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Birthday Greeting 2017


[uh-kwair-e-es-man] n.

A friend of friends, an Aquarius man is the most social, gregarious and friendly out of all the zodiacs. He is the kind who would make friends wherever he goes and whomever he is with. Selfishness is not one of his personality traits and he does not like small-mindedness. Men born under this zodiac naturally have a penchant to get the details of everything going on around him. They are constantly analyzing and scrutinizing things and like to be in the loop all the time. Another prominent trait of an Aquarius man is his love for creativity. Aquarius men are bowled over and have a soft corner for innovativeness and ingenuity. He is talented, idealistic and humane, sticking strongly to his beliefs and guarding his ideals with his life. His mission is not to irritate anyone around him, but to set them free of their prejudice and superficial rules of behavior.

Just stating the facts! Happy Birthday Elijah!

**Long Time Fan

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