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Birthday Greetings 2010

Two Decades

29 Years,
1,513 Weeks,
10,592 Days,
254,208 Hours,
15,252,480 Minutes

It all adds up to a lifetime of joy you've given to the world, and every single moment has not been wasted. Keep them coming Elijah. The best is yet to come.

Happy Birthday!

**From, Deenan


A Special Year

Thought about Elijah's 29th birthday and arrived at the conclusion that a birthday with a 9 at the end is often an underrated one, cause one year later is a big anniversary.

But the 9 at the end tells us that there is only one year in a decade which will be past tense soon and if you wanted to do some things in this, which are not done till now, then hurry up.

But many things can also be done when a 3 is in front and therefore it's no cause for worry in this special year.

You can eat pizza when you are 30, 40, ... 100. This also applies for reading books ... but having a 2 in front is only still this year.

Therefore I wish you: Enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it.

**From, Grisu




Even though I don't know if you're goin' to read this someday, I "dared" to write to let you know how much I appreciate U, 'cuz you are very attentive (considerate), sensitive, comprehensive (specially with the girls, just like only few men who know how to treat well women) you're so cute, tender, incomparable, and humble (down-to-earth), and that's why I'm proud that you're my favorite actor! Guys like you, are very hard to find. I'm so glad & thankful of your existence. This is one of my special days, just like my B'day (& it's my Twin's birthday, too) (that's on Dec.23). I hope to meet you someday and say congratulations! & wish you happy birthday personally. God bless U in all the ways & in every aspect of your life, 'cuz U deserve it. And blessings to your Adorable Family too!

Always wishin' da best for U, that all your dreams & goals come true, now & 4Ever.


W/respect & affection,

**From, Mindy Ann - Reynosa, Tamps, México


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