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Elijah Wood shy with women ... but loves breasts

LOS ANGELES (VG) Elijah Wood has grown up under the run as Frodo. He is turning 23 in the next month. But admits that he is a little shy when it comes to women.

- I am very reluctant, I’m not that kind of type, that walks over and starts a conversation if I see someone that I find incredibly attractive in a bar. But the other Hobbits are quite good at that.

How do you then meet women?

- I get presented to them, or it just kind of happens by itself. Then I don’t have any problems with talking.

What I love about women is too many things. Oh man! I love the warmth that they have. I love their femininity. I love the fact that they have breasts. I love breasts, and that they have two of them is amazing! [He laughs enthusiastically]

- You have two hands?

- Right. That is the perfect symmetry. Brilliant!

-- Mostly single
He is mostly single, because he rarely takes the initiative.

- But I am always ready to fall in love, and I prefer to have a relationship rather that going on dates. I am by the way not that good either, when it comes to getting a date. I am waiting for that magic moment when I meet somebody that makes me feel quite special. It sounds ridiculous, I think I am too much of a romantic.

Now the journey is over in «the lord of the rings: return of the king», a production that lasted four years gaining friendships that will last for life.

- Unfortunately I will not come to the Norwegian premiere, but I will miss all the European premieres, and it is the second year in a row that I will not be able to be in London, Elijah says, who will be the host on the popular TV-programme «Saturday Night Live» and must practice the whole week.

-- Growing interest
Now with his worldwide fame after the 3 films, he notes that the interest for his private life has also grown..

- I first noticed it when I was with Franka Potente, because there were suddenly pictures of us in the magazines. But I still think that it is more funny than annoying. .

When he celebrated his sister birthday at a restaurant in New York after he had moved, there were pictures in the papers the day after..

His friends that he had not seen for a while, started to call and complain that they had to read the tabloids to know were he was, and especially when he went to New York without saying anything.

-- Childhood star
He thanks his mother, that he today is a young and comfortable man that has not been ruined by success

- She raised me as a human and not as an actor. The movie business is not easy for a child to grow up in, and I have seen some that have been ruined because they could not tackle some sides of success, says Elijah, who has loved to travel and meet new people since he was a little boy.

But the life as a child star was not without renunciations.

- I had home school, and that was difficult because I wanted more friends, but I didn’t have a forum where I could meet them.

Today he is just thankful that he can continue with filming, and after «the lord of the rings» he gets a lots of offers.

-Translated by Kinnda. [Original Interview]

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