, don't know what place yet gotta try n find that out.
:: Thanks everyone! Take care.
November 13, 2002 |
:: Sorry, but this is just some short news...
:: Jochen sent some info about a website competition...
Hi fans! Well, this isn't A+F related, but for all of you who feel
like supporting Elijah and his being recognized on the web, take a
moment of your time and visit
There you can register and (sorry, you must do before you can) vote for
Granted, it's another website, but, hey, it's all about Elijah!!!
Here's a short note on what you must do:
Firstly, click on register and fill in the form as best as you can (it's
really not that hard). Most important, fill in a valid e-mail address
for your password! Then click on 'wählen' (i.e. 'vote'), and select
www.elijah-wood.com. Finally, on the "are you sure" screen, press on
'wählen' again. That's it. BTW., you can vote once per week, so...
vote, vote, vote ;-)
Thanks Jochen!
November 15, 2002 |
:: Just a relatively quick update..
:: Danielle sent me 4 really cool TTT pictures...
Thanks Danielle!
:: Another good quality
[picture] from Hany..
Cool, thanks!
:: Anna sent me a cute picture [here] :)
:: Maggie really kindly scanned these pictures for us...
[Scan 1]
[Scan 2]
[Scan 3]
Thankyou so much Maggie!
:: Some pictures i've found..
:: And.. courtesy of TORn
the [cover] of UK mag
"Widescreen Magazine" on which Elijah appears on the
cover and there's tons of TTT stuff in there!
:: Some
from the "Another brick in the wall" clip from The Faculty
it has quite a few rare ones with lij in there! and also.. some
you to enjoy!
Thanks Uta! :)
November 18, 2002 |
:: First of all, let me just say a *HUGE* thankyou to Johanna for
sending me those trading cards! You are the best girl! *hugs*
:: So is everyone enjoying the extended DVD??? :) For those of you
who don't have it yet, here are
some clips
to keep you busy :) Check out the Green Dragon one!! That is so
cute! And Aragorn singing! :) so cute
:: Lij in Spandex???
Could it be? Lol... now this seems to be confusing everyone, is
this Elijah or Andy Serkis?
:: A cool interview sent to us by Ari
from The Face Magazine:) Might be fun to read... just for
'shits and giggles' :) Make it your phrase for the day
:: hehe, a pretty
funny clip
from lordoftherings.net of the hobbits talking about Sean's
scale double :) Click on Sam and Sam play chess
:: Some
Elijah/Frodo slide shows
Amelia made.
:: Another chance for you to submit something to be sent to Elijah,
this one is being organised by Vik.
Read about it here
:: If you're bored (or looking for a way to pass the time, try
this quest on
you can also win a panasonic home theatre package. Just register
and follow the links to the quest. It kept me busy for a while :)
:: And does anyone have any info on the Sydney Premiere?? I'm dying
to go!! Please send me any info you come across.
November 19, 2002 |
:: Sorry for the lack of updates on my behalf, i've had my end
of year exams/tests this week so i just havn't had the time...
:: Anyway, onto the news..
:: Maggie sent me more pics from TTT :)
And also, she sent me a
from the extended fotr DVD, which I have yet to buy! :)
Thanks Maggie!!
:: Some pictures from Danielle..
:: Some mag info from Kitty...
Cosmo girl the November issue has a Lord of The Rings
promotion. You can win a private screening of the Two Towers
for yourself and 50 friends. The 25 runners up win an exclusive
goodie bag. This competition only applies to UK members only
though. But for us who can't enter the competition there is a
gorgeous Orlando Bloom picture and a small cute picture of
Frodo and Sam too.
Also, something else she sent me...
If you buy a certain Canon printer you get a free Lord of
The Rings activity studio. It has stuff like web links, a quiz,
wallpapers and some kind of profile thing. I'm not sure of the
details or where the promotion is confined to but if you were
getting a new printer it wouldn't hurt to ask. It might have a
load of Frodo wallpapers!
Thanks Kitty!
:: Larka sent me
funny/cute Frodo/Elijah animation -- Turn your speakers on!
:: Some news/gossip from Hobbit Angel..
Elijah was seen at the Jacka**: The Movie premiere...what he
had to say, "These guys are crazy, I love it. I would catch the
show on MTV when I had time, and I would laugh to the point my
sides hurt. The movie was even better, no censorship!"
:: Some news from Veronica..
There are Lord of the Rings Kites available. I found them at
Target. One is smaller and has Gandalf and Frodo, and the other
has Aragorn, Frodo, Gimli, and Legolas on it. They would make
terrible kites, but they make great posters.
:: Thanks Everyone!
November 21, 2002 |
:: Woohoo! I've finally finished school! now more of staying up late
and getting up late, lol :)
:: Danielle scanned an article
from Bliss magazine..
Thanks so much Danielle! and your SO lucky about the premiere
:: For any Aussies out there, Anastasia sends us some news...
I was just writing to tell ya that I was watching C.S.I, and i
saw an add for leathal weapon 3... and at the end of that add
they said that straight after that movie they were going to show
Forever Young! So, the adorable Elijah movie is airing on Channel
9, on saturday the 24th of November at 11pm. I live in Melbourne,
but its most likely this goes for the rest of Australia as
:: Holly sends more news about the LOTR activity studio CD-ROM...
seems that it's available in Aus which is good for me :D
I got it from Harvey Norman for about $40 I think. You can
make cute little bookmarks, calendars and invitations and stuff
like that. The pictures are just the usual ones though: Frodo
with Sting, Frodo with the red Elvish from the ring reflected on
his face, and ones like that. You can also colour in these little
cartoon drawings and print them out. The screensavers are good,
but they run a bit slow for my liking. The web links are
disappointing, only being links to lordoftherings.net and the New
Line web site, as well as some others.
Thanks Holly!
:: Remember those Entertainment Weekly pictures Lucy posted?
and the article that I posted that went with it? Well Maureen
told me that there is an additional tidbit that was only in the
magazine that you might enjoy..
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY November 11, 2002 The Power of Towers, by
Gillian Flynn ...[In 1989, New Line Cinema rejected Peter
Jackson's script for a "Nightmare on Elm Street" sequel.] Had
Jackson's "Nightmare" slinked onto the screen, it seems unlikely
Elijah Wood, 21, would be causing such a stir in Manhattan's
Katz's Delicatessen, the eatery where Harry watched Sally fake the
Big O. Ordering a cup of coffee, Wood is quickly ID'd by a passel
of meat cutters, and is soon amiably signing autographs. A photo
with the owner is next. "I get to be on the wall?" Wood says.
"Wicked!" Flash! goes the camera, and there's spiky-haired,
saucer-eyed Elijah, grinning for eternity behind the steam from
the matzo ball soup. A tiny bird of a woman pronounces him a nice
young man.
:: Moryaveiel sends us an article...
Hobbit's New Year.
:: Candice sent me the link to
site -- it's cool so go check it out! :)
:: And thanks for attempting to scan that The Face article
Becky :)
November 22, 2002 |
:: Hey everyone! First of all let me say a huge HAPPY SWEET 16th
BIRTHDAY to my friend Christina!! And yes you are going
with me to the premiere :P
:: Thankyou so much to Mason Young who sent us the exclusive
scans from the January 2003 issue of ARENA Magazine features
Elijah Wood on the cover, in an exclusive photo shoot and
interview with the actor. It goes on sale on the 29th in England,
so look out for it. But in the meantime, Mason sent some scans
[Scan 1] ...
[Scan 2]
and an exclusive excerpt from the magazine!
"I'm much more recognisable now. It's every time I go out.
But I don't change my life to avoid it. It's all positive."
And does he appreciate one aspect of fame more than the other?
"You get fans of the book, you get school girls, people in their 30s
and 40s". He laughs, but entirely without ego says -
"Attention from women is never ever a bad thing, it's been
Commenting on the tightness of the Wood family (Elijah still lives
with his mum):
"I'm away for such long periods, it's great to come home. I've
been thinking I should go on vacation more, but being on vacation
for me is being at the house.
Keep a look out for that mag!
:: Once again,
The Bag End
Inn has come up with some pics of our favourite man :)
Some pics of Elijah getting into his car:
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
[Pic 4]
[Pic 5]
[Pic 6]
[Pic 7]
[Pic 8]
[Pic 9]
[Pic 10]
Some pics of Elijah at a cafe:
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
[Pic 4]
[Pic 5]
[Pic 6]
[Pic 7]
[Pic 8]
[Pic 9]
[Pic 10]
:: Some
about the Two Towers premiere. Thanks Manuela!
:: Audio clips
from The Two Towers. Thanks Lou!!
:: Mary sends some scans of the TTT article in UK Sunday Express:
[Scan 1]
[Scan 2]
and the article thanks to theonering.net:
[1] ...
[2] ...
A Short excerpt of what Elijah thinks of TTT:
"Yeah they'll hate him for what he does to Sam," he says.
"But they'll probably pity both of them, too. It's such a sad
thing. Sam really picks up the slack because Frodo physically can't
do anything, he just collapses. And there is this amazing scene where
Sam picks up Frodo and Frodo is essentially dying and he says to Frodo,
"I can't carry the Ring, but I can carry you." It brings me
to tears every time I see it. It just gets very sad. I've seen bits of
film three, there is a rough edit, but I haven't seen the whole thing.
But I think it is going to be the best movie."
November 22, 2002 |
:: Just a quick update to show you all these new pics i found!
:: These pics are from the 'Rock the SIMS online launch party'
-- and they are only thumbnails unfortunately because they are
from Wireimage, so anyone with access to the larger versions,
Please send them along! (and the girl in the pictures is Bijou
Phillips if you wondered) :)
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
[Pic 4]
:: Well while i'm here updating, Justine sent me an article --
Free Music Says Wood
Thanks Justine!
November 23, 2002 |
:: I have the bigger verions of those Sims Online Launch
Party pics:
[pic 1]
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
[pic 4]
[pic 5]
[pic 6]
[pic 7]
[pic 8]
[pic 9]
:: And my brother bought me the
extended DVD yesterday...
I've been watching it all morning and WOW! It's fantastic!
I love the cast commentaries, they're so cool!
November 24, 2002 |
:: Hey Everyone!
:: Sandy sent me some pictures from the UK magazine Movie Idols..
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
Thanks Sandy!
:: Mary sent me some TTT pictures from the UK magazine Starburst
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
[Pic 3]
:: And a Picture I came across..
:: Some gossip from E! Online..
Lord of the Cha-Ching
Thanks to Hobbit Angel, Maureen and steff for that!
:: Wow! People in the UK, you are so lucky! you can actually purchase
LOTR bedding! -- check it out
(wouldnt mind that Frodo & The One Ring set :p) and also
Thanks so much to Holly for showing me those! :)
:: Heidi sends some interesting news..
Tonight, I was watching TV, just flipping the channels, and I
stopped it on Wheel of Fortune for some reason (maybe my "inner
Elijah sense" warned me to stop...no j/k) but anyway, these two
girls were on the last puzzle, you know, the one where RSTLNE are
already picked. It was Teen Best Friends week I guess, so they
were in it together. Well, they picked the letters H, D, M, and
O. The puzzle came out looking like "EL_ _ _H _OOD." I didn't
know the answer, but I probably should have, when I heard them
both scream "ELIJAH WOOD!" My stomach jumped to my throat when I
heard his name! Lol, well I thought that was pretty cool...and
they won $25,000 off it...
:: Also.. Veronica would like people to email her with any Elijah
quotes you know of -- email
November 26, 2002 |
:: Hey Everyone!
:: Vote for lij! there's a battle between Elijah and Orlando
and so far I think it's a draw..
:: Also on YM is an interview with Elijah --
The Mysterious Mr. Wood.
:: And 2 pictures posted on the YM site...
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2] -- thanks to
Bagendinn for those!
And thankyou so much to everyone that sent that in! :)
:: Also... the other day, I mentioned
Veronica wanted people
to send her quotes? well she wants quotes from fans, but please don't send
some like 'Elijah is hot' cause she needs them for a project..
:: Other news from Veronica.. she sent me a
tv schedule
for the United Statesyou'll notice it has the times and dates for
which the two towers specials will be airing..
Thanks to Alyssa for that as well.
:: For anyone with BravoTV - Capotica sends me
which shows that they are airing a lord of the rings special showing how it
was created.
:: For anyone with the Extended DVD- Elbereth sends some news!
I know a lot of people don't know this, and I'm sure they'd like to know
that a preview of The Two Towers trailer is included (but hidden) on the
extended DVD. To find it, on disc two of the movie go to Select a Scene and
click on #48 (don't actually play the fan club credits). The screen should
kind of change, and when you go back to the list of numbers on the right,
go down one past #48 and there should be a red tower at the bottom of the
:: I was browsing on the net last night and discovered a site which had a very
small Ash Wednesday
- i know, i know, it's tiny- but hey it's better then nothing :) ..
:: Mrs Wood tells me.. New Zealand has issued a series of TTT stamps
with elijah on the $1.50 stamp. - you can view all the stamps
or just the Frodo one here.
:: Malli sent me a this scan from the German
magazine Yam - it's written in German but she translated it -- it's
an old scan as well, before he went out with Franka..
Yam!: Elijah, now we wanna know: Do you have a girlfriend?
Elijah: I have a lot of girl friends!
Ok, but isn't there someone special, THE girlfriend?
Elijah: No, I have no girlfriend at the moment. There are some nice
girls I go out with. But there was no "crush" yet with one
of them! Besides of that I don't have the time for a close relation
now. And being there for the other, when he needs you is very, very
important for me. "Half things" only hurt- or you don't
just let them get so close to you from the start. In both cases,
it's better to let it be!
You've already been in showbiz as a teenager and you've been very
busy all the time. Have you always been living after this philosophy?
Elijah: No, I realized this attitude only in last time. I thought a
lot about faith, love and standing too each other. The reconciliation
with my father opened my eyes. I see a lot of thing different now-
more clearly, fairly, maturely.
Did you have a lot of girls yet?
Elijah: Do you perhaps think I'm keeping all my dates in a book? I'm
really not that type of guy!
Of course not! But would you say you've got a lot of experience?
Elijah: What's a lot? Of course I've "had breakfast" with
some girls!
:: Lizzy sends some cool news!
this isn't really news... but my friend's friend goes to UCIrvine and she
says that the whole campus is made and named after The Lord of the Rings.
Example- the doors are circle and your dorm could be named Hobbiton, the Shire,
etc. Wouldn't it be weird to say that you lived in Mordor? Haha. Anyway, that
was just for the LOTR/Elijah fans.
:: Also... visit Hanne's cool
Elijah site :)
November 28, 2002 |
:: Hey Everyone! just a very quick update to show you all these brand new
pictures Danielle sent to me, which are from YM magazine!
[Picture 1]
[Picture 2]
[Picture 3]
[Picture 4]
my god! :p Thankyou so much Danielle :) :)
:: And.. from
Bagendinn - a
of 'Elijah's Surf Scrapbook', gotta love picture number 3 :p
November 30, 2002 |
:: OMG! How freaky is this?? There is a God because your prayers have
worked! (sort of!) Look what Dee [Dorothy] sent me today:
Just wanted to inform you guys, in case you wanted to know. I
had another surgery last week, and according to the doctors it was
a wonder I'm feeling better now, and that part of the tumour is
gone now. So they're going to try chemo therapy on me, and look
how I react to it. Which means I still have a chance to at least
see one last Christmas, and with some luck and blessings I could
even survive it. So, I'm still a bit weak and weary but, happy at
heart. My prayers have been answered!
OMG! *jumps up and down* How fantastic is that? Thankyou so much
for everyone's support,
Hmmm... let's see... awards night on tuesday, end of year 10 on
Wednesday, graduation on friday, maths tests on the 9th and the
11th... then, after that i'll have time to update more often. So
please quit bugging me... go bug Autumn, lol ;)
:: But i'm in a good mood today, so i'll update. Also i added some
more galleries into the recent pics section, so check that out.
We won an award in the
ring awards.
Which is weird because i don't even remember entering. Thanks!!
:: Two new pics from the Sims Party sent to me by Pamela.
[Pic 1]
[Pic 2]
Thanks girl!
:: Heaps of high quality gorgeous scans from 2 magazines. I've put
them all on
this page,
and from now on i'll put new magazine scans on this page instead of
shoving them all into an update. I just posted the pics, not the
article :) If the page is unavailable please e-mail me, i don't
know how much bandwidth i have on that account.
:: Evie writes:
Elijah Wood will be chatting 'live' on AOL on Dec 11 at 6 pm ET.
You need AOL instant messenger to participate.
:: E.B writes:
hi i got the UK edition of widescreen mag and it lij says this:
W.S we wouldn't worry too much the sideburns and beard are very hip...
E.W: Really? i don't really pay much attention to what is hip and
what is not. i wouldn't call this a beard. It's more of an attempt
to grow one. And i am thinking of shaving all my head hair off, its
bugging me too much.
:: Shaving all his hair off? *gasp*
:: Scans
from Empire Magazine thanks to the
:: Want the latest TTT scans and info? Check out the
TTT page
:: Still want tickets to the TTT premiere?
Well check this out
- Yikes! Thanks Cory!