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On Monday 6th, we made our way down to Milton Keynes, we left at 7am, in order to get there about 10-11am ish! We had a very long boring traffic congested trip, which took 4.5 hours! (although i did read a good chuck of return of the king ) so we finally got there at about 11ish, and surprizingly ended up parking almost outside the right area!

We walked in and had to ask someone where they were signing, and she pointed us in the right direction! We walked down and managed to get the almost last ones out of 1000, no.s 988-993!! We were pretty dissapointed coming all this way and moped around for 3 hrs, absoloutly nothing to do, and eventually ended up back down by the signing area around 2ish. We found a lady and started talking to her (about early 20's i would think!) neway she had numbers. 513 for dom and 593 for elijah (i woz so jealous lol!) neway, i kept my fingers crossed that hed get to a thousand by the end of the day, cleching my lucky (i like to think its lucky) burgerking frodo toy, and then a man just happened to walk up (seriously) and he asked me why i was crossing my fingers, i said i had no 988 for elijah, and i was so desperate to see him, so he said, "well im not that bothered, whats say i swop u my earlier 918 ticket for elijah, and hey u can have a free sean one too!!!" i was like WOW!

so anyway that made me feel a bit better, my sister went and met sean and got a personalised autograph! when we came back around it was elijahs break, he came out right were we were standing (SO CLOSE!) and my mum got this amazing pic with his trade-mark "rock-on sign" and his gorg beige jacket! we walked back to meet avril again, and she was getting worried, he was only on about 400 by 3:30pm (after he's got back) and she had to go at 4pm! At 3:45pm she gave up claiming she'd have to wait 10mins queing neway AND GAVE US HER TICKETS!!!!! i just leapt on her repeatedly saying thankyou! lol, she really was the savior!

Neway, my brother had doms ticket, and not long after she'd left he went in! we watched from the window as dom gave him an armwrestle! and joe won! (hes only 7 bless!) and joe happened to be wearing his best flame shirt, and dom exclaimed "mate! your shirts on fire!!!!!" as he walked out, but my brother just laughed and walked out like the collest kid on the street! Neway, we ran back in and there was a rumour that there was now no que to see sean/andy, so we ran round and joined the end of the line, and had our pix taken with him! Then we walked back round and it was finally my turn to see elijah after 5 hours of waiting! OMG!!!!!!!

i qued up, and surprizingly they let my sister in to catch it all on camera! We got closer and closer until it was my turn, i thought i was in a dream! We both said hi, (OMG!) and he took my pic to sign! I asked if he could put my name on it, but he sed he couldnt as he had so many people to get through! I said dont worry and he handed it back, giving me a huge gorgeous grin...the eyes....the smile....the hair OMG! omg........he is so totally amazing! While my sis got most of it on cam, she yelled out "Hi elijah!" and he hysterically yelled back "HI!" lmao, that woz so cool! I walked out, wanting to run back in, but even though i didn't get my hug, i got that close, talked to him, got a real autograph, AND got a huge grin too! (they wouldn't let us touch him as - what sounds like from other people...ahem...harriet with the coke!)

Anyway, that was definatly the best day of my life, i also bought a frodo and sam boat set for £9 (bargain!) when its like £25 inda shops! Coolness! The only thing was when we walked back to the car to find a £30 parking ticket, we'd forgot to go out and re-do it! oops! thats definalty a day ill never forget, and all my friends pratically screamed in my face when i showed them the vid lol! aaaaaahhhhhhh.......im so lucky!

Thanks Manda!


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