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October 2001 News
Updates: |
Sunday, 14 October 2001 |
:: Wondering where Lij, the other hobbits and Orlando Bloom
got their tattoo? Well Apparantly Elle Magazine
published an article which said that they got a tattoo
on their right wrists in elvish which says "The Nine".
But this hasn't been confirmed, yet...
Wednesday, 17 October 2001 |
:: Wow, i haven't updated in a while but lots has been
happening. Firstly i became a member of EWWAP (Elijah Wood
Webmaster Affiliate Program) which is great cause now if
you go to links you can check out other Elijah Wood sites.
So go there now.
:: And now i'm really confused about
accusing me of copying their site. So PLEASE if you can help
me figure out what i am meant to have copied, please
e-mail me and tell me. Cause last
time i checked, Elijah's info is meant to be the same. But
thanks to
for linking to my site because i got over 200 page views
just from that link :) THANKS!!
:: And i won't be updating this weekend cause i won't be able
to get on the net. :( sorry
Tuesday, 23 October 2001 |
:: Hey everyone! Well i'm back and i have some pics for you.
First of all,
a cute comic which is part of a series about waiting for
the LOTR movie which i saw a while ago (but couldn't be
bothered posting).
:: Also The Faculty is on in Australia on Saturday so watch
it everyone!! :)
:: There is a poll at theonering.net while asks whose
autograph you would be most happiest to get, and Elijah
is coming 5th!! :( So
vote here
and support him!
Saturday, 27 October 2001 |
:: People have been e-mailing me asking me to get a guestbook,
so i just made one. The link is on the bottom of the page.
So please sign it because i love to hear your opinions or
news you have on Elijah.
:: Also thankyou to everyone who has been voting for this site
at the link at the bottom of the page, then rating this site
because we are coming 1st!! So keep it up :)
:: Also heaps of new pictures have been added to the
so check it out.
Sunday, 28 |
:: Wow, it's already been a month since i started my site.
Happy Birthday to my Elijah Wood Site!! hehe
:: Anyway, how would you like to carry Lij around in ur
wallet all the time? Well soon you'll be able to buy
some LOTR phone cards with Elijah on them. Here are the
1 and
:: Also, lots of TLOTR cards will be coming out soon, and
they look sooooooooo good, i can't wait to start
collecting them. You can see some of them
Wednesday, 31 October 2001 |
:: Lots of new pictures have been released from
A pic of
Frodo and Sam at Weathertop,
at the Prancing Pony,
in Rivendell
:: 2 new books are coming out on 6 November -
"The Fellowship of the Ring Visual Companion"
(lots of pictures of Frodo) and
"The Lord of the Rings official movie guide"
click on the titles to learn more about them.
:: The LOTR trading card game will be released on the 6th
November. So keep an eye out for that. It'll have heaps of
Frodo cards :)
:: An article has also been released which has some Elijah
pics, unfortunately it is in Spanish (or something similar).
Check it out
:: Thanks to
for most of this news! :)